Fresh air

Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
It had certainly been a while since Mark had come out properly like he was doing today. With work being as busy as ever it seemed to take up all his time. It was such a change to his life compared to only just a year ago when he was living with his family with no job and having all the time in the world to do what ever he wanted to. Now it seemed he had no social life outside of ork and he only ever saw his family on rare occasions. Even Logan was away at school most of the time so it was a pretty lonely life he had moved up in to. But at least it was money in his posket and after all he had been able to buy a house in France. Something he had wanted to do for a while, move away somewhere and start again. He had all too many bad memories in New Zealand, and other places but he didn;t want to think about them days any more. He was enjoying todoay, a shopping day to look for new clothes which he really did need seeing as he had been putting that little shopping trip on hold for like ever.

Walking out of a shop with a few bags in his hands Mark decided that that was more than enough shopping for him right now and he went over to the cafe next door for a well earned cup of coffee, something the French made rather well he had found out quite recently. As he sat down at a small table once he made his order Mark put the bags on the floor and picked up the menu, maybe something to eat was a good idea. Then again food was always a good idea to Mark. While he waited for his drink he scanned over the choices of food wondering what to get.
Sola sat a table,alone, enjoying her chocolatine and a cup of nearly black coffee. She had a book propped up against the bottle of sugar that was there, and every few moments she would lift a finger, turn the page and then reach for her tea. She'd found this tiny cafe a few weeks ago when she'd decided to apparate out of New Zealand for the day. It was fairly comical, to Sola anyway, that she worked in a food place and also chose to go to one on her day off. Still, it was a pretty darn good cup of tea and the pastries in the place were to die for.

As Sola reached a finger to turn the page of her book, the balance of where the bottle and the book met was disrupted and the book banged onto the table, shutting itself. Sola looked around, wondering if she'd scared anyone with the noise as she reached over to try and search for her page so she could bookmark it. As she was doing so, she noticed a man sitting at the table in front of hers. He had a bunch of bags, so Sola assumed he was a tourist. She looked down at her book once more, searching for page 115, which is where she believed she had been before the book fell. "You should order the eclairs. They're amazing" she said, loudly enough that she could be heard at the next table, without looking up.

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