Fresh Air and New Friends

Avery Marshall

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Avery Marshall for some reason was glad that their summer break was over and she was back at Hogwarts. After getting to Hogwarts and being around all these people the entire year long it had felt weird to be back at home where things were mostly silent and quiet. Her mother had been trying her best to find a job in time Avery had been at Hogwarts, but she didn't have any luck at that yet which caused her to get a bit frustrated from time to time. She was gone a lot as well and Avery didn't even remember half of the things she went to. Whenever her mother was home she would spend all of her time with her daughter though, but Avery could notice her mother being more tired than she used to be, and she didn't blame her. However being back at Hogwarts felt good and as classes hadn't started yet the Slytherin girl had to find something to pass the time untill they would, so she decided to head outside.

It wasn't too cold outside and without thinking of where she was going to go the girl wandered around the grounds of the castle and soon found herself walking towards the lake. It was one of the few spots outside she hadn't been to a lot and Avery felt like this was the perfect time to just sit around and watch the movements of the water for a while in silence. The girl searched for a spot a bit away from the other students around the lake and sat herself down to the water. It was funny how she had hated silence back at home, but how it was one of the things she enjoyed whilst being at Hogwarts. The school was loud and sitting in peace like this from time to time did the girl good, at least as long as no one interrupted her.
Felix was thrilled to be back at Hogwarts, as he was every time he returned after the holidays. It wasn't that the young Ravenclaw disliked being at home, he just much preferred the company of his fellow students and was glad to be away from the constant reminders that Felix had broken the family tradition of being in Hufflepuff. Felix had never known anyone to take so much pride in Hufflepuff house. With classes yet to start Felix had a lot of time to spend outside the castle. He loved the grounds and he had ever since his first year, they were by far the best part of the school. His favourite place on the grounds to visit was the lake. On a warm summers day the edges of the lake front would be packed with students, reading, talking, frolicking in the lake. Of course it wasn't summer, it was winter but winter in New Zealand was nothing to be sniffed at. It was still a warm day, warm enough for Felix to leave his coat in the dorms.

Felix didn't know what to expect when he got to the lake but he didn't expect it to be deserted. That is however, it appeared when he arrived. The lake itself was still and calm and as Felix got closer to the lake he saw that it wasn't as empty as he first thought. There were pockets of students dotted around, he had originally headed out to the lake to enjoy some peace and quiet, something he didn't get at home but since he was out among his peers he thought he would look out for a familiar face. That was when it struck him, he didn't actually know that many people. He then spotted a girl sitting on her own quite cut off from the rest of the students and he could relate to what she was trying to do. He decided that he would go over to her but he wouldn't engage her in conversation against her will he would just try and find some peace. Felix sat a short distance from the girl and called over to her, "I won't bother you, I'm just trying to sit somewhere away from the rabble," He said motioning over his shoulder to the rest of the students around the lake.
After sitting at the side of the lake for some time in complete silence Avery Marshall had to admit that it didn't feel like it did last year. She used to mostly only sit outside alone last year after she was finished doing a lot of her work, to just try and relax for a moment. This wasn't the same. Classes hadn't started yet and there wasn't a lot to worry about so sitting alone at this very moment started to feel a lot like the times she had been alone during the holliday. It wasn't as nice as she thought it would be. Letting out a small sigh the second year Slytherin turned her head to the side and focussed her gaze on several small groups of students spread across the lakefront. They seemed to have fun, or at least they looked like they actually had something to do.

