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Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
11 (8/29/2050)
Sunday had decided that she was going to this dance, alone or not. She didn't want to give the appearance that she was reliant on anyone, and she could have a good time by herself. She was a strong, independent girl. She was on the dance floor, looking amazing. She'd worn this outfit before, but it fit her well, and she didn't want to waste a good look by using it only once. She was swaying to the music, humming along softly.
Magne had come to the dance a little underdressed, his clothes were nice, but they weren't fancy enough really for a dance, he just didn't have a good suit for it, and had never bothered to ask his parents for one. He glanced around the room, and spotted Sunday dancing. He had spent a good amount of time with her, and decided that given he had little else, he approached. "Sunday, hey," he greeted, his accent was still heavy on his words but his english was improving day by day. "Dance?" he offered holding out his hand to her.
Sunday was pulled from her swaying by Magne. She stopped, giving him a smile and a subtle once over. He looked acceptable, though not as great as she'd have liked. She put her hand into his, giving him a bigger smile. "I would love to," She agreed.
Magne took Sunday's hand and began dancing with her, it wasn't like they needed to move, he had found Sunday already dancing and was just slotting himself in. "You look really nice," he complimented, knowing from his previous conversations with her, that she did enjoy compliments.
Sunday kept dancing. She smiled at Magne, swaying happily. "Thank you!" She offered with an easy smile. "You're not so bad yourself," She told him. She was always sure to return a compliment when any were given. It was sure to bring more, she just knew it. "Do you like the dances?" She asked, swaying to the beat.
Magne didn't need the compliment returned to him but he did still smile at it. "I do," he said glancing around at the hall. "It fun," he said, he had no other reason for liking them other than it was at its base fun. "Do you?"
Sunday smiled- she didn't want to go into all the reasons why she liked being here, but she could give him the simpler answers. "I do," She agreed, concious a little of everyone that could see her. "I enjoy the music." She ran her hands through her hair. "Did you have a good break?"
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