Fourth Years, Lesson Five

Landon watched his students come in before standing up and beginning the lesson, a smile on his face. "We collected enough pus to fill St. Mungo's and the school nurse's stores! You did a great job! I am impressed." he said happily, proud of their efforts. "Now, we will be pruning Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. It is for St. Mungo's and the school nurse, once again."

Landon paused for a moment, "Abyssinian Shrivelfigs are plants composed of withered stalks. They are used in the Shrinking Solution, anti-aging and aging potions." Professor Carter pointed at the wall to the right of him, "There are potted Abyssinian Shrivelfigs lined up along that wall. Go get one now and bring it back to your tables." Landon already had one sitting on his desk in front of him that he was going to use to demonstrate with. He slipped on his leather gloves and grabbed a pair of pruning shears from the inside of his robe.

"Watch what I do as I speak. Cautiously pick through the limbs, stalks, and leaves, looking for the dead areas to trim off." Landon clipped off a dead area and held it up. "The dead areas are brown. And now, you will twist off the figs, like so." His fingers barely twisted and it popped off the stem. He dropped in into a basket on the table. "Collect those and fill the baskets you have next to you."

Landon put his perfectly trimmed plant to the side and watched the students, to see whether they followed his directions correctly and to answer any questions they had. He was always willing to help anyone that needed it and smiled brightly at some of the students who may have been finding it hard for find dead areas on their plant. After they were done, the man put the baskets to the side and watched them file out after dismissing them.


Homework: RP the lesson. Write a small paragraph about the uses for the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs for extra credit.
Professor Carter was always so happy, so cheerful, and now, so suspicious. As the professor talked about their efforts collecting pus for St Mungos, and now pruning Abyssinian Shrivelfigs, Teddy wondered if the professor had a side hussle going on because surely, he wasn’t just giving all this stuff to St. Mungo's for free! Teddy wondered what he was doing with the gold made from getting students to harvest his plants for him.

He watched the demonstration on how to prune the plants then grabbed his gloves and pruning shears. Teddy snipped away then pulled the fig off with a twist. He collected the figs into his basket, observing Professor Carter when he put all the baskets to one side and dismissed the students. Hmm, yes, suspicious.

Abyssinian Shrivelfigs are primarily used in the brewing of Shrinking Solution. Additionally, figs are used in anti-aging potions and conversely, in aging potions. Their versatile nature makes Abyssinian Shrivelfigs a valuable plant and worth a lot of money to anyone selling harvested figs to healers or potioneers.
Lucy entered the greenhouse, exquisitely glad that they'd be no bubotubers this time round. Instead, they'd be dealing with shrivelfigs. She remembered using them in potions a couple of times, and was intrigued about them. Lucy followed the professor's instructions, getting a potted shrivelfig and watching the professor trim and pluck the fig. Lucy got to work, putting on her gloves and getting the necessary equipment to do the job. It was actually sort of relaxing - she could see why her cousin liked gardening when it was stuff like this. Plucking out the shrivelfigs, she popped them in a basket and when the lesson was over, brought hers over to the professor. Then she went on her way.
Bellamy had not minded working with the bubotubers. Although, that may have been a different story if he had gotten any of the liquid or pus on his skin. That wouldn't have been enjoyable. But that had not happened. Bellamy was fine and quite liking learning about plants that had medical uses. He hoped this theme would continue as the professor had mentioned. He wasn't ready for review and such to start like some professors.

The Ravenclaw boy entered the Herbology Greenhouse. He took his seat in the room looking around to observe. He had to take in every detail. One of those being plants on the edge of the Greenhouse. They were learning about something new. Excited, Bellamy turned his attention to the professor. They started almost right away.

Bellamy collected his Abyssinian Shrivelfig. He watched as the professor trimmed his and then collected the fig. Bellamy made mental notes replying it in his mind before he got started on his own plant. He started by pruning the plant. Making sure to trim off all the brown areas. He was careful not too take off too much. It looked rather good.

Now it was just time to collect the figs. Bellamy grabbed ahold of the fig and twisted it, with enough force. It popped off. Bellamy put the fig into the basket and continued. This was rather relaxing actually. He collected all the figs and filled his basket. Bellamy turned these into the professor before cleaning up his area. He collected all this things and left the Greenhouse. Another useful and educational class. He was on board.
Millie listened attentively to Professor Carter as he praised the class for their previous work collecting pus, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She eagerly moved to the wall to collect her own Abyssinian Shrivelfig, intrigued by the plant’s wrinkled appearance. Following the professor's demonstration closely, she carefully examined the plant in front of her, searching for the brown, dead areas among the stalks and leaves. With her leather gloves on and pruning shears ready, she began to trim away the dead parts, feeling a mix of concentration and satisfaction as she worked.

As she twisted the figs from the plant, Millie found herself enjoying the tactile nature of the task, appreciating the opportunity to help restock the supplies for St. Mungo's and the school nurse. She filled her basket with figs and placed it beside her, checking her plant again to ensure she had pruned everything correctly. Millie glanced up occasionally, noting the supportive atmosphere Professor Carter maintained, his encouragement making the class feel more at ease. When the task was done, she felt proud of the work she'd accomplished, and with a final smile to the professor, she gathered her things and headed out, already looking forward to the next lesson.
Veronica listened as Professor Carter praised them for their efforts in collecting Bubotuber pus, happy with the part she had played. As he introduced the task of pruning Abyssinian Shrivelfigs, she felt eager to continue working with the magical plants. She carefully retrieved a potted Shrivelfig from the line against the wall, placing it on her table. Slipping on her gloves, Veronica observed Professor Carter's demonstration, noting the distinct brown coloration of the dead areas that needed pruning and how easily the figs could be twisted off.

Taking a deep breath, Veronica began examining her own plant, searching for the withered stalks and dead areas. She followed Professor Carter’s instructions, methodically clipping the dead sections and twisting off the figs with care. The work required patience and precision, but Veronica found herself enjoying the process, appreciating the meditative rhythm of the task. By the end of the lesson, her basket was filled with figs and pruned branches, and she felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing their work would once again support St. Mungo's and the school nurse. She filed out of the classroom, feeling pleased with the progress she made and looking forward to the next challenge in Herbology.

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