Fourth Years, Lesson One

Gabrielle watched as the students took their seats. They were always a bit slow in getting started for the new year, though by fourth year the students were a little better about it. "Good morning, and welcome back! In case you have transferred in, or obtained convenient amnesia, or blocked out third year History of Magic entirely, my name is Gabrielle Moncrieffe and I am your History of Magic professor for one more year." She wished she could keep teaching all the way through to seventh year. She'd probably drink herself to death over it, but she liked her job. Most of the time. "Thank you for sticking with the class and I hope we'll enjoy this last year together. If you're continuing with History of Magic into OWLs and NEWTs, even though I won't be your teacher for it please feel free to reach out to me if you need a hand or have any questions about the materials. Or just want to do some slightly more interesting study that's not on the course." It also went for anyone not continuing, but she suspected those students probably wouldn't want or need to reach out to her anyway.

"Obviously, you all know how to behave yourselves by now so I don't need to remind you of the classroom rules." The fourth years were old enough not to be treated like kids. If they acted up, she'd talk to them, but otherwise she trusted them to be responsible. "What I might need to remind you of is what you've studied so far. There was a lot of lecturing, I know, you might have tuned it out over the holidays." Gabrielle smirked at the students, knowing some of them will have probably forgotten. "You know that for your OWLs you're going to have to go back over first through fifth year work, yes? So, little homework exercise for today..." she started, hearing a couple of groans and looking a little smug. "Yes, yes, it's terrible and you're all suffering so greatly. It's week one. You'll survive. Just write me a short essay on something you've learned in the last three years of History of Magic. Doesn't have to be long, as long as it's accurate. And in your own words, please. But you know that by now." It was in the rules, after all. Plagiarism was frowned upon, not just at Hogwarts, but everywhere. "If you have any questions, or desperately need any reminders, I'll be here for a little while, otherwise, go enjoy the rest of your day."

RP the lesson. Extra credit for a short 'essay' (though honestly 1 or 2 sentences is sufficient) about one thing you've learned in History of Magic so far.
Teddy quickly settled back into his usual seat in the History of Magic classroom, feeling a twinge of sadness knowing that this would be their last year with Professor Moncrieffe. He really liked her teaching style, and the professor for the upper years seemed a bit scary. As he listened to the lesson, he made note to revisit a previous topic for the essay assignment. It seemed straightforward enough to do. At the end of the lesson he packed up his belongings and left the classroom.

In second year we learned alchemy is the study of turning metals into gold, curing diseases, and achieving immortality with the philosophers stone.
Marley was happy to be back at school. She was happy to see her friends again, as well as getting back into the swing of things when it came to lessons. Marley happily made her way to her History of Magic classroom and took a seat in her usual spot. She took out the things she needed for the lesson and placed them on the desk in front of her before moving her full attention towards the professor as the professor got started with the lesson.

Marley listened carefully to what the professor had to say, making quick notes, even though she knew and understood everything. She was a little sad when she realised this would be her last year with the professor, as she liked Professor Moncrieffe. While she wasn't doing OWLs this year, it had made her realise that it wouldn't be long until she was doing them.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley made sure to take note of the essay homework they needed to do. She then quickly packed up her things as well as her area. She says a quick and appreciative thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out of the classroom with her friends and her classmates.

