Closed Four Beaters Walk Onto a Pitch

Milo Frogg

I Think I Will Cause Problems On Purpose
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
07/2048 (14)
Milo was thrilled. After Gryffindor's frankly embarrassing defeat in last year's Quidditch cup frankly Raawhiti would have been an idiot not to see the house team needed someone like him on it. Now he just needed to get his body to catch up with all his mental genius and he'd be off the bench and in actual games in no time.

He let out a sigh, finally having dragged the gear trunk out onto the pitch, catching his breath and glancing around to see if anyone else was using it to practice; it would have been nice to have a practice target or two, doubly so if they happened to be any of the other team's seekers. Or Santiago. He wouldn't mind hitting him with a few bludgers.
Audrey didn't own any bludgers of her own - her parents had deemed she was 'not to be trusted' and 'likely to be irresponsible' if she was permitted to set bludgers loose without supervision. So instead, she was making do with some sort of muggle sport ball, one that was looking a little worse for wear. Muscle memory brought her down to the pitch, feeling like she had to adhere to some sort of routine. Toss up, swing, hit. Summon back, repeat. It was, frankly, mind numbing after a while, but at least it was something. Vanity had thought she was strange for doing it, and maybe she was. But Audrey was on the starting lineup of the Ravenclaw team now. So, she was obviously doing something right.

Spotting a familiar figure with a gear trunk, Audrey's blank expression shifted into a wide grin. She didn't know Milo that well, but she thought he was fun, and apparently he must have made the Gryffindor team. That was exciting - it seemed there were a few second years playing for their houses. She tossed the ball in the air, swinging back and launching the ball towards him. "Think fast!" she called, swinging around with the follow through and raising a hand to her forehead to shield her eyes (more as an aesthetic choice than needing to block any sunlight!).
Artemis Vasilakis might have been an alternative beater, but she was still on the team, and she was excited. She also liked the idea of a lot of second years that were also beaters. She knew, and she lurked. And with that alone, she wondered if they would ever be on the pitch at the same time. It was a simple, rather foolish thought, but she would try! It was a nice day, so the Hufflepuff grabbed her bat and a broom, and walked out of the Hufflepuff dorms to have some fun! She did not see the girl that got the position over her in the dorms, but maybe she would be out on the pitch too? Artie would love to talk to her one day!

And, once Artie made it to the pitch, she saw a couple of second years already there, and they were having fun! Artie decided that instead of just inserting herself in there, she should ask,
"Hi! Mind if I come and hang out too?" Artie set her things down and tied her hair behind her head in a ponytail. She did not want it to get in the way just in case they said yes to her request.

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