Flying unicorns and fluffy candyfloss...

Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara walked out to the lake and sat beside it by herself. Today she was wearing an outfit she thought captured her personality, but she often was afraid of her personality, the fact that it might show her up. She hurrried along the grass and came to a tree she had come to like. She sat beneath it and looked out on the lake. She saw a fish jump and closed her eyes. In her mind she was right there with it, jumpin between the gentle ripples of the lake, every colour of the rainbow boucing of the beautiful water in the sunlight. Then she was a bird, flying through the skt, with the sun beating on her wings. She opened her eyes and laughed. She really was soppy.
She missed her laptop and the internet. She had no way of contacting her muggle friends. She could already hear their voices in her head.
"Sara, why weren't you on MSN this year-we missed you." and of course she would have to lie and say that there wasn'tany internet here, which in retrospect, was true-technically.
She began to hum one of her favourite songs "Turn it up." by Pixie Lott. She was going to fall very far behind on who and what was in the top of the charts here-she wouldn't hear and muggle music.
She wished to God someone would come and talk to her, take her mind off all of this, lies, deceit and isolation. In her mind she fought back -quit moaning you're a witch! you can use magic! You have a great sister, great friends, you have nothing to complain about, now quit acting the eejit-
Still she wished that someone, funny, sarcasticly so (That way they would get along), but someone who would know how far to take it and still be messing. Someone who had problems they could talk about-serious or not, something to occupy her. Often she would have fun conversations with the boys back home, often the girls came up with the tiniest little thing that was bothering them. Sometimes she partook in the giggling and squeels, but she wasn't in that mood today
Sam walked along the side of the lake watching a bird flying in front of her, she followed it as it swooped down and then back up into the heavens. Distracted by this she suddenly found herself falling, having not realized it she had put her foot off the edge and before she could stop it she fell. The water was freezing and knocked the wind out of her so she began breathing heavily as she clambered back up the banking. Lying on her back on the grass as she got her breath back she started to laugh as she saw a bird fly over her.
Sara was shaken from her musing by a large splash. She looked over calmly, expecting another fish. She quickly registered the fact that it was a girl! She ran over to the girl, who was soaked through from the water. "Are you ok?" She laughed, seeing that the girl herself was taking it lightly. She gave the girl her hand and helped pull her up. "I'm Sara." She introduced herself "First year, Ravenclaw." She stood back and looked the girl up and down "You're soaked through, maybe we should go up to the castle-get you a towel or something?"
Sam felt slightly embarrassed someone had seen her fall but quickly dismissed it as the girl offered her hand to help her up she gladly accepted still laughing lightly. "I'm great that was rather..." She took a moment to think of the right word "Refreshing." She finished with a wide smile spread across her face. The girl introduce herself and once she had Sam introduced herself in the same way. "Sam, second year ravenclaw." as she said this she began to wring her and watched as a large stream of water seemed to fall to the ground from it. "Yeah I suppose I should but you don't have to I'm fine if your wanting to stay here." She sad starting to shiver as the wind made her feel freezing but the smile was still on her face.
Vayne was looking for a place where he can calmly think about the happenings in his life since he had attended hogwarts. He had experienced a lot here, things that he had not done before, things that he had never seen... Walking aimlessly, he did not notice that his feet had already took him to the lakefront until he saw someone that he knew fall into the lake. Worried that something bad might happen, he quickly approached the fallen girl.

"Sam! Are you alright? You are very much drenched in water!" He exclaimed looking at the girl whom he had just met on the garden.

"Oh Sara, you are also here....great to see you again.." He added, slightly distracted when he saw yet another student that he know.
Sam looked round at the boy that had just appeared recognizing him as someone Alexia had introduced her too "Hey Vayne good to see you. Am fine thanks just a touch wet," she said with a smile on her face."Are you alright?" she added "You look a bit dry," she laughed as she finished hoping they would get it.
Vayne laughed softly at Sam's little joke. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine the way I am now, I'm a bit dry but, well...I feel refreshed..." He said with a grin. "What happened anyway? It's not like you have had this sudden urge to go for a swim isn't it?" He asked with a smile on his face.
Sara started laughing at Sam's joke. Then turning to Vayne she warned. "Vayne, you're giving me ideas." She raised an eyebrow, with an evil glint in her eyes.
"Oh, am I really,can you elaborate Sara?" Vayne said faking innocence, he can see the glint in Sara's eyes and he thinks that he will enjoy the girl's idea.
"It's not something, I can tell you Vayne, I have to show you!" She ran at him and pushed him into the lake. Promptly running backwards, she ran up and bomb-dived, making a huge splash and drenching her skirt and blouse. "Did you like my idea!" Sara grinned, popping above the water, her hair plastered to her face, laughing her head off. "Come on in Sam!" She called.
Vayne was a bit shocked when Sara pushed him into the lake. He had the idea that what Sara is talking about is that they should take a swim but he had not really expected that it would be so sudden, nevertheless, he felt happy, he felt like he was a normal child once again.

