Fresh faces.

Caleb Mintkin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
This day is going so slow, Caleb thought to himself. He hadn't even been up for very long, and he had already got bored of the day. He sluffed his feet across the floor and walked with his head down and his hood up. when he suddenly felt something knock his arm, when he realised it was a person! "Oh, Im sorry... uh..."
Hope had her hood up and had left her guitar at home when she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry" she mumbled pushing the hood down.
"Oh, um, no, my bad, im sorry." Noticing the girl stood in front of him he straitened up and pulled out a smile from his drearyness. He had not expected to see anyone out in the horrible weather. It was dull and cold, reflecting Caleb's mood exactly. But he didn't like being hostile to people, espesially not people who he has just met! "You alright? I'm sorry I nocked into you so hard. Away in my onw little worls there, I was!"
Hope smiled, "i know how that is i don't pay attintion when i'm in the music world of my mind" she said, as she held out her hand. "i'm Hope and you are?" she asked.
"Oh, hia, I'm Caleb. You shore your ok?" shacking the girls hand.
"Oh, hia, I'm Caleb. You shore your ok?" shacking the girls hand.
(Hey Ash. Chalky said I could join.)

Lily walked along the street and groaned when she saw two people she really didn't want to. "Great. It's you two." She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the two people. She hadn't met one for very long but her brother had told her some bad stuff about her.
Hope just felt her color drain she was back as she had haunted her nightmare. "yeah um i have to go" she said, pulling her hood up and wanting to run.
Caleb chuckled to himself, he felt as if the tension between these two girls could be cut with a knife! "HEYY IT'S LILLY!" Blatenly trying to annoy her sarcastically! "Fancie seeing you again!" :D
"Well if its only freaks that aren't allowed to call you Lily, then I must be fine!" Feeling rather smug about his comment, and smiling evily, again. But then he noticed the other girls reaction to Lily, "hummm..." looking from one to the other, "so uh, you to know eachother then?" seeing as they didn't look like the best friends, "Shall I go and leave you two alone then" :shifty: HA! Caleb thought, not really going to leave!
Lily frowned at the boy. "How can you not see that you're a freak. Look at what you're wearing for starters." Lily was a major fashion addict and would happily hate anyone who thought otherwise. There were acceptions but most people had no chance. "Yeah. Leave. Then I don't have to see your ugly face." She glared at him.
"Hey, whats wrong with what I'm wearing?!" Caleb was in his Black skinny jeans, White T, red hoodie and converses, and saw nothing wrong with it. "Well you know it takes one to know one, don't you?" bad comeback Caleb, his head told him too late. "On second thoughts, why should I be the one to leave? I'm not going anywhere!" folding his arms and looking stuborn! :correct:
"How can you not see what's wrong with what you're wearing. For starters, skinny jeans just make you look gay. I wouldn't put it past you though." She grinned smugly at him. "No. It doesn't. It just takes someone with eyes to notice that you're behaving like a ret@rd." Lily loved taking the mik out of people that she didn't like. "You should be the one to leave because I am obviously your superior." She glared at him and copied him by folding her arms across her chest.
Hope felt sorry for him. "you look fine" she said, smiling at him more better and wishing the other girl would just dissapper.
"Yeah see! Shes being nice! And besides, how can I be gay when I have a girl friend?" Being cocky as ever, he lent forward at Lily, as Caleb was about a foot taller than her. "and why on earth would YOU be MY supirior, little girl?! As I am the taller, stronger, I have beter taste in fasion, and a blatenly wonderful personality!" Caleb was a bit stuck up, and not at all modist!
"I feel sorry for the pure girl who's got herself stuck with you." She she glared at him as he leant towards her. "I am obviously your superior because unlike me, you have no taste for fashion and a horrible personality. Just bcause you're taller and stonger than me, doesn't make you my superior. My mind is better than yours. I know loads more than most people my age." Lily hated people who thought they were better than her just because they were taller or stronger. What did strength prove when you had a wand??
Lily's glaring made Caleb laugh, "You look like a todler just about to have a paddy! you'll be rolling aroud on the floor crying in a minuet! Haha" :D He was unbelivably pleased with himself for this remark, "Wheres your mommy Lily? Do you want me to find her for you?" talking in a tone even a one year old would find patronising! :p
