Forbidden friendship

Lycus Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kaitlyn/ Sally
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Rigid Cedar Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Lycus loved the woods, it reminded him so much of home. Yes his unfriendly, cold family whom he missed so dear. The wind blew against his skin as the leaves started to fall, some to his head. He brushed his shoulder to make sure none of the leaves stayed there. Lycus went deeper into the forest and founded his favorite sitting spot where he could just contemplate about his life and sketch. He climbed the tree, looked for a strong branch and started to kick it over and over again to make sure whether or not it's safe to be sat on, and made himself comfortable on it. Lycus closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of the wind, it was the only thing that calmed him down. Being a prejudiced it had always been hard for the fist year Slytherin to get along with others hence he loves the nature more than people, yes the element of the earth; wind, water, light, fire, everything.
The reason Kaia loved seeing the forbidden forest was that she could escape reality and come out here where not many people, if no one, came here. It was forbidden for a reason, but the ravenclaw loved going there anyway. It always made her feel good. When she got there she saw a figure scrambling up a tree. Curious, Kaia looked up at the figure. He wasn't that visible but she knew she was in full view of him even if he wasn't entirely in her view. Kaia silently shrugged and sat down at the tree opposite, her back against the trunk as she took out her notebook and began to write. Not even her brother or cousins knew she liked to write. It was her own secret. Kaia felt that she needed to respond to the letter about her but she could not handle it, at least not yet. They finally told her - but they would always be her family no matter what her parents confessed. She sighed quietly, staring at her notebook, quill in hand. Today she was unable to think of anything but her brother and her cousins. They were family, what they told her could not possibly be the truth.
Lycus began to wonder how his twin was doing in Gyffindor. His parents have no problem with the houses in Hogwats, in fact his mother was almost got sorted into Ravenclaw, the sorting hat hesitated though and she got into Slytehrin due to her sly, cunning nature. But Augustus had always been th adventurous one, perhaps the hat saw it all in his heart. All these day dreaming ended when Lycus heard a voice, it wasnt the voice of the wind or the leaves falling, but it was the sound of shoes stomping to the ground, yes... Footsteps. Lycus looked down adn saw a girl sitting down, writing. Normally Lycus wouldn't even bother or would hex the girl but this time Lycus wasn't going to do that. Not feeling comfortable sitting near someone else that wasn't biologically related to him, Lycus went down the tree and stood in front of the girl. He kicked her foot, it wasn't a hard kick it was more like a nudge, but with the foot. "Oi" He kicked one more time. "Out of all the trees in the woods, must you really sit here? What's your problem". Lycus was actually being friendly to her, he didn't throw any solid thing or hex her, but this boy knew nothing about being friendly. He assumed this was nice enough to treat others by not being violent to them.
Kaia sighed as she reflected on the fact. She heard someone jump down from a tree and when she looked up, she observed who it was. It was the same figure who was sitting up on the tree opposite hers. She didn't say anything at first, letting him speak and then she answered. "Hi." Kaia shrugged, not at all bothered by the boy's words. Her brother wasn't that different to this guy. Foster brother a small voice whispered in the back of her mind. No. No he wasn't, he was as related to her as he was to her parents. "I like this tree, I'm allowed to sit here am I not?" Kaia smiled a little. She wasn't really bothered by the attitude, she couldn't care less how this boy was acting. Well, only slightly but not enough to put up a fight. She hesitated before speaking again. "I mean if it really bothers you I can move." Kaia was ready to leave, to see what the boy would say but she wasn't going to get up just yet. She put her notebook in her backpack however as she wasn't in the mood to write anymore. The Ravenclaw really didn't mind leaving but she didn't state it as if she were offended, because she wasn't so if the boy wanted to be left alone she would at least give him that. Maybe he was having an off day like her.
