Open Food Partners In Crime

Lauren Carter

Healing | Me time | Traveling around the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Lauren was glad that the break was over. She wanted nothing more than to go back to Hogwarts. If her parents wanted to make her life a living hell they could try, but it would be a hell if she wasn't allowed to go to Hogwarts. But if she would not go that would look strange, so Lauren was the winner there. She had been preparing herself to act normal the best way she could and especially to her friends. She woke up really early and changed her clothes in the bathroom so that her roommates didn't saw her bruises. And if someone saw something she had her excuse ready. If she would play quidditch that would be another good excuse, but it was also something what Lauren really wanted to do. Her parents would not be pleased, but they didn't need to know. It wasn't like the school would let her parents know right? But she was kind of afraid that her father was gonna contact the school to know every step she took here. But if she was gonna ask her head of house, they would sure want to know why she was so curious or afraid that her father would know what she was doing here. Lauren felt frozen inside, but on the outside she needed to be happy. She needed to be Lauren. But who was Lauren at the moment? She didn't really knew herself too. But what she knew was that she needed to hang out with Aonghas. She liked him and they would meet up in the kitchens. A passion they both shared was food. They loved it both. Since day one last year they had met over food, and in every event they tasted the food. And Lauren just needed to forget all the drama and the pain she felt. Because she constantly felt pain in her body but also her mind. Her parents hurted her and who could she trust right now? Gabriella didn't defended her, and she could not talk to someone about this. She was alone. And the only thing she could do was just move on and pretend that she didn't was abused by her parents over the break. Pretend that she just went home and had a nice holiday. But there was constantly stress, of hiding her bruises and hiding her emotions because of it. The blonde pushed open the door from the kitchens and looked around to see if Aonghas was already inside. She was not gonna wait with the food, because she was hungry.
Aonghas was pretty pleased when he had gotten a letter from Lauren, he had spent some time with the other girl, they’d bonded over a shared interest in food. It was nice, someone that he could talk to who was a little aware of the pressure that a demanding family could have but also just that she was pretty chill and he liked spending the time with her. Meeting in the kitchens just made sense, they’d spent time in the great hall half discussing the food and then they’d explored the forest - him only going because of the food which she had offered. The boy had arrived at the kitchens well before her and he’d spent the time doing a little baking of his own. He’d made shortbread and when he heard the door to the kitchens open, he was just pulling them out of the magical oven. The familiar smell of the shortbread filling the air.
Aonghas looked over at who it was and let himself smile, ”Lauren!” the boy greeted warmly. As he put them down, waving his hand above them as if to get them to cool, even though it definitely didn’t work like that. They’d need to wait, ”Good tae see ye, ah got here a bit early figured ah’d impress ye wae ma biscuit making skills,” Aonghas smiled easily at Lauren, he hadn’t really made biscuits on his own before, having largely made it with his mother during the holidays and intermittently when he’d been growing up, when things had been better. ”They’ll need tae cool, but ye can at least smell ‘em,” Aonghas offered it to her, but he knew they’d be able to have some other fun things as they waited, likely made a lot better by the elves rather than him. Aonghas had never been much of a cook before but they shared food suggestions and snacks so he thought it would be good to share a snack he didn’t often get at Hogwarts.
Lauren was hungry so hungry. She thought about the break. Her father had locked her up in her room most of the time. And she got no food, no water. It was her punishment. Lauren tried to climb out of the window of her room. She had done it before. But her father had think of that, it had a lock now. She was a prisoner in her own house. But here on Hogwarts she wasn't and she enjoyed her freedom. Lauren looked behind her when she heard her name getting called and saw Aonghas and smiled towards her friend. She was glad that he showed up. He was here more early than she was and he had cooked something? Could he cook? Or bake? Lauren smiled bright. '' Hey!'' And she walked towards him. She looked to see where he had the biscuits because that sounded really good and she wanted to take a bite out of it.
'' Biscuit making skills. Seriously?! That's cool. I hope it's nice. '' Lauren asked the boy. Perhaps it was really dirty and she was curious if he had some talent for baking and all. He wanted to impress her that was nice. Lauren was glad at least someone tried to be nice to her and wanted to do something for her. She smelled at the biscuits and smiled bright, the smell was nice. '' The smell is good. Did you bake it before? Or are you just messing with me and pretending you have made this, and the house elves did it?'' Lauren than asked and looked serious. She could just tell she made something. She could pretend all she wanted. Her life now was full of pretending and Aonghas could not know. Lauren than searched for more food. '' What shall we eat in the meantime? There is lots of choices.'' Lauren than asked to Aonghas. She would eat along with anything.

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