Fourth Year, Lesson Three

Noel stood beside the door opening of the classroom so he could see how everyone walked in. He wanted to make sure they felt safe in the classroom and it was an difficult and sometimes emotional subject which the fourth years would learn this year. He gave an friendly smile and once everyone was inside he walked to his desk and turned his face to the class. '' Goodmorning everyone.'' He spoke after clearing his throat. He was perhaps even more tense for this lesson than last. Since this curse was used by one of his family members. But all the more reason to learn the students how terrible this was.

'' Today we continue the lessons on Unforgivable Curses. We will be learning about the Cruciatus Curse this time.'' He than leaned to his desk and folded his arms over eachother. '' When the curse is casted succesfully, it will inflict excruciating pain.. on it's victim.'' He couldn't help but let his mind slip to his cousin for an moment, but continued. '' The nature of the curse is dark. To be able to successful cast this spell, you truly need to want inflict excruciating pain on your victim.'' Noel than explained. He hoped no one would even think of this. He had to practice himself a lot to be able to show his students. He saw some faces looking nervous. Ofcourse he wouldn't practice on an student. So he would quickly tell them. '' I told you, that I would be demonstrating all of these curses. So I will show you the Cruciatus Curse today.'' Noel than told them. '' He than pointed to the jar with an cattle tick inside, with his wand. '' That's why I brought this with me today.'' He gave an serious look. The previous professor used this and Noel figured it could do. He didn't enjoyed hurting but he could put his feelings aside in this position. He tilted the jar sideways, giving the tick the opportunity to walk out and onto the table. The creature was so slow after its feast that he didn’t bother to slow it down even further. Instead, he pointed his wand at the little insect and enlarged it by using Engorgio on the tick.

Once the insect was about the size of a large rat, Noel turned towards the students again. ''I will be brief but even then this curse can cause a lot of pain.'' He then raised his wand at the insect once more and said, ''Crucio!'' The tick buckled and writhed in agony. If it had the ability to make noises, the Professor was sure that the classroom would be filled with its cries of pain. It was clear that the insect suffered as it was twisting and straining its eight legs, so once he was sure that the students had taken the curse in, he ended the spell. Thankfully, it was still in one piece after being subjected to the curse.

Noel than sighted and looked at the classroom. ''Unfortunately, causing pain is not the only thing this spell is known for. If the victim of this curse is subjected to it for long periods of time, it can drive said victim into insanity. I imagine that all of you can see now why it is considered an Unforgivable curse?'' The brown haired man told them and made sure to watchd them with an serious look. '' I don't need to remind you to the consequenses if you choose to use them.'' Noel took this seriously. He paused for a moment to cast the shrinking charm on the tick so that he could put it back into the glass jar. '' That is all for today. For next week, please write a detailed essay about the history of the Cruciatus Curse.'' He then dismissed the class and seated himself behind his desk again, making sure to watch how the students left. And to be able to talk about the lesson if needed.

Roleplay the lesson!
For extra credit , write a short essay about the Cruciatus Curse.
To make sure she was doing well around school and had no distractions June spend a lot of time in the library or an place she could study without being interrupted. And people knew they had to leave her alone while her books were open. She was right on schedule and even ahead perhaps. Which gave some time for thoughts. About next year and about spending time with her sister. And how to continue from here. So far the blonde had kept a lot of thing private and only the stuff she wanted people to know they knew. But letting Camille into her life was something else again, although it was for an bigger plan. But somewhere she hoped it was like old times too, but that didn't ment that June forgot the choices she had made.

The blonde made her way to the classroom and found her usual spot in the front. Walking past Noel, and not making too much eyecontact. June knew what they would be talking about today. And she didn't knew exactly how to feel about it. But it was an subject closer to her than it ever had been in this class. She at least made sure she had her parchment to take notes, but how many notes did you have to take when you have seen this spell in front of you. June had been very young, but she could remember it well. At that time it was scary, but it made her who she was today. Ofcourse June would always stay loyal at her father, so whatever Noel would say about the use of this spell. It wouldn't change the way she felt about him. June had her own thoughts about the use of this spell and why her father had done it. She had stayed at her father side, always. June avoided eyecontact with Noel, she didn't felt the need and it felt awkward in a way. She watched the cattle tick, and kept watching when Noel performed the spell. Making her think of the people she wished it too. When he mentioned the consequenses June felt her throat getting dry. Nobody needed to remind her to that. But she figured she should throw rocks later to let out some frustration. When the lesson was done she quickly took her bag and left the room.

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Homework Defence Against The Dark Arts
June Davenport

Cruciatus Curse
The Cruciatus Curse is one of the three unforgivable curses. It's also known as the torture curse. The incantation of this spell is ''Crucio''. The caster can inflict excruciating pain to the victim and if longer and more time used it can result into insanity for the victim and some need to be taken care of in St Mungo's than. The penalty for using this spell is long life sentence to Azkaban. But if there is sufficient evidence that the caster performed it under imperio for example than it's an different story.
Horror Zhefarovich walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. He noticed Professor Waldgrave standing by the door, offering a friendly smile. Horror gave a brief nod in acknowledgment as he entered and took his seat near the back. Today’s lesson promised to be intense, and he prepared himself mentally for what was to come. Professor Waldgrave’s explanation of the Cruciatus Curse and its effects on the victim was clear and precise. Horror felt a slight sense of excitement as he imagined the excruciating pain the curse could inflict. The professor's emphasis on the caster needing a genuine desire to cause pain underscored the curse’s dark nature. Horror's eyes followed as Professor Waldgrave pointed to a jar containing a cattle tick. The professor enlarged the tick to the size of a large rat, preparing it for the demonstration.

The tick convulsed in agony, its legs twitching and writhing. Horror’s expression remained impassive. The sight of the creature's suffering was disturbing, and he could only imagine the horrors inflicted on human victims of this curse. When Professor Waldgrave ended the spell, Horror silently absorbed the gravity of what he had just witnessed. The professor’s reminder of the curse’s ability to drive victims to insanity was interesting, and Horror understood why it was deemed Unforgivable. Horror stood up, his mind already working on how he would approach the essay. He walked out of the classroom. The understanding he gained from them could one day be the difference between life and death, sanity and madness. He walked down the corridor, his mind focused on the task ahead, ready to delve deeper into the dark history of the Cruciatus Curse.
Bailey Walden-Cade sat attentively in Professor Waldgrave's Defence Against the Dark Arts class. She observed quietly as he demonstrated the Cruciatus Curse on an enlarged tick, her expression serious and contemplative. Witnessing the insect writhe in agony under the curse left a sombre impression on her, reinforcing the curse's reputation for inflicting unbearable pain.

Throughout the demonstration, Bailey maintained a respectful silence, absorbing the gravity of Professor Noel's teaching. His seriousness and the personal weight he carried regarding the curse were palpable, making her appreciate the gravity of what they were learning even more.

As the class concluded and Professor Noel assigned homework, Bailey mentally noted the task ahead to delve into the history of the Cruciatus Curse. She felt a responsibility to understand its origins and implications thoroughly, reflecting on the consequences of such dark magic.

Once class was dismissed, Bailey lingered for a moment before approaching Professor Waldgrave with a respectful nod. She wanted to express her appreciation for his instruction on such a difficult subject, understanding its importance despite its unsettling nature.

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