Marley Owens-Lee
History of Magic Homework - Lesson One, Fourth Years

In first year, we learned about different historical features. One historical figure we learnt about was Harry Potter. Harry Potter was born on the year of 1980 and was born in England. He is a historical figure as he is 'The Boy Who Lived'. It is said that he had that title because when he was only a baby a dark wizard named Voldemort tried to give him the killing curse but it was blocked. Harry Potter was a Gryffindor in Hogwarts Scotland and then became an Auror.
Callie walked into the history of magic classroom pretty eagerly. She was very ready for what they would e learning in this semester. She took her spot in the room and looked up at the professor as the woman got started. She had her notes in front of her and began writing down what the professor was saying, sticking to getting down what they would be covering and not the rules, since she knew the rules. The lesson was then wrapped up with a piece of homework and Callie got to work immediately. When she was done she handed the work into the professor and then headed out of the class.
Enoch headed into the history of magic classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced towards the professor as he took out notes and books and placed them down. He didn’t really need them though, that became quickly evident as the professor basically spent the time saying nothing. Perhaps his own enthusiasm for school wouldn’t return because the professors didn’t really engage them well. But then again this was the first week and perhaps he was just expecting way too much from the professors. It wasn’t like he was interested in doing more. He rolled his eyes at the homework they were to do and then headed out the door, intending to work on it elsewhere but more likely to just not work on it at all.
Veronica wasn’t looking forward to returning to history of magic for another year, most of the lessons were so boring the only reprieve was the occasional field trip. Professor Moncrieffe waited for the students to make their way into the classroom and once they were all settled in their seats she began. She wasn’t surprised to learn that it would be the final year which she would be teaching them, she wasn’t sure she’d met the other history of magic teacher and hoped they’d be decent, though she hadn’t yet decided if she would continue the class into O.W.L level. She certainly had no intention of taking the class at N.E.W.T level if she could avoid it.

There wasn’t much need for notes as it was mostly just a welcome back lesson, which Veronica was grateful for. She did however make a note of their homework assignment and once the lesson was over she made her way out of the classroom.

In third year we learned about the celt people, their history and their culture, as well their ancestors the people of the Urnfield culture.
It was weird to be back in class surrounded by those she'd shared lessons with years ago. Sliding into a chair by herself, Ten listened to the professor talk through today's lesson and pondered what it would be like when they had to move to the upper year of classes. Would it really be that much more difficult? Ten had burnt out last year trying to do too many things at once, and the idea of having exams around the corner was more stressful than she was willing to admit she was ready for. At the end of the lesson she left with the rest of the Gryffindors, trailing after a couple she knew but wondering how she was meant to go about fixing friendships with people who may have thought she'd just abandoned them.
Millie was glad to be back in the comfortable and familiar setting of History of Magic. Sad that it would be the last year that Professor Moncrieffe would teach her as she hadn’t seen much of the upper years professor, she hoped that the last semester with the woman would be interesting, fun and something Veronica hated as it would likely mean she loved it. She made her way into the classroom and took her seat and began to take notes but it soon became clear there wasn’t much to note down as it was just an introductory episode. Millie made a note of the homework assignment, to go over something from their previous years and write an essay on it. Once the lesson was over she packed everything away and made her way out of the classroom.

In second year we learned about more historical figures particularly figures involved in the story of King Arthur and Merlin. We specifically learned about Morgan Le Fey, Merlin's half sister and the tales of her villainy.
Dominic was glad to be back for his fourth year. He was mostly excited to play some more quidditch, especially now as he had a guaranteed spot on the team. He knew he had far to go however and so practicing was going to be his top priority, as well as classes of course. The Hufflepuff had his first week of classes for that semester to attend, so he packed everything that he needed before heading to them.

As Dominic entered the History of Magic classroom, he smiled at the professor in greeting before taking his seat. He really liked this professor and was a little disappointed that this would be their last year with her. He wondered why she couldn't just teach all of the years. Was it maybe because she didn't know some of the advanced things? He wasn't sure if this theory was accurate however, as she offered to help them in their senior years should they need it. With a shrug, Dominic just listened as the professor assigned them some homework. Figuring this was easy enough, Dominic thought he would just head straight to the library to complete it at the completion of the lesson.

Dominic Owens-Lee
Hufflepuff Third Year
History of Magic Lesson #1

The Philosopher's Stone

We learnt about the Philosopher's Stone in our second year. It was a ruby red stone that could turn metal into pure gold. The Philosopher's Stone could also create a drink called the Elixir of Life, which when drank, would make the drinker immortal. Alchemists spent many years searching for this stone, and even Lord You-know-who, tried to get his hands onto it, however, the boy who lived, also known as Harry Potter, was able to stop him. Merlin knows what would have happened if he didn't!

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