Avery started thinking about whether she was going to stay seated as she was, or get up and try to look or some people to have a chat with, to try and make some new friends. She had made a few friends in her first year, but the girl knew deep inside that she could use some more. A sudden voice woke the twelve year old up from her thoughts and she looked around to see who it belonged to. A boy who looked to be around her age, but was perhaps a bit older, sat himself down a short distance from her and told her he wouldn't bother her. "It's okay," Avery smiled at him as she turned herself around a bit more, so she didn't look rude talkinng to him. "I tried that too, but it's not as calming as it might seem. Get's a bit boring after a while."
At first Felix hadn't paid the girl much attention because he hadn't intended on talking to her, the girl however seemed to have other ideas and turned towards Felix as he sat. She told him she didn't mind being disturbed and even seemed to want to talk, Felix wasn't the type to turn down the chance to make a new friend given that he had made so few already. The girl mentioned that sitting out by the lake just wasn't the same and he knew what she meant. It was great to come and relax out in the lake after an exam or once homework had died down, it was like a reward for getting everything done. "I know what you mean, this is a place to come and relax, the problem if there's nothing to relax from without classes or exams so it's almost like, what's the point you know," Felix sighed looking out at the lake. All the down time was starting to get to him, it was starting to get boring and he wished classes would start soon. "I'm Felix by the way," He added with a smile, finally looking at the girl properly and he realised she was someone he had seen before, she had stood out to him on multiple occasions. She was stunning, the trick was now not to make it obvious. The girl was nice and friendly, if he played his cards right he could come away with a new friend.
Avery smiled at his response to what she said. She had been a bit scared that instead of him bothering her she would be bothering him, he seemed to have come there for some peace and she didn't want to disturb that. He was right though. Normally when she came outside the girl felt some kind of relaxation of being done with work and earning some time to do absolutely nothing. "Exactly!" The second year happily exclaimed to the boys words, but quickly tried to get her cool back again. "I mean, yeah. Right now however there's not much too it, got a bit boring really." She was glad he didn't seem to be bothered by her trying to strike up a conversation, he looked like he was fine with it and at least now she wouldn't be as bored anymore, at least that is if he was actually interested in talking and wasn't feeling like leaving. Another smile appeared on the girls face as he introduced himself. "I'm Avery," She started. The boy seemed friendly enough and Avery wondered if he was in the same year as her, but she didn't think he was. She had seen him around, but never in lessons so she figured he must be one or two years older than she was. There was only one way to figure it out however. "You're not a second year, are you? I mean I've never seen you in any classes." Avery smiled, ready for an answer.​
From her question Felix deduced that she herself was a second year. You wouldn't know to look at her, she looked young of course but he would have guessed third normally of course if she was a third year he would have seen her in class and she had a fave that he would have remembered seeing in class. "Avery, that's nice you don't get a lot of Avery's, it's nice to meet you and no I'm not a second year, sadly," He smiled not entirely sure what he meant by that. "I'm third year, Ravenclaw for my sins," Mentioning his own house made Felix curious to what house she was in. Hufflepuff? Maybe, Gryffindor? Difficult to tell. The suspense was killing him.
The girl started to pluck the grass in front of her as she continued her conversation with the boy, it was something she often did when she sat outside, just to be doing something. A smile appeared on Avery's face as the boy complimented her on her name, she used to question if she liked it when she was younger, but she was stuck with it anyway so she could better be a bit happy with it. Avery nodded as the boy, Felix, told her he wasn't a second year and her thoughts had been confirmed. She didn't have the time to wonder what house he would be in, not that she cared a lot about houses anyways, because he had already added that to his answer. "Ravenclaw," The girl smiled. "Awesome. I myself am a Slytherin."​
Felix had to admit he was a little surprised when the girl revealed herself to be a Slytherin. He didn't know why, he didn't know many but she almost seemed too nice to be in that house, but he was going by reputation which was a little unfair to the people in Slytherin who may be perfectly nice people. "You know I never would have guessed you as Slytherin, don't ask me why I just wouldn't, " He smiled at the girl hoping what he was saying was coming across as a compliment as he intended.

Felix looked around the lake, the small number of students that has populated the edges had no disappeared leaving themselves as the only two out by the lake. It was rare to be alone here and it gave the Ravenclaw an idea. "Avery, I have an idea but hear me out before you shopt it down, we're bored so lets do something crazy, look around, we're alone. So let's go for a swim," He grinned at the girl as he looked from her to the lake.
Avery just smiled when the boy, Felix, told her he wouldn't have guessed that she'd be a Slytherin. She had to admit she'd sometimes get a little confused about it as well, but she also was very aware of the fact that she wasn't placed in the house without a reason. The Sorting Hat almost always seemed to get it at the right end after all. However it meant that he seemed to think of her as a friendly person, otherwise he probably wouldn't be so quick to say something like that. After the boy had spoken it had been quiet for a few seconds, but before Avery could think of something to say he already had. "I erm- I don't know about that." Avery frowned when Felix came up with the strange idea of going for a swim. She thought about it for a few seconds, but soon enough came to the conclusion that she was in no possibla way going to enter that lake. "I'd rather not actually." She simply stated and looked at the boy with a bit of curiousity of what he was going to say.

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