Open Flying Solo For Once

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Rosie Archer

kind; soon to be new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Attending the yuleball with Aurora was usually what Rosie wanted to do. She liked being with her sister, dancing and partying the night away, but she felt a little conflicted. She wanted to go with her sister, enjoy it with her sister, but also knew she was going to spending so much of it moping about and feeling not her usual self. The Gryffindor missed Xinyi, and though the semester had gotten easier, she still missed him. Aurora was definitely going to be off having fun and Rosie…well Rosie kind of just want to maybe dance a little and mostly linger back. She had considered asking Abby if she wanted to hang out at the ball, but Rosie had chickened out of doing so, not wanting to force Abby to sit around with her if she wanted to be more like aurora. Rosie waved at her sister as she headed to the drinks table, they had arrived together, but Rosie could see Aurora going to the dance floor and Rosie went to get a drink.
Niamh enjoyed the ball. it was always a fun night. getting to dress up in pretty clothes, even if her sense of style was often vastly contrasting to most other people's it was a time to enjoy the beauty of the hall and the decorations and more importantly it was a time to spend with friends. this year however she was flying solo. at the start of semester part of her had hoped that she would be going with Renata even if just as friends. but of course that was never actually going to happen. especially after their conversation a few weeks ago even though her friend said that they were still friends it would have felt weird asking her to the ball, and she knew Renata would want to go with Eugene. part of her had hoped Leo would have asked her in his endeavour to always have a date. but he seemed to have found someone else. Molly was likely with Felix. and it really wasn't geulias scene. she she doubted she would see her for any more than maybe sneaking in to get food.
unsure of what to do she made her way round the hall admiring the decorations though she still wasn't used to the idea of Christmas in summer. She wasn't even used to there being sunlight at Christmas. but it was still nice she came to a stop at the drinks table getting herself a glass of the punch when she saw someone she knew vaguely from the arts club also on their own which was unusual as Rosie seemed to spend most of her time with her twin. she approached the girl thinking it would be nice to have some company and get to know some of the arts people a bit more. "Hello Rosie. Happy Yule. your outfit is pretty" she said. not sure how else to start a conversation
Rosie had been vaguely enjoying just watching the people around her, there was a twinge of jealous to it, but it was fine, she was content to just watch. She glanced at the new voice who approached her and smiled at the girl. She knew Sky vaguely, from the arts club, she was one of the two leaders. Rosie gave a little blush to the compliment. "Oh thank you, yours is really pretty too, the colour really suits you," Rosie said with a smile. She sat up a little straighter in her chair and kept her attention on Sky. "Hows your night going? Are you here with someone?"
Sky smiled at the compliment on her outfit. She knew it wasn’t the kind of style most people thought of for a ball. But she tended to dress more in ways that made her feel good. And if that didn’t fit in with fashion then oh well. She had spent enough time this year hiding herself she was glad to be at least a bit more free. ”my night is going alright. I pretty much just got here. Oh, no I’m on my own. All my friends are going with other people or not coming. How is your night? she asked before taking a sip of her drink. ooh that is nice. It tastes like a mix of glitter sunset and honey she said.
Rosie nodded, thinking it was a bit of a pity that Sky was alone because all of her friends had their own partners or weren't going. She thought it was a pity, but she knew that was bound to happen eventually as people got older and paired up. ”Yeah… It's going okay. I usually come with my sister, but I wasn't in as much of a party mood as she is,” there was no bitterness or frustration in her tone. She knew that her and Aurora didn't need to be doing the same things all the time. Rosie looked at her drink and laughed lightly. ”Really? The sounds delicious,” she wanted to try it. She had been planning to take just like pumpkin juice, but perhaps a drink like that would be better.
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