Freinds for the Gypsy

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Solstice Eve

Active Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
Okay everyone. Me and Cole are making tow new characters. (She'll probably post here too eventually) They both lived with the same groupe of Gypsys. They both got there letters and went to Durmstrag. (They should be changing my status soon >.<) So I'll probably make Solstice's mom, and I'll have her character development up as soon as they change my status. But in the mean time I need:

Freinds: Boys and Girls who are loyal and like Solstice for who she is. They would have to be okay with her, she can be weird sometimes. She didn't grow up with many kids around so pouplars tend to not like her because of how she acts. But just people that she can hang out with how take her for who she is.

Besties: I would like to have two besties on top of Cole's character. One of each sex if possible but I'm not solid on it has to be like that. These would be like I would take a bullet for you friends. They would probably be very close and stick up for each others differences. You get the point :)

Rivals: Solstice needs a few people how don't like her and are constantly hating on her. I don't care why they don't like her weather it be her heritage or her friends or whatever. They would probably fight and see each other a lot. So just some mean people for here.

Crush/Boyfriend: I would like for her to have maybe a crush or someone who she could go long term with. BUt I'm not looking for a final yet. So I'm pretty fexiable here and am open to ideas.

I think that's it.... So post here or PM me. I'm on all the time basically so I'll get back to you and we can work stuff out. Thanks :)
I have Elise Finnigan, and she's 18. :) I would offer her up as a bestie!
Hey, Annie, Originally, Solstice went to Hogwarts scotland, she didn't go to Durmstrang until she ran away and joined the clan. Just an update =D
Okay thanks Cole I read your bio :)

Caysi: That sounds good. Do you want to start something so they can meet or should I?
Okay I might be a bit tho... At the moment I'm at a house with dial up :(
Okay I might be a bit tho... At the moment I'm at a house with dial up :(
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