For The Spanish Sun

Bowie Oz

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OOC First Name
Kingwood 11 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
<SIZE size="50">It was not often that the ministry official found himself in the middle of nowhere in a country he did not know that well. While his job had been keeping both of his feet firmly on the ground, his heart had not been so happy about the stability of his life. Sure it was better, he had a proper income and was able to just do more things that made him happy, but his true passion in life was seeing the world, and while he'd spent a year doing so, Bowie Oz knew he had so much more to explore. While his time at Hogwarts had set himself up to be able to have a pretty good job, he had never really gotten one until recently. he knew that it would be a big step for him, to finally realise having a job meant actually staying in that place. but, he reminded himself of one small factor. Bowie was not just another guy. Who found it hard to settle down. He was a wizard, and this meant so much more. He could in the blink of an eye decide that he wanted to be somewhere else. And for this he was grateful, it was no competition between the people around him, that being a wizard, and a fairly good one at that had it's uses. It was for this reason, that almost as soon as he had finished work, he apparated back to his currently apartment back in Auckland, dumped his bag, and then looked at the world map in his bedroom. Without bothering to change out his suit, he imagined himself in the middle of a small town in Spain, called Ronda. He had been their once before while on a small stop in Spain in his round the world trip. Within a second, he found himself graced by an incredible heat, and he immediately regretted the fact that he hadn't changed into more suitable clothing. He was in Southern Spain, in his dark blue suit, white shirt and dark blue tie. it was not the most ideal way to be dressed in such a place like Spain. But, it did not matter so much. He wandered around the town for a bit, while also glad that it was fairly early in the morning for the spainish people, since then the heat would be more unbareable. Bowie smiled as he walked. It was a nice walk. There was a market setting up in the main square. The smell of fresh bread was filling the humid air. The small amount of commuters getting ready to drive to the nearby city for the office jobs in poorly air conditioned buildings. Bowie had a pretty good idea, that they were probably not that happy about having to go to work in such weather. But, then he looked like one of those guys. Bowie took a deep breath and continued his way around the small town. He had loved mornings the most in his time traveling. It had been the best time, to see the country at it's best. The peacefulness, slowly growing to a much bigger noise. It just reminded him that at it's core, the world was a truly amazing place.

Still wandering the streets he noticed a small, old looking book store. Bowie had never really been that studious, he had never really been into reading, but there was something about an old book store that drew him in. He knew that he probably did not look that Spanish, his only slightly tanned skin different from the deeply tanned skin of those around him, as they moved from the extremely hot summer weather, to slightly colder autumn. He crossed the still quiet road and stood outside the book store. He peered in the window, and noticed an old women behind the counter. It appeared as though the store was meant to be open. Bowie, looked away from the window and walked to the small door. It was like any other door. As if the store had once been a home. There were no windows on the door, and the faded green paint of the door, was peeling away, revealing a dark brown wood. It was an odd door. Not that Bowie spent much time paying attention to doors, but he did notice this one. Reaching up he briefly touched the peeling paint, and the hard wood. The sun was slowly casting light upon the door, as it crept up from behind the low rise buildings on the opposite side of the street. It cast an orange glow all around the street. Something that made Bowie realise how amazing Spain was. The perfection in the buildings to cast such a light. He was used to the cold hard stone of New Zealand, or England. Spain had a grace that made him wish he lived in such a place. Moving the dark blue eyes away from the street, he took the handle and opened the door. Stepping quickly inside he was greeted by the ever familiar smell of old books that had come across humidity more than once. He smiled at the women behind the counter, before beginning to walk around the store. It was small, and there was little space between the shelves. His eyes were greeted by Spanish books with a whole range of titles, as well as old books, that were hard backed, and looked like they were published at least a hundred years before. Bowie could not read Spanish, he couldn't even understand it, when it was spoken. However this did not stop him, from taking a particularly old book off the shelves and turning it between his hands. He quickly realised that the books was actually a translation from English to Spanish. he noted this as the authors name was distinctly not Spanish. He flicked it open and saw the published date, 1952. The ministry official could not help the smile, as he read this. Bowie, despite not being able to read Spanish, still opened at the first page. And looked at the writing. It was as he was staring intently at the book, in such a way that would make it look like he was waiting for the words themselves to turn into english that a noise like the door to the shop opening sounded. however, he ignored it. Too engrossed in the book in his hands, though he could not actually read it or understand a word of what it was saying.​

