Open Flowing Dresses

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Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Cyzarine had wanted to speak to Mihail before the ball, she had hoped that perhaps them talking would be enough to get her to invite him to the ball with her, but there hadn’t been the time for it. She didn’t mind going to the ball herself, but she would’ve really liked to go with him, to dance the night away with him. Either just as friends or as something more. It was a good thing that the valentines celebration would be coming too, she’d be able to tell him then, if she didn’t see him now that her feelings towards him were changing. She wanted to do that. Cyzarine liked him and she didn’t particularly want to hide it. If he didn’t like her back, she hoped that he wouldn’t let it change their friendship, she really didn’t want it to change anything between them. The Gryffindor girl skipped into the great hall, moving easily in her heels about the hall. She grabbed a little drink and then took a little snack, quickly eating and drinking both respectively. The gryffindor put down the empty cup and then headed out to the dance floor. Just because she didn’t have a date or someone to dance with, wasn’t ever going to stop Cyzarine from actually dancing.
Mihail Styx only decided to go to the Yule Ball because of the possibility that he would run into Cyzarine and dance with her. Talking to Lily seemed like it was the push he needed. However, Mihail was so careful, since he did not want to ruin such a great friendship. But if it was changing, how could he ever go back to being just platonic? After comparing how he felt for Lily to Cyzarine, there was a clear difference. Mihail arrived to the Great Hall, and looked around for the Gryffindor. As soon as he saw her, a smile spread across his face. The feeling of his heart beating faster reminded him that things were not as platonic as he used to want. He approached Cyzarine and flashed her a charming smile, "Would you like to dance with a Hufflepuff?" Mihail was about to say 'Styx' but that could mean several others, and he did not want to share anyway.
Cyzarine found Mihail approaching her as she stood. He looked so good in a suit, but she knew he’d always been so good at cleaning up. She smiled at him, finding butterflies flutter hard in her stomach as he smiled at her, in a charming manner, it didn’t use to cause he to do that, but she was a different person it seemed. She really liked him, she didn’t know how he felt, and though as a gryffindor she always tried to be brave and honest, she wasn’t sure she could here and now. She didn’t know if it would ruin their relationship or not. She nodded though, ”I would love to!” she had her same excited tone that she always had. She took his hand and then rushed him out to where they could dance, a little spot just for them. When she turned back to him, she couldn’t help the little giggle before she got to dancing with him. She was really happy her dress was light and flowing, whenever she spun around, the skirt spun with her. She done barely anything to her hair but it bounced with every joyous step. She was smiling exceedingly fondly at Mihail and ever so light blush on her cheeks. Just happy to dance with him in that moment, and perhaps put aside how she felt for a little.
Mihail could almost feel Cyzarine’s excitement, only fueling to his own euphoric feeling. The Gryffindor was hard to keep up with, but he managed as she dragged him to the dance floor. Her skirt was really light and moved with every step, it seemed. As long as she didn’t step over a vent, no one would get to write about the Gryffindor that attempted to Marilyn Monroe it. Mihail knew a bit about the historic celebrities in the magical world, of course. Mihail danced the best he could (though he seemed to be decent, not the best or the worst) along with Cyzarine. “How come you don’t have a date, Cyzarine?” Asked the Hufflepuff curiously. After all, he did want to know if he had competition for Cyzarine’s affections.
Cyzarine smiled at him, dancing with him was nice and simple, though in fairness she found dancing always easy and simple. It was the question that caused her a bit of pause, her smile didn’t falter but she was looking up him and looking in his expression. She wondered if now was the time to say something, whether now was the time to say something to him, to admit how she felt towards him. She didn’t want to bombard him with anything, what if he didn’t feel the same way, but from what she could tell he wasn’t here with anyone. But that wouldn’t mean that he wouldn’t want to just be friends. ”Well, no one asked me,” she said, a little smile on her face, just opting with a part truth, it seemed hard now to admit that she liked him, that she had hoped he would ask her, or that she might find the time to ask him. ”What about you?” she asked, wondering what he might say in response.
No one had asked Cyzarine? Mihail found that to be rather hard, since he felt that someone should have, several should have. But perhaps she had said no. But, Mihail wouldn't push it, since he had not asked anyone either. "Oh, no, I didn't ask anyone. I didn't know if I wanted to go, until recently." Mihail did tell her the truth though. Mihail decided to explain it, since Mihail was often open with his best friend. She never betrayed him for any reason. She was also kind, energetic, fun, all the good words he could come up with. It was no wonder why he started to like her. "Lily was talking to me about how she had liked one of her best friends, and well," Mihail gestured toward Lily and Clifton together. "She inspired me to do the same. Cyzarine, I should have asked you to be my date." Mihail didn't admit that he liked her like that, but there were all the hints in the world. After all, Mihail wouldn't ask someone to be his date unless he had feelings for them.
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