Lily's glare turned to ice. Usually, this sort of thing would have just gone straight over Lily's head and she wouldn't care that the person had said it because she was so close to her mum. Now, on the other hand, Lily's mum was one of the people she wanted to see the least. They weren't exactly the best of familys at the moment and part of it was Lily's fault.
Lily couldn't handle his comment today so she chose her best option-she slapped him. "Don't say a word about my family or I'll make sure the nextone hurts more."
Caleb's head swung to the right and his face burned. How the hell could the next one hurt more than that? He thought to himself. "Now now, no need to get violent about it. Mommy wont be pleased!" Ok, maybe that was going a bit too far, but it just kinda slipped out ;). he stepped backward, just in case Lily lashed out again.
Lily grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and shoved him against the wall. "Don't even try it!!" Lily didn't realise she had so much strength. "It's not possible for my mum to get any less pleased with me at the moment so don't bring her up." This was her warning. Next was the punishment for if he didn't listen to the warning.
Right, thats it! Its one thing to slap him, but Caleb took this as going waay too far! He grabbed the girl by the top of her arms and turned her around so that she was where he had been. "Now you listen to me, It doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you dont go this far, its just not nice!" He glared into the girls face as if he were telling off a misbehaving child. "Now, I'm sorry for what I said, but you gotta calm down skrew your head on strait kid, 'cus your goin' waay to far!"
"You think I'm going way too far?!" Lily couldn't keep her anger down. "You try having a father who expects the best fromou and flips if you don't show him what he wants!! You try being punched eveytime you do smething sligtly wrong!! You try living in my house!!" Lilz still couldn't believe how much hr dad had changed in the past few months.
Caleb had no idea that this girl, who had seemed happy the last time he saw her, had it so tough at home. He felt a sudden strong pang of guilt in his gut and loosened his grip on her. "I... I'm sorry... I... don't know what to say..." The usuall quirky, witty, obnoctiouse and anoing Caleb seemed a distant figure. He thought of how his uncle Peter (who he lives with) treated him, how he had never seen him smile, or heard a kind word directed at anyone, espesially not Caleb. "You know your not the only one who has it tough kid, I haven't been in my..."thinking of what to call him "my guardian's good books since the day I moved in with him! You see this bruise?" pointing at the left side of his jaw bone, "Thats from having a hard back dictionary swung at my face!" Caleb hadn't ever told anyone about this before, and he'd not truly thought about it himself really, he just got used to the fact that it happens.
Lily was struggling to hold back the tears which were forming in her eyes. "I only wish I was being hit with dictionarys." Lily lifted up the bottom of her top to show a deep cut that ran along her stomach. "Last night my dad came at me with a knife when he found out I have a boyfriend." Lily thought about Jasper. "My cousin has ended up secluded to his bed for three weeks because he got his girlfriend pregnant. He can't move because it causes him so much pain." Lily hated the way her dad had suddenly changed for absolutely no reason at all. It was like he had spent too much of his life being kind to people and his body couldn't cope with it so he ws letting out all of what had been held inside him. "The difference is that I used to look up to my dad and now I can't because he's turned into a monster." Lily leant against the wall and felt a tear fall down her cheek. She couldn't hold it in any longer.
Caleb's head was swelling, he could feel his pulse pounding through his neck, and he couldn't hear for all of the thoughts and emotions running through his head. He saw the tear running down Lily's face and a serge of anger hit Caleb in the chest like a lead baloon. He didn't know what to do, before this he had thought that Lily wasn't, shall we say... the most pleasent of people, after their introduction at obsidian harbor, but now... now he didn't know what to think. "Jesus Christ girl!!!" once again taking up his grip around her arms and looking her strait in the eyes, "Listen to me, and listen proper! You have GOT to tell someone about this! If this is what hes capable of then whos to say he couldn't do more? who's to say that next time he gets angry at someone that they wouldn't end up dead!?" He was shacking so hard, he knew that Lily could probably tell, no matter how hard he tried to keep his emotions under control.

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