OOCOut of Character:
Okay, so it's a slightly weird start, but it's the only way I could think of them meeting.
Tuska was excited for her trip towards the Southern tip of España, her home was in Barcelona and it was nice to be able to leave all the tourists and go South. A small town which also held the same name as her friend was her destination for this short vacation. Ronda, it wasn't one of the best places to visit but it held a book store with a few books she had been looking for. Not many citizens in the small town knew about Wizardary but those who did knew the bookstore had a seperate bookstore just for Magical books. When she first discovered the store in the files of magical bookstores she had been excited to know about a store near her favorite vacation town in Spain.

Walking into the bookstore she wasn't sure what to except, or how to approach the clerk and ask to see the special books he had. She actually wasn't even sure who was the man and his family that owned the store just that they weren't Spanish looking but they were Natives of the country. Looking around she didn't see anyone or a desk where the person working might be. So instead she decided to look around in the Muggle section while also looing for a worker. Noticing a man just alittle older then her or so she began to approach him. But then she spotted a women standing behind the counter. Not wanting to disrupt the man if he was on break or just a visitor to the shop like her she skirted around him and went to the counter to talk with the women. "¿Puedo ver los libros de magia? Soy una bruja, me fui a Beauxbatons," Can I see the books of magic? I'm a witch, I went to Beauxbatons, Tuska said to the women glancing over her back to the man to see if he had overheard what she was saying. He didn't appear to be related to the women, in fact he seemed more English then anyone else she had seen in a long time and figured he wouldn't understand some of the words she used.
As he turned the pages of the old book, there was a sense of mystery that filled the young man. Of wonder. As if, he was thinking about what life had been like had he been Spanish. Had he gone to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts. As a boy of few regrets in his life, these thoughts were pretty unheard of. Bowie Oz was not the type to think about what could've been, since he was in most respects incredibly happy with his current llife. Sure right now, getting stable, on two feet was boring and his Gryffindor bones longed for a brand new adventure. But he had his line of work for that. It would maybe just take time. But, time was something that Bowie felt up against. Like he was running along side an incredibly fast runner, and he had to keep up, or else he would miss out all the fun of annoying the runner, by being almost as good. It was fairly simple to see that Bowie was not a man who was good at staying in line. Sure, he'd made it to 21 without too many mishaps, but this he gathered was purely down to luck, since he'd had some pretty close calls. And all the detentions he had served, since sticking to school rules had been one of the things Bowie had always had a problem with. He'd loved hogwarts for how much there had been to do. And the stupid curfew placed on to them, he believed was greatly unfair. It was unjustified. So what if they ended up tired the next day, what would it matter, it was up to the person. And this being Bowie's belief, he had pretty strongly stuck to it during his entire years of school. Resulting in perhaps one too many detentions. But, as Bowie always said, no regrets. The book in front of him was however opening his mind to imagining what it could've perhaps been like. How different he could've turned out. If he could've gone darkside, or if the schooling actually had little to do with how he turned out. While it was interesting, Bowie shook his heads of the thoughts and placed the old book back on the shelf. A sound, of soft Spanish, briefly distracted Bowie from looking at the books in front of him. He glanced to the women behind the counter, and the much younger woman who had her back to him. Bowie smiled, but ignored it.

