Closed For Research Purposes Only

Phoebe Holland

Unspeakable | Curious | Arrogant | 2050 Grad ⚗️📐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Charlie)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
6/2032 (29)
Happy with her new purchases, Phoebe headed over to a grass field just outside the village, near the park. She wanted to try this portable swamp somewhere that wasn't too crowded, just in case she really couldn't get rid of it and had to leave it there and flee. She kept her other prank supplies in her bag for now, sure she would find some use for them later. She used the portable swamp on the grass, jumping back with a grin as it started to work. It really was a pretty impressive piece of magic, and as it spread, Phoebe tried her best to see if she could spot how it worked, at all, but she couldn't make out any spells she recognized. When the swamp was done, she tentatively touched the water with her foot. Then she tried the first thing that came to mind, seeing what would happen if she tried to explode it. "Confringo!" She said, aiming it at the center of the newly created swamp. An explosion caused swampy water to fly up in all directions, spattering her with it too. She didn't mind, she was more interested in what it would take to damage the spell itself. More than this, clearly.
Frankie liked to think he knew Brightstone pretty well at this point, and he knew for a fact that there was definitely not supposed to be a swamp here. Interest piqued, Frankie skirted around the edge of the swamp spotting a figure nearby whom, Frankie had a hunch, might be responsible for Brightstone's newest water feature.
Curious as to what the figure was up to, Frankie wandered a little closer to her, pausing and smothering a laugh when the girl seemed to decide blowing up the portable swamp was the next item of business for her, splattering herself and the surrounding in a shower of mud. He didn't know what this girl was doing, but he was keen to find out. Draping himself leisurely against a nearby tree, Frankie tried to take up a disinterested air when he addressed her, not wanting to give away how curious he was about the whole thing just yet. "You know, I bet there's any easier way to vanish that thing than blowing up it. But you do you, I guess." He said, taking out his wand to examine it nonchalantly as he spoke.
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Phoebe was thinking what spell to try next. What if she tried a drought charm, would it work like it would on regular water? Or maybe there was too much of it for it to work? How would she be able to tell? But before she could do more than twist her wand around a few times and wipe her face with her sleeve, she heard a boy's voice. She sighed, annoyed to be interrupted. Phoebe turned, frowning at the unfamiliar boy who was leaning against a tree. His words made her scoff. "Oh, wow, thank you for your permission to do what I want to do. I forgot we live in medieval times and I need a guy to approve of everything I do." She said to him, before turning her back on him again. She decided to try casting finite, seeing if it would make the charm that had created the swamp disappear and if the swamp would disappear as well. Nothing happened, and she took out a small notebook to note that down. Then she pondered what spell to use next, already almost forgetting the boy who was watching.
Frankie wasn't sure exactly what he'd said to set this girl off, but even he knew better than to antagonize a witch who'd already demonstrated a very proficient blasting curse. At least not too much antagonizing. "Alright, no need to be so touchy," He said, raising a hand to placate her before letting his eyes wander back over to the swamp. "What are you trying to do then? Or is this some very one sided revenge plan against the mud here," He asked, edging a little closer to inspect the swamp. This girl was clearly a little on the unpredictable and Frankie preferred to stay out of the blast zone if possible.
Phoebe wished this boy would go away. His questions and comments would keep her off her work, and she honestly wasn't entirely sure what she was doing yet. If she had something more spectacular and clever to do, she didn't mind an audience. But she was aware of how silly she looked, partly standing in a swamp she was firing spells at. She tried to ignore the boy, but found it impossible when he started asking dumb questions. She turned to him without lowering her wand, a frown on her face. "I'm experimenting. Or trying to." She told him with a huff. "I'm trying to see how the spell on this thing works. It's a portable swamp." She turned back to the water, contemplating what spell to try next.
Frankie couldn't deny the small amount of glee he felt when it seemed he was definitely bothering this girl. She seemed fun to tease, at least enough to risk a potential hex or two from her if he accidentally pushed too far. "Experimenting is definitely one word for what you were doing," He said, crouching down to inspect the swamp again. "Do you always try to blow up your experiments?" Frankie wasn't big on academics or science or whatever, but he could probably get behind whatever branch this girl was into.
"It doesn't look very portable," He said casually as she explained the sudden appearance of the swamp, looking pointedly at the swamp and back to the girl. He was trying to hide a very obvious smirk he could feel trying to break through. but was unsure how successful he was being. "But please, go ahead, I don't mean to stop you."
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Phoebe was considering trying to levitate the swamp to see if the entire thing would fly up or if just a part of it would, but then the boy interrupted her again. She frowned and turned back to him purposely splashing a bit of water in his direction with her movement. "I can't think if you keep blathering on." She snapped at him. "I usually do, it's the best part of an experiment. But I doubt you're smart enough to get it." She told him, her nose in the air a bit. "And it is portable, as in, you can place a swamp wherever you want. It's an item from Gambol and Jape's." She said, her tone making it clear she thought he was an idiot for not knowing this. "You couldn't stop me if you wanted to." She added with a frown, even though she had just admitted he was distracting her.
"Most people find my 'blathering' endearing you know," Frankie said, intrigued but a little affronted by how hostile this girl was at his presence. She didn't really expect to set off something like this and not have people come over asking questions, did she? Her next comment had his hackles rising though. "Oh, I guess you're probably some awfully clever Hogwarts student, huh," He said, straightening up to try and avoid some of the mud she'd splashed his way, looking at her with a critical eye. Typical, it was one of the school's Brightstone weekends and its students always ended up all over the village acting like they owned the place. "I didn't realize blowing up prank items was part of your oh so important education, but what would I know," He said, unable to hide how much her previous comment had struck a nerve. But if his presence was bothering her, he was happy to continue to make a nuisance of himself. "Wanna bet." He muttered under his breath when she implied he couldn't do anything to stop. Frankie bet he knew a few choice spells she probably didn't up at her dumb school.

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