🌹 Rose Giving For You

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Poppy let out a large yawn as she walked out into the courtyard trying to find the last person on her list. She hoped she'd have some energy for the dance later tonight but she wasn't so sure anymore. Walking all round the castle and the grounds would do that to a girl. In the courtyard she caught sight of a slightly familiar face. "Hey Sreaphina right?" she asked tentatively as she approached the other girl. "I have a rose for you." she explained and pulled out her final yellow rose.

@Seraphina My
Seraphina was glad to not be participating in the rose giving this year. She found it pretty dumb, but at the same time, she had sent one to a certain Hufflepuff, hoping it could be sort of a peace offering. As she sat on a bench by herself, someone called to her, and she looked up, surprised to see that rose was being given to her. "Umm, thanks?" she replied cautiously, holding out her hand to take the rose.
Poppy smiled in spite of the other girls less then cheerful attitude. But she was nearly done with her deliveries and she could handle this one more. "You're welcome." she said brightly and handed over the rose. "How has your Valentine's been?" Poppy asked as she pulled out the note and handed it over. She knew it was probably futile to aim for small talk but she was going to try anyways.

Dear Seraphina, Please accept this rose as an offer of friendship. And if you want a piece of cake next time, just ask. -Tilly
Seraphina took the note and rose and was surprised to see it was from Tilly. Her note was much more thoughtful than Seraphina's had been. "Fine," she muttered back, folding up the note very neatly and holding it in her hand, looking down at the ground and contemplating, well, everything.

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