Closed Flotsam and Jetsam

Aion Zephyr

🐉 magizoologist; father; epistemological
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2027 (35)
Aion Zephyr was not someone who would usually be found sitting still. The former Ravenclaw's life was much too busy with much going on that there never really was the opportunity to stay put in the same place for very long at all. Even after Aion and Cyan had decided to take up a permanent residence in New Zealand a good eight years ago, the Magizoologist would always have somewhere he needed to be. Whether that was out and about on one of his research trips, or providing for his ever growing family, or simply indulging in one of his pastimes, he would always be on the move. Aion had spent the majority of his twenties trying to juggle four children with his career which had at times, proven more than a little tricky, but his family were at the end of the day his reason behind what he did, and why he wanted to do well. He wanted to see his children flourish and grow with confidence, and have the strength to one day go after what they enjoyed most of all too.

Very soon, Aion and Cyan would be celebrating their 15th anniversary together, a milestone that seemed so surreal when he thought about it. It felt as though it was just a few weeks ago that they were getting married, and now here they were so many years later, their eldest even about to start her schooling at Hogwarts. He primarily needed to get a gift for their anniversary on today's trip, but that didn't mean he couldn't spend a little time exploring the shops too. Aion and Cyan's relationship had always been strong, and Aion put that down to the fact they'd been good friends and enjoyed each other's company, as well as finding one another improved upon their lives later down the line. Aion had to admit that hearing about his ex-girlfriend Maddie's death had been hard, especially when he felt as though he couldn't talk to Cyan about it. She wouldn't want to have known that Aion felt sorry for the way they'd left things, and for James even given that they too had a number of children between them. It wasn't that Aion ever regretted leaving Maddie, not at all, only that he wished she and her family hadn't had to endure that pain and suffering.

With the girls and Ares at home with their mum, Aion was walking through the streets of a small magical town that he hoped would bring the answers he was looking for when it came to something special for his wife. He'd heard about a shop named the Vetrov & Brigham's Curiosities and Antiques; somewhat of a mouthful but at least it stood out the array of marketplaces, and approaching the quaint little front door he peered inside. Immediately his heart was flipping in his chest, his eyes already darting between all the little trinkets inside the warm welcoming shop, and that was before he'd even opened the door. He took the curved handle in his hand, and opened up the victorianesque style door, a light bone rattling sound above him as he crossed the threshold. Aion continued to tell himself he was here for Cyan, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't just a little intrigued for himself, too.
"Now say, 'hello and welcome!'"

