Fond Memories

Toni smiled slightly "I shouldn't have brought it up" She said wishing that she hadn't had to bring it up. But she really had to know if Sam was going to ask Jenna, but of coarse he was but Toni had to hear it for sure. Sitting down a bit as she leaned against the tree.

"Yeah I didn't know people were either. I mean we didn't even get past the Halloween feast yet" Toni said forcing a small laugh trying to help the tense mood. "But umm yeah" Toni said not knowing what to say again. She had just killed the conversation. Looking out at the path that she had come up. "Maybe I should go now" She said a bit awkwardly though her tone had a hint of question.
Sam shook his head, "It was me..not you." He hopped of the tree. Toni then suggested leaving. "You don't have to leave." Sam said, but he wanted to tell her something first. "Toni? Can I ask you something?" he turned to her hoping she wouldn't get up and walk.
Toni laughed a bit as Sam said it was him not her. Though as he said she didn't have to leave, Toni nodded slightly. "I guess I can stay a bit longer" She said looking out into the distance. Yet when Sam asked if he could ask her something, Toni was a bit unsure. "Um Sure" Toni said over at him. Though she was a bit unsure as to what he was going to ask her.
Sam saw the uncomfortable expression on her face, "Don't worry! Its nothing too awkward." he said with a slight grin. "Okay here it goes." Sam took a breath. "Well on so well as friends. I was..well.." Sam paused and looked up at her. "I was..hoping that maybe we could stay friends?" It didn't sound so stupid in my head Sam thought uncomfortably he shouldn't have said anything.
Toni relaxed a bit when Sam said he wasn't going to be too awkward. After all what could he possibly want to know or ask. Though Toni leaned back a bit on the tree as she waited for him to ask. A small smile was on her face as he went on first talking about how good of friends they were. It seemed forever a go since they were really just friends. Yet as Sam finished, Toni's smile increased slightly.

"Of coarse we are still friends" Toni said a bit glad that after everything Sam really didn't hate her. "But I can't promise that I will ever like all of your friends" Toni said making sure that this was clear. Toni would never like Jenna or Hoshi and that was just going to have to be ok.
Sam was happy she agreed to be friends with him. It was a relief. "Well you never really did. Did you?" he smirked. "That means I don't have to like all of your friends." Sam said, meaning Beau in praticular. Sam was happy that they seemed quite 'sorted'. "Would it be totally inapproriate if I hugged you right now?" he chuckled, he mean't it in a friendly way nothing more. Not anymore.
"Well yeah you're right I never did like them" She said rolling her eyes. In a way Toni was glad that Sam had asked if they could still be friends. That really meant Toni hadn't lost one of the few friends she did have. Yet Toni smirked a bit as Sam said he didnt' have to like all her friends which Toni could tell was Beau. That was basically her only friend that Sam didn't like that Toni knew about anyway.

As Sam asked if a hug would be totally inapproriate, Toni pretended to think about it. "Umm" she said a smile forming on her face. "A friendly hug can't hurt" She said standing up and wiping off her outfit.
Sam smiled and threw his arms in a big bear hug around her shoulders. He surprisingly didn't feel the flutter of his heart. It was just normal. Just a 'friends' hug. In a way he was happy it was like that. He seemed to be moving on ever so slightly.

Once he let go, he beamed to her. He didn't know what to say then. He just looked away and onto the tree with their names scracthed into it. He didn't feel like crossing it off anymore, they were friends now. Maybe it could symblise their friendship?
Toni placed her arms around Sam, surprised at how it wasn't odd as she thought it would be, almost as if they had gone back in time before the sorting and before that one day when she stated that she liked him. Friends, they were friends. Maybe Toni was just moving on. Sam seemed to be doing the same.

Letting go she watching Sam's face break into a smile. Only to realize that her face also contained a smile. As he glanced over at the tree with their names, Toni let out a small laugh. "You know when I first came up here I was surprised to see the tree still standing. I wondered if you were going to burn it down or something" She said laughing a bit still. Though maybe she had just over exagerated what she thought was going to happen.
Sam laughed and pushed her lightly, "Hey!?" he said trying to sound offended. "Give me some credit." He then looked from her to the tree, "Y'know we need not scratch out our names. Right? When it says Toni + Sam that could also mean as friends right?" he chuckled. "Well...I mean right now. Thats what it means to me.." he said quietly. It was true he didn't see Toni as something more than a friend. It was sad in a way but also good in another way. He wasn't going to say that now but pressumed she thought the same.
Toni let out a small laugh. "Well I wasn't sure." She said smiling though. Though when Sam went on about them not needing to scratch out the names, she listened. Really it was never her intent to scratch out the names. "Sure I guess you could look at it like that" She said thinking that no one would ever look at it like that. But really Toni didn't care about it. They had carved their names when they were going out. It was almost a memory that wouldn't fade.

Looking at the tree briefly, Toni was glad that she had come up here today. Maybe Sam and her really did have to talk. "I'll still probably visit this place" Toni said just letting him know that. Though Toni would make sure to be alone, she wasn't going to bring anyone up here and she could only hope that Sam would think about it the same way. "I mean I can't let a spot like this go unvisited" She said smiling slightly. Maybe after this she could actually go shopping and buy items. She was in a better mood.
Sam smiled, "Yeah me too..." He probably would visit this place once more. It would still be 'their' spot but in different terms. Sam nodded again, "Yeah it really is quite beautiful.." Inside Sam didn't want and hoped that Toni wouldn't bring anyone else up here. Especially Beau. Sam wasn't going to tell her this but had a feeling that she wouldn't. As he wouldn't either. Even if him and Jenn got together he wouldn't bring her up here.

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