Closed Flying Frenzy

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro, despite all of the frustration he felt in his gut, had attempted to return to Hogwarts feeling excited for his second semester. He was trying to hold onto the remaining excitement he still had so he wasn't wallowing in his own self pity all day every day, even if it felt like clutching at straws and his remaining enthusiasm felt like it was hanging by a thread. It was all due to the fact his first semester had left him feeling disappointed in himself to say the very least, nevertheless apathetic and bored as he realised 'learning' magic would all be lectures and note taking, no learning that was actually fun or interesting for him. Though Miro had a sinking feeling in his gut that trying to be excited again it would be pointless, he was still trying to swallow down his apathy and focus on the things about Hogwarts he did truly love and was excited about even if they were few and far between. One of the few things being his love of flying, and since completing his flying lessons Miro's new found opportunity to practice at the quidditch pitch in his spare time during his second semester.

The excitement he did truly feel about honing his flying skills and hopefully, one day being good enough to make it on to the gryffindor quidditch team in his second year, was almost the only excitement he felt about returning to Hogwarts, other than seeing his friends of course. This was why upon returning to the castle, Miro wasted no time sending a note to Aroha and organizing to meet with her at the quidditch pitch so they could practice flying together, both so he could of course have fun flying but also to see one of his new found friends. He had pinky promised with her after all to practice in their second semester and Miro was nothing if not loyal to his promises, especially when he truly wanted to keep it because it meant looking forward to something in his day. Arriving to the quidditch pitch with a school broom in hand, Miro looked up to the skies, smiling to himself as he stepped back to lean the broom against one of the walls of the stands. He looked around for his friend and hoped she would soon show up if she wasn't already there so she could help him practice.​
Aroha had had a good break - it was always nice to see her family, especially since it had been the longest she'd ever gone without seeing them. She had no idea how much she'd missed everyone until she was actually there, hugging her family and enjoying Christmas. She was also sad to leave, sad to go back to Hogwarts where she struggled with just about half of her subjects. Not that Aroha mentioned that to her family. At least she had flying, which had been a great time. She was therefore pleased when she'd received the note from Miro. Something to distract her from some new disastrous lessons.

Aroha arrived on the pitch, happy to see Miro already there and with a broom. She jogged a little as she approached, carrying a school broom as well, bridging the gap until she was close by. She smiled broadly. "Hey, how's it going?" she asked. "Good break?" She wasn't really interested too much in small talk - not when they actually had brooms and could start practicing - but she knew it was only polite to ask the bare minimum.
As Miro waited he took up the space next to his broom, leaning on one of the columns of the stands and crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes moving to the sky and watching intently at the few students already in the air. He was predictable in his impatience and fidgeting as the minutes passed because he wanted to join them, and he shifted to kick the grass beneath his feet at a loss of what else he could do to kill the time before Aroha arrived to join him. Thankfully he realised he didn't have to wait much longer when spotted her jogging over, the sight of her causing his face to light up with a smile as he stepped away from the stands to greet his new friend. "Hey!" He said happily, quickly answering Aroha's question while also moving to pick up his broom and begin to mount it so they didn't waste too much of their time with small talk. As fun as it was to see his friend, they had more fun and pressing matters at hand, to fly around of course and this was what Miro cared about most. "It was good. Had fun at Christmas." He explained, looking to the ground for a moment as he stepped over his broom, then back to Aroha. "You?" He then asked, not really listening for the answer as he began to hover. "Wanna Race?" Miro added a moment later, thinking a race would be the perfect warm up for them to reacquaint themselves with flying before they could practice like they had pinky promised.​

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