Flying Books

Kira Wolf

Sweet- Bookworm- Content- Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ebony, Dragon heart-string, 9 1/2 inches
5/5/2034 (25)
Kira had wondered out into the sunshine, her bag full of books. Since her flying lesson this morning, she had decided that maybe she needed a better grasp of the mechanics of it. So, one trip to the library later, she had a few new books with her. She had found one on broom-making, one on Quidditch, one on the history of Quidditch, a history on brooms and their makers. The one in her hands, however, was a beginners guide to flying.

She was on her way out to her favorite tree. The grass was soft, the leaves always cast just enough shade, and it was just far enough away from the main places that she wasn't in the way of flying balls or errant students. She had found several places like this during her few weeks at Hogwarts. Maybe she just had a knack for finding the quietest places to hide away in.

Kira enjoyed lunch hour, she really did. She held the book in one hand, and she held an apple in the other. She actually had a few apples in her bag for snack. The key to a healthy mind was a healthy body... or something like that.
Leonard was trying his best to get confident in his flying after the lessons on hovering and the little flying, trying his best, but it was still shaky. He flew around the more empty outsides of the Great Lawn, going down to land he stumbled as he almost crashed into a tree but landed right next to it.

While going off his broom he noticed someone with some books around the tree as he smiled a bit nervous "Oh sorry, were you studying?" He quickly said not wanting to disrupt her, as he noticed some of the books were about Quidditch and became more curious.
Kira looked up to see a boy around her age. He was looking at her apologetically, and she noticed the broom in his hand. She smiled at him, closing the book in her hands. "Oh, no, it's quite alright. I think we were curious about the same thing," She nodded to his broom. "I've picked up quite a few books on flying, if you'd like to look." She offered, waving at her small pile. "I don't know if you'd be interested in the history of Quidditch or broom making, but..." She held out the one in her hands, "This one is on the basic flying techniques."
"Basic flying techniques? I've just been trying with my instinct I guess, and what the professor told us." Leonard says a bit unsure as he looks over the books. "Huh, never knew they had such books over Quidditch here." Before taking his glance off the books and back to her "Oh sorry, I'm Leonard." Forgetting that he didn't even greet her yet.
Kira smiled warmly at him. "Oh, you'd be surprised what you can find in the library. They have so many fascinating books in there. I almost never want to leave." She patted the empty space beside her, inviting him to sit down. "My name is Kira Wolf. Ravenclaw."
Leonard smiled a little "Well never was in the libary other than we had to go there for classes." He nodded and looked at her "Oh? Ravenclaw? Um, Hufflepuff." He quickly added and sat down after her invitation. "So here to learn to fly better too?"
Kira reached into her bag, pulling out another apple and offering it to the Hufflepuff. "Yeah, I just got so nervous during our last lesson. I was afraid I'd fall." She bit into her own apple, chewing a minute before swallowing. "I figure the best way to learn is to get back to the basics."

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