Lycus was satisfied to see how many people would leave him alone when he wanted them away from him. Due to his unfriendly nature, a lot of the students wouldn't even bother to pick a fight with Lycus, they would just leave as what he commanded them to do and this fact made him smile. Lycus watched the girl who was going to leave and this made him feel superior because she did just like what he wanted her to do. But Lycus wasn't in the mood of staying on the tree all by himself, little did he know that he wanted a little bit of accompany though he prefer to be with someone he trusted. "I never mentioned about being bothered" he said plainly and sat in front of her, dropping all his books to the side, making a loud noise. "Sit and stay" he commanded arrogantly just like his arrogant parents commanding other people around. They were in the middle of the forest, no one could really see them hence Lycus wasn't afraid in talking with someone that wasn't his family's friends. "I promise you... You'll get yourself in your death bed that your ghost will haunt the forest like moaning Myrtel occupying the girl's lavatory if you EVER mention about this conversation or even this event" he pointed his wand to her throat not wanting anyone to know that Lycus was craving for an accompany. He wasn't afraid for a battle, his future was to be a Scitorari and he'll face so many combats so why not start early? "The name's Lycus, Lycus Jin Howard. Do you have one?" he said in an undertone.
Kaia slowly raised her hands, her smile plastered on her face and her eyebrow raised when the boy pointed his wand at her. She sincerely hoped he would not hex or or anything, cause that would be really unfortunate for the both of them. Besides she doubted he'd want to get into trouble for it. The Ravenclaw brushed off his words. "Well. Who would I even tell? It's not like I have many friends," she shrugged, smiling at the boy because he was quite entertaining for her actually. She looked down and she was suddenly reminded of her family. She sighed, her smile wavering. The ravenclaw glanced back up at the boy who introduced himself as Lycus, a rather cool name, and told him hers. "I'm Kaia." Hey at least he wanted her to stay so she wouldn't actually have to fight him over it - it would've been pretty stupid. His threat...wasn't exactly a threat, Kaia's parents had threatened her and her brother a lot worse before when she was younger and therefore she was not that bothered by it. Her parents were like that. Kaia wondered if her real parents were like that or worse, but for some reason she found it that it would not be as bad if her biological parents were because they were her real family. Stop thinking about it, she ordered herself. It would only ruin her day and make it worse. She had no idea what else to say so she remained quiet. As she reflected on it, she realised they had lied to her, told her she was their girl. Their girl, as if they were her biological parents and not her adoptive ones.
Lycus liked the girl for not having that many friends, he didn't like those stuck up miss popular who believe that they're the most beautiful creatures on earth. Perhaps they haven't seen the veelas, yes pure veelas not part. Those mixed breed are disgusting. "Your parents definitely have an issue, what kind of name is Kaia?" Lycus had never heard of that name before, well actually he hasn't heard of many names before and this was him trying to be friendly to her. Lycus observed the girl who started to look like she had many things flying across her mind. "Oi" he tapped the girl's head with his wand trying to get her attention. Lycus had never done this to anyone before, anyone but little Juno. The alpha of the family, which is his younger sister Sybil was the strongest and the most violent and at times she intimidates the rest of the Jin Howard siblings including Lycus. And Juno was the only sister he could get close to, but she's still a babe and Lycus can't really talk to her since she can't really understand Lycus' problems. "Oi, Quit looking like an idiot. What the heck is in your mind?" he wanted to know what was bothering the girl out of curiosity. This was new to him, he never really want to know anything about other people.
Kaia stared at him calmly. "Truthfully, that's a good question, but I happen to like my name." She shrugged, sitting up straighter as she talked. Kaia did not get annoyed easily, it was the part of her she loved, but right now when he just tapped her head with his wand that wasn't cool. "Um, could you please not do that?" she asked politely, not expecting him to do otherwise but annoy her with small actions. Actually it wasn't that bad, but Kaia had never appreciated it when people did that to her. A lot of people tended to pat her on the head and she was so over it. Kaia snapped out of it when he asked her what she was thinking. She wasn't about to complain about what her problems were, she knew he might have been asking just to be friendly and to make conversation but this was something else completely. She couldn't just blab about being adopted when she barely knew the guy. "Family problems," she replied without giving away too much. She had no idea whether she should say more, maybe get it out of her chest, she wasn't feeling comfortable yet however to tell Lycus she was adopted. Besides he might not even care.
