Closed For Us This Night

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Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
With all the work he was having to do, it certainly felt like the only time he got to spend with Ronald was at these celebrations so he certainly wouldn’t miss it for the world. He had gotten a new suit and had headed to where he’d find him, rather eager to have fun with him. The teen knew that they could spend more time together if he was able to just stop studying as much but with a number of his classes needing Es to continue Lumio knew he couldn’t. He had to give it his best effort and knew he’d be disappointed if he didn’t. But there would be other days to think of this, other occasions and for now he could just focus on waiting for Ronald.
Ronald was so hurried because today is one of the most favorite days in Hogwarts and finally that Lumio and I, will be meet again our last time meet in holiday rule ball, Ronald wears the suits that his mother gave me so he was so excited to his boyfriend what will be said to my outfit, so when he finally at the Great Hall, Ronald sees his boyfriend he embrace him and said to him that he misses him so much and then he said that will be going inside of the Valentine Dance event and Ronald grab his hand because he was so glad that he finally touch his hand again.
Lumio returned the embrace and gave him a little smile. "Missed you too, happy valentines day," he said to him. He took out a pink flower from his pocket, the one he'd gotten from Herbology and held it out to Ronald, "For you?" He offered. He was excited to go dance with his boyfriend and just enjoy his company as they'd both been so busy it was hard to otherwise.
Ronald was so thrilled when Lumio gave me a Pink flower its special because its Valentine dance and then he knew that his boyfriend give it to me to felt that our love is constant, Ronald ask his boyfriend to dance when the time that the song was sweet and we glimpse our moment now.
Lumio was quite pleased that Ronald liked the flower, it was a simple flower and one he'd taken, with permission, from herbology but a flower nonetheless. Lumio nodded, and pulled Ronald towards the dancefloor so that they could dance to the current song.
Ronald is so happy for today, he wishes that this day will never end because after this was back in our class and other extra curricula, and his boyfriend to his review to upcoming exam OWL, so Ronald cherishes every moment in our valentine dance together.
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