flying on school brooms

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Andromeda walked out onto the pitch smiling, other than class she had never flown with Blane. It would be fun hopefully, she didn't mind not using her own broom. She thought it utterly ridiculous that people held so much store in the quality of the broom over the skill of the flyer.
A good broom was an asset but you had to be a good flyer to master a powerful broom. what was the point in having amateurs flying on high speed brooms when the most they would do was break their necks.
Andy walked down to where the school brooms were kept and picked out two, one for herself and one for Blane. She had used a broom similar to this for the past year and had found it perfectly adequate.

"Are you ready?" she smiled at him, straddling her broom and hovering while she waited.
"Fly" she laughed, kicking off and skirting around the pitch at walking level. She had been taught by her father to do only this for the first 3 months of learning to fly. It had annoyed and exasperated her but it had also given her a good sense of balance and appreciation for the dangers of flying higher.
"we can just glide for a while if you want? work on your speed from this height" she smiled to him.
"I could quite happily do this all day long" Andy smiled at him.
She led the broom on a gently circuit around the pitch not really sure what all the fuss was about. For beginners these brooms were more than adequate, infact they were a big improvement on her last broom, she mused.
"They are quite good actually. I mean it's not like they are going to give you terrible brooms, these are your basic brooms which believe it or not every famous quidditch player at one time or other has used", she hovered a bit and turned her broom in the other direction.
"But 'Falcon' my baby, now that is some broom!" she winked and kicked off seeing exactly how fast this broom could go. She leant low and tucked her legs high behind her, so that they crossed over the brush of the broom. She gathered speed and built momentum.
Swerving at the bends, she felt like she did the first time she fly on her own around their lake back home. Free!
Breathless she came back around to where Blane was.
"Yep they're good!"
"I think I've flown all I can out of this sucker today", Andy said as she pulled up her broom to dismount, she stood on the ground holding onto the broom.
"I've alot of assignments to catch up on. I'll put this back in the shed first though", she smiled, running over and placing the broom back amongst all the others then rejoining Blane on the pitch.
"I've really got to run now, I'll catch you later alright" she smiled at him.
Blane just nodded as Andromeda left the pitch, he decided to fly around for a bit before hovering high in the air and looked around. He smiled to himself and flew down to the ground. He dismounted his broom somewhat ungracefully but didn't fall over. He put teh broom back in the cupboard and walked back across the pitch, before he left he could feel a cool breeze, winter was obiviously on its way. At the other end of the pitch, Blane picked up his guitar and put it on his back and with all that Blane looked back out at the pitch before heading back into the castle.

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