Closed Fly Heights

Valencia Addington

59' grad 🎓 | astronomy intern 💫
OOC First Name
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Interested in Somebody
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
22 (06/2041)
It was now summer here in New Zealand, and it had meant that it was time to get back to Hogwarts. Valencia was still a little confused with the Magical world, especially Quidditch. She wasn't much of a sports person, or heights really. Heights scared her. But Valencia was quite intrigued with the whole idea of the magical world's popular sport. She had asked many people last semester about the sport, as well as researching it over the break. Even though she didn't really do so well in her Flying class, she was actually considering trying out for the sports team. She was however confused and wasn't really sure if she'd be good enough for it. She had asked Professor Holland if she could borrow a broom so she could get better at it. Valencia stood on the edge of the pitch, broom in hand. She looked all around the pitch with nervousness, taking a few deep breaths hoping that it would ease her slight nerves. 'Maybe trying out and practising might actually help overcome my fear' Valencia though.
Elara felt refilled after spending the break with her family. They had toured a few holiday shows throughout New Zealand and into Australia, but they were able to spend a few days just as a family right before Christmas. Her sister Arya had brought her girlfriend who Elara had never met, but the woman had fit right into their family. However, now that she was back at school, it was time to make things happen. She had done okay on her grades last semester, but she (and her dads) knew she could be better. There was also the whole thing about Quidditch, something Elara desperately wanted to tryout for next year but had to make sure she was ready. Unsure about what position she was truly interested in with her small frame. Making her way down to the pitch, Elara spotted a familiar face as she carried her broom over her shoulder. "Hey, Valencia! How was your break?"
Valencia turned as she heard a slightly familiar voice and smiled when she saw the familiar face. "Oh hey Elara!" Valencia says with a smile. She was glad that someone was here, maybe they could distract her from trying to do Quidditch for a bit. Though she did notice that the girl had a broom on her shoulder. "My break was good. Got to see my family again which was cool. My dad baked lots of cakes too!" Valencia says, excitedly. She always loved her dad's cooking, especially with the cakes he always made, So it was the best when she came home. She also enjoyed her homecooked meals that her mum made, especially the Spanish cuisines that she had missed eating so much. "How bout you? How was your break?" Valencia asked the Gryffindor.
Elara's mouth started to water when her friend talked about cakes. She had recalled her saying that her father was a baker, and it always made her a little jealous. Elara wondered what it would be like to have freshly baked good all the time. "Do you have a big family besides like your brother?" While she had met this twin brother of Valencia's, Elara hadn't had much of a conversation with him and was just familiar through classes. "My break was alright! I got to perform again. My sisters and I brought back an old routine for a few shows in Austrailia. It was pretty neat!" She wished there was some way to practice her tricks at school, but she was sure the professors wouldn't appreciate her jumping from high heights.
Valencia shook her head when Elara had asked about her family. "Nah, It's just me and my brother, but I do have a lot of extended family members," Valencia says with a smile and smile. She did wish however that she had a big family. She had always heard the stories about her mother and her six siblings. Valencia had always wondered what having that many siblings would be like. Valencia smiles as the girl mentions about her shows and the performances that she did. Valencia thought it was pretty awesome. "That sounds so cool! Maybe I should see a show of yours sometime, and see what it's all about" Valencia says excitedly. Valencia hadn't really experienced a circus show before, so she was happy to visit a show.
Elara wondered what it would be like to have a small family. Even though six wasn't that large, the people that worked with the circus added to all their family gatherings, as most didn't have much family of their own to claim. "Yeah! I plan on still doing shows with them the next break so you should definitely grab a ticket," she said with a smile. Looking up at the sky, she held her broom so the bristles were touching the ground. "So, you wanna go up?" she asked, hoping to spend some time in the air today.
Valencia smiles as Elara speaks a bit more about her show. She was excited to go see the Gryffindor girl's show, looking forward to seeing the cool things that are done at circuses. Lenny looked up at the Quidditch pitch as the girl had mentioned about going up into the sky. She gulped a little from her slight nervousness of heights, before taking a slightly shaky sigh. "Sure," Valencia says with a small smile to Elara, as she then turns her head to the girl. Lenny had hoped that this part of her day could slowly help her with her fear of heights.
Elara noticed her friend didn't seem too sure of flying as she mounted her borrowed broom. Kicking off, she hovered, waiting for Valencia to join her. "We could just fly around the pitch in circles to warm up and then maybe go higher?" she asked, hoping to be understanding of any fears the girl might have.
Valencia nods in agreement when Elara had suggested what they could do and watches what the girl does, as she starts to hover above the ground, while on her groom. Valencia slowly mounts onto the broom she had borrowed, before slowly kicking off slightly, closing her eyes while doing so. Once she felt that she was hovering, she opened her eyes slowly and had realised that she was hovering. Lenny smiles proudly, as she had done something that was related to her fear.
Elara gave a soft smile to her friend as she joined her in the air. She knew not every student was comfortable with the idea of flying, even after taking the class. While she didn't quite understand how that was possible, her family had always encouraged the concept of empathy. "Are you doing okay? We can just try a loop and see what happens," she said Valencia, hoping to spend some time practicing on her own at some point. However, she didn't mind flying with a friend for the moment.
Valencia smiles at her friend. "Yeah, I think I'm doing okay so far," Valencia says with a small smile. She hovered on the ground for a moment, getting used to the new environment she hadn't really liked. Though at this height, she didn't mind. Valencia thought this was a good height to start off, but thought that going a little higher would be good. "A loop sounds like a plan. Race ya!" Valencia says with a small giggle before she slowly but nervously takes off from her hovering spot, hoping that it could cause a slight distraction from her height fear.
Elara gave Valencia and encouraging glance at the mention of a race and took off ahead of the girl, leaning furthur forward with each few feet she traveled. It wasn't until she looked behind and noticed that she was rather ahead of the Ravenclaw that Elara slowed down, almost to a hault and shouted back. "Maybe we could take a lap together, instead?" she asked with a laugh. While she wanted to practice, she knew it was more important to make sure Valencia was doing okay and shot back over to the point her friend had went. "You know, I could give you flying lessons if you wanted." Elara wasn't exactly the best flyer, but she had a big head about the whole situation due to practicing on her older sisters' brooms.

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