Fourth year needs a life

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Willow Holland

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Shedua Wood Wand with a string of Thestral tail feather 9 1/2 inch
Ok so I've had Willow in her box for a long time now and I think it's time for her to get some air. She's a Gryffendor (Dua) trasfer from Hogwarts Scotland before that got shut down and Abbey's friend. Willow's a little anti-social because she will be blunt with everything she says. She loves to sing and play the guitare though most of what she sings is dark.

Willow needs:

A few more close friends
Some reguler friends
One or two hard core enemies
and maybe a love life

If anyone is intrested please and thankyou :D
i have elvera, a third year ravenclaw that she could be friends with
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