Lycus wasn't the one who would act silly but he had never seen anyone getting annoyed and acted politely. Sybil would've thrown Lycus across the room when she gets upset. He smirked as he tapped her on the head two more times, then her nose. "You're one odd woman. I'll have to teach you how to get people to stop doing what you wish them not to do toward you" He said while pointing his chest arrogantly. When Kaia mentioned about family problems, Lycus couldn't help but to relate to his mother's childhood where his grandfather killed his grandmother due to greed and where Lycus' mother was abandoned in the woods for days. He frowned at the heart but showed no emotion on the face. "What kind of family problems?" Lycus wasn't the one who respect other people's privacy. He wished for them to ask nothing about him but he would ask whatever he wanted about others and he wasn't afraid of irritating the other party or not.
The ravenclaw sighed. He was never really going to stop, that much she could tell. Kaia ignored his wand on her nose once and twice on her head because she was not going to argue with him on something very stupid and insignificant. "Really? Odd in which way?" She smiled at him, waiting for his answer, what he would say this time. "That would be greatly appreciated. Some control for once would be nice," she commented really considering the idea. That would be extremely satisfying. When he asked she didn't say anything at first. "If you really want to know, I'll tell you. You might not care though." As she waited for him to respond, she wondered whether she should actually tell him. After all, Kaia was never one to tell others about her problems because she did not want them to take advantage of her. It was probably one of the reasons she barely had friends in the first place. But it was how she was and she did not want to be used by anyone.
Lycus had never met anyone who was so polite, and he wasn't used to it. "You can't expect people to listen to you by using the word please and request. Order people around, stupid" He didn't mean calling her stupid, stupid. Kaia wasn't stupid at all but that word slipped off his mouth just like that. Clearly the girl had no idea how to control people around her, she was too nice, too proper and no one will listen to her. "I'll decide whether or not I'll care about the matter" Lycus stood up and took his book with him. "Stand up" The arrogant first year ordered "Walk with me and talk". Living in the deep heart of mount cook, Lycus was so used to the woods, yes... Magical forest. He wanted to show Kaia some of the spots that Lycus enjoyed and the magical creatures that occupies the unfriendly forbidden forest. He wasn't sure why he wanted her to come with him but he was actually enjoying having her with him although he would never admit it.
She was doing a lot of listening these past few days, wasn't she? She looked at Lycus as she spoke. "Fine. I just don't like arguing, it depends on who you're ordering around." In her opinion that was a valid point. Not everyone was going to listen to you even if you ordered them around. She knew people like that - like her parents and her brother. They were the ones doing the ordering when others listened - well, the only person Kaia listened to was her little brother and not her parents but that wasn't the point. "I think you're right," and by saying that she knew that it would boost his ego but she had to say it. "I've been too nice before and people took that for granted. I'd hate to have to pretend being nice here as well." Kaia had no idea why she said what she did, it was hard for her not to speak her mind most of the time. She noticed he liked being in charge and Kaia...sort of liked it. Not the fact that he seemed bossy, but more the fact that Lycus seemed confident and she liked confident people. It meant they weren't insecure about themselves. Shrugging, she stood up and grabbed her bag, walking with him. Thankfully she was in the mood to have some company today which was great. "About my family problems. This morning I found out that I'm adopted." The brunette really didn't know why she just said the big horrible secret to basically a stranger but she was also often known for her bluntness. There was no point in stalling, it only made everything worse. Been there done that. She once got hexed and beaten by her mother - foster mother - once when she was younger. Hexed and beaten. She was fine with being hexed as long as it wasn't too serious. But beaten up was something else...entirely.
