For Those Bad Days ☀️

Magdalene Grey

"Maggie" | Alt. Beater | American
OOC First Name
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Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
So I'm sitting here crying at my desk at work just because my mental health is sucky right now, and I thought I'd make a thread for where people can post uplifting things, memes, cute animal picture, funny videos, etc. that may help brighten someone's day. There may be a better title for this topic, but that's what I'm going with now. And maybe this is super cringey or whatever term Gen Z is using now but...

No Idea Idk GIF by Muppet Wiki

This video always guarantees a chuckle from me when I see it, so many layers of cute and hilarious in it. I don't even know what the man was being interviewed about even though I've seen this video dozens of times xD Hope it helps cheer someone else up too!

Such a lovely idea! Here's some cute animal pics to make someone smile <3

Today is another bad day (I'm cool, just the weather and stuff is not helping) which means something that made me smile for you all :D

I started watching videos from Ed Pratt, and he does wild stuff like trying to boat or swim through the Thames from source to sea. This is part 3, and it's actually much more interesting than you might think.

I'll probably share more images when I'm not at work :r

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