🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Deserves Better

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸 Craft Coordinator 🐸 6th Yr
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8/2045 (16)
Yellow Rose for @Yuelia Rossingol

The ground was still a little marshy from when it'd been raining the other day but Marnie was still happy to be outside for a break from the castle, doing a loop of the grounds to see if she could catch any of her deliveries (or any lost deliverers) before heading back into the chaos inside. She wasn't too surprised to see Yuelia out by the lake where it was quieter, she knew things were probably a bit weird for the Slytherin after last semester. Hopefully she could cheer her up, she thought gamely, heading over. "Yuelia hey fancy seeing you out here and by the rose bush too which is super appropriate I knew you had some Valentine's spirit in there somewhere and it's appropriate becaaause I have a rose for you, tada!" Marnie said happily, pulling the yellow rose out of her basket to hand over.
Yuelia had taken to spending a little more time outside since the incident. She felt numb, and felt like every moment in the dungeons she was being watched. It felt like pulling out her wand was a threat to those around her, and professors seemed to regard her with a little extra wariness. The fresh air was nice, at least. It didn't feel as hard to breathe. Though it didn't help today that she had sent a rose expressing her feelings to Chaos, and ever since she had there had been even more of a feeling of dread building in her stomach.

She almost jumped when Marnie approached her, carefully trying to follow along with her words. Marnie talked twice as fast as Yuelia ever could, and sometimes it was a little difficult to keep up. But she was nice, at least. "Oh, um, for me?" she said, quietly, eyes vaguely taking in that it was yellow. She didn't know who else would possibly even bother to send her a rose, except Chaos, but she had sent him a pink one. Her hand trembled a bit as she reached to take the flower from Marnie.

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