There are so many things that lycus loved about the forbidden forest. Beside the fact that the forest's being forbidden causing most of the students abandoning the place, Lycus was fond of the creatures of the forest. Just now, they passed a deer enjoying his lunch. His quick daydreaming stopped when Kaia started talking. "people only respect those who are more superior than them. You can't expect them to listen to you when you speak like a weak duck. You have issues" Lycus isnt the one who think before he speaks, he never digest his thought before blurting it out in the form of sentences. That's what made people uncomfortable being around him. "Adopted? I haven't got the chance to ask you the most important question. First, do you know your REAL blood line? Second, who adopted you? Mudbl... Muggle born?" Lycus had no sympathy in the girl, not because he founded her problem as something unimportant but he simply didn't know how to relate to such situation. Blood status had always been important to Lycus yet he had completely forgotten to ask her what she was and this made him mad... Mad of himself.
Kaia didn't exactly know what attracted her to the forbidden forest 99.9 per cent of the time but she loved it out here, it was so mysterious and she believed it held so many secrets. Besides doing something different once in a while - or most of the time - felt wonderful. As she walked with Lycus, the Ravenclaw started noticing things about him that he either already knew or had no idea about, like the fact that he was bossy (that she was sure he knew) and also that he didn't chase her away just yet. Kaia could be stubborn and often couldn't be herself when she was at home so she took this opportunity to talk to someone she'd never even seen before. Maybe he was a first year. "What kind of issues? Personality disorder? It's not my fault I haven't been raised the way I was meant to be raised." She smiled, only teasing. She loved asking those sorts of questions it made talking to other people all the more entertaining. "I'm not weak," she huffed, rolling her eyes but a smile was tugging at the corner of her lips. "It's mostly why I don't even listen to my mum and dad most of the time." Who cares about them. They probably never cared about her in the first place - okay that was a lie. They had kept her and raised her for a reason so they couldn't be that bad. She wondered whether her biological family treated others better than her foster parents ever had. "No I don't. My parents won't tell me more than the fact they aren't my real parents. And no, they're both magical, so mixed blood." There was only one type of people who always asked for blood status so curiously she asked, "Why? What status are you?" Another fact: Kaia could be impulsive. She didn't think of what his reaction would be when she asked that question but honestly whether he found it fair or not, she asked anyway.
Lycus had no idea how to joke around other people even though he was comfortable enough around them. He ignored her question that he assumed to be rhetorical. "Good" he said coldly when she said she wasn't weak. Lycus had no idea who she was and why test her power in such a good day? Once he get to cast good spells then he might give a combat with her a shot. Now this is the contrast between Kaia and Lycus, Lycus listents to his parents and not just because they weren't afraid of killing their own children but also because they speak the truth and they knew what's best for their children. As for Kaia, she mentioned about not listening to them. Lycus stopped and glared at the girl when she mentioned about her blood status. "You don't know what you are because youre adopted, do not assume that you may be a mix with the mudbl... Muggle borns. When you know who your biological parents are, tell me what you are. And to answer your question, my family line had never gotten married to any filthy creatures" what he meant by that was that he was pure. Having all these thoughts in his mind, Lycus decided to leave the forest and tell the girl through a gesture, signing her that he was going to exit the woods.
They were going to leave the forest soon. It might have been about time, but she hoped she had made a new friend out of it, no matter what he was like. Kaia never judged on first impressions (okay so she did, maybe a little) but she found herself to be wanting to be his friend and for some reason she was not going to make that feeling go away. She needed friends like him, she supposed. She ignored his glare as she listened to him. When he was done, it was her turn to say something. "My adoptive parents have siblings who are not magical, which is annoying twenty four seven, but I have no idea whether my biological parents are a mix. Hopefully not." The brunette had no idea why Lycus wanted to know as soon as she found out, maybe he wasn't allowed to be friends with somebody who wasn't pure, as she discovered him to be and probably that was the reason for his coldness towards her. In her opinion anyone had the choice to be friends with whoever they wanted to be but she also understood that if Lycus had parents who were anything like hers, she couldn't really tell him that. After a while it was starting to get dark so the two walked out of the forest and headed back to the castle. Interacting with others was not so bad after all.



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