"Yes, great idea indeed Sara...How about some water fight?" He said with a laugh as he splashed some water to Sara.

"Now I know why you became wet Sam, the water here feels great....Jump in, do take the opportunity since you are already wet after all..."
He added as he turned to Sam to splashed some water to her already wet clothes.
Sam laughed as Sara pushed Vayne in then jumped in herself. She couldn't help think how cold she was as they invited her in but finally said "I can't really argue with that I am already wet." She said looking down at her dripping clothes and as a last shiver ran down her back she smiled shaking her head at herself as she ran and jumped into the water making as big a splash as she could.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry I took so long to reply :)
"I'll get you for that!" Sara grinned, pointing a warning finger at Vayne. She slid underneath the water, swimming deep, until she came up behind Vayne and attacked him in a flurry of splashes.
"Yay Sam!" Sara yelled as Sam jumped in. She laughed and swirled around in the water, confident in her nautical talents.

OOCOut of Character:
aww that's fine Sam
"Yes, no arguing...." Vayne said as he smiled to Sam when she jumped off to the water along with him and Sara. "No fair Sara, I'm not ready...time for revenge..." He said with a laugh when Sara attacked him from behind. Vayne is a good swimmer and he's really proud of that, he turned and splashed great amount of water to Sara still careful not to cause any harm though. "Join is Sam!" He added, splashing off some water to Sam as well.
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine xD :lol:
As she watched she laughed then when Vayne joined in she lay on her back kicking her feet causing water to splash up all over then. "How's that?" She asked with a smile "Good to see we cured you dryness." She laughed.
"That's a powerful splash eh?" Vayne said wiping some water off his face. "Yes, goodbye dryness, hello wetness." He added, laughing slightly at what they are doing. "It feels kinda cold though..." He said with a slight shiver.
"Cold it's freezing," Sam replied to him a smile still on her face. She took a deep breath as she ducked under the water swimming down to see if she could reach the bottom. They weren't far in but it seemed to get deep really quickly so it wasn't long before she resurfaced unsuccessfully.
"Yes...freezing eh?" Vayne said, nodding at Sam's statement. He watched in awe when Sam dived down into the water. Waiting for a few seconds, he saw her resurfaced again. "So, what's it like below?" He asked, swimming around the girl.
"Well it's not any warmer," She laughed replying to him before describing it "It's dark you can't see much and it just appears to go on forever like there is no bottom so you can't see much." She started to go numb from the cold so she was starting to feel warmer though knew she wasn't if anything she was probably getting colder.
"I see then, wait...I'll try too.." Vayne said as he listened attentively while Sam described what she saw under the water. He dived down too and resurfaced seconds later again. "You're right, too dark indeed.." He said while catching some oxygen.
"Dryness?" Sara exclaimed, splashing Sam, "I am anything, but dry, I doubt I'll ever be dry again!"
Sam laughed at what Sara said "I doubt I'll ever be able to feel my toes again," she said through a shiver. "Or my fingers when I think about it."
"Would you like to take a break now?" Vayne asked, seeing Sam shiver because of the cold. "We all might catch a cold!" He added, a small smile visible in his face
"Cold?" Sara asked. "I don't know the meaning of the word!" She grinned, flipping over in the water, still she began to swim toward shore.
Sam watched Sara swim towards the shore saying "Sure you that's why your getting out is it?" She said this joking as she swam after her. When she got to a shallow enough bit she stood up shivering and turning she spoke to Vayne "I think I'm to late am afraid I already caught a cold," she laughed climbing out on to the banking.

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