Open Flowers Outside

Rose Holland

🍬Honeydukes Asst. | Impulsive | 2049 Graduate 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Laurel Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
7/2031 (30)
(Yellow rose, open after Madz)

The next rose delivery was for a professor, and one Rose didn't know. She liked Care of Magical Creatures quite a bit, but this professor was unfamiliar to her because she was new and taught the lower years. She had spotted Professor Ateara in the Great Hall, but had never spoken to her. Rose headed over to the lawn, to the spot where the lessons were usually held. She was glad to find the tall woman nearby, and headed over. "Hi Professor." She said with a slight smile. "Delivery!" She said, holding up her basket of roses to indicate what she meant.
Madlyn had been in a middle of preparing her lesson for next Sunday when she was interrupted by an older student. The tall woman looked the brunette over confused until it became apparent when she saw the basket. "Oh, how nice," Madlyn nodded, still unsure what to expect next. "Is that umm, roses event you guys have going on?" Madlyn asked the brunette, she never experienced the trend when she was in school. "How does that work? My daughter and niece didn't fill me on this..."
Rose was happy she had found the professor fairly quickly and nodded as she asked about the event. "It is, I organized it with a friend this year." Rose said with some pride. She was happy to explain how it worked. "People can send each other roses through this service with a note attached, either a yellow one for friendship, a pink for admiration or crush or red for love." Shes said with a smile. "You got a yellow one, professor!" She added, holding it out for her.

Heya Aunty.

just a note to say you are my favourite professor and COMC is the only class i actually study for. I am going to miss not coming to your lessons for the next year. I know I have already said it but Congratulations again, this rose even matches.

Madlyn listen, and understood now the way the rose exchange delivery works. She might have not sent anyone a rose if the service was up and running around the time she attended Hogwarts. Or perhaps she would, Madlyn was part of the wild patch club at some point. She be more keen to send her friends colored frogs or streeler snail because they were pretty to look at and out lived a plucked rose on any day. "Thank you, ah my niece Willow send me this. Thank you again, what's your name again? I didn't catch it. Good luck with your deliveries," Madlyn held the flower against her chest, finished reading the note that had accompany the rose.

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