Until he heard the word Beauxbatons. It was a word said in passing, but he recongised it immediately. Not that he'd been listening, just that it was a word that stuck out. Obviously to any passing muggle it would not have mattered, since they would have no idea what it was, but to a wizard, like Bowie, Beauxbatons was the name of the French magical school, that was the ideal place to go for gorgeous girls. He threw a glance back to the girl and tried to see if she was pretty. He couldn't tell since he was looking from behind, but her figure was something he could see some desiring. Bowie jumped slightly as a loud noise sounded in the book store. He could feel it from his pocket. Saying sorry several times, Bowie took out his phone and answered the call. He spoke in a low tone, telling the person on the other end that he would be home by breakfast. His English accent sounded as he spoke. Bowie's cheeks had gone a deep red colour. Quickly ending the call, Bowie looked around the store, and apologised. In English and then he made an attempt to apologise in Spanish. After that, he promptly went back to looking at the shelves.​
Tuska was nodding to the woman behind the counter who was saying something about her husband dealt with costumers coming to see the books she wanted to see and he was on his lunch break when the loud noise of a phone pirced the ears of everyone in the shop. And Tuska being a very well-known book lover spun on her spot to see who was causing the commotion when she noticed it was the man she tried going to before for help. He was speaking clear English but she didn't understand much of it through his mumbling into the phone and her lack of practice. Of course that was because she had been speaking French most of her school career and then back home it was all Spanish. Her family was disappointed with her lighter skin from being in the dance studio or Library so much. She still featured her dark eyes and hair but everything else was becoming even more French. Though it was funny to see tourist come and not realize a person was a native because most Spanish people aren't actually dark skinned, that is more of a thing for those in Northern Africa and Greece she found.

But the young man standing in the shop was obviously not from around, even his Spanish wasn't doing so well as he told everyone thank you when it was clear by his body lanuage he meant sorry. She didn't think anyone else would go and tell him his mistake and she did have to wait till the man came back from lunch to see the books so she decided to approach the man. Communication might be an issue between but the should be able to figure out a medium. "Um, Hola, I'm Tuskaña(tusk-on-ya). Uh, you just spoke uh told people, Gracias, thank you. Lo siento, I am Sorry," she said to young man her tounage getting tied as she got closer to him and noticed that he was very handsome, for an English man of course.
Sliding the phone back into his pocket, the brown haired man was trying desperately to get the attention away from him, but it was pretty hopeless. A part of him, wanted to just walk out the store and go back to New Zealand, without a backward glance to the place he was in at the current moment. It didn't matter that he was going back to a slightly boring evening, where he attempted to do some form of work. But, this was a lot better. Bowie Oz knew whatever work he had to do, he could complete in the morning before he started his working day. Being in Spain at that moment was pretty much where he wanted to be. It didn't matter if his life was back there, he had needed a break, and this was it. It didn't matter that his phone had gone off, it was still early in the morning and he had this day right ahead of him. His second start to a day in a day. It was good the time differences. It let him do things that he wouldn't be able to do, if he wasn't magical. Which he assumed that the girl was, as were most of the people in the store. He put back the book that was in his hand and took the one next to it. It wasn't like he could read the,. but he liked the feel of the books in his hand, and the way it left his hands smelling as they did. it was a small humid smell, that he actually really liked, but knew that it was not to every persons taste, and in a southern country like Spain, it was common. He was startled when a small voice came to his side. He looked round to the girl and smiled, as she tried to figure to the words to say to him, he felt bad that she had to struggle to find the words to speak to him. Just because he didn't know Spanish, which considering he'd been a few times now, he'd expect to be able to function in a conversation, but that was not true. However the girl in front of him was managing fairly well when it came to english. He was nicely surprised. "Oh, did I. Wow," Bowie said, meeting the girl's eyes and shaking his head. "Well I'm sorry for that too." He smiled shyly at the girl in front of him. Tuskana, or that was what he thought her name was. "I'm Bowie, And I'm not from around here, as you can tell. It's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand to her. He spoke slowly so that she would be able to understand him.​
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OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this sucks
Tuska lightly laughed as he appeared to understand what is was she was telling him, she was nervous speaking to another person afterall. "It be not a problem, senor," she told him as he apologized, he didn't know right from wrong in the language so she couldn't blame him. "It is nice to meet you as well. And no worries don't speak like a doof, I understand better then you think. Speaking back is an issue," she said going off like her Momma when she was on a tangent. She smiled at the men in front of her before dropping her ar back to her side. Looking at the section they were in she smiled taking out the book next to one he had taken out tracing the title on the book. "Do you like Neruda?" She asked opening the book pointing to the author's name. Pablo Neruda was a well known Spanish writer most of his works were translated so she figured the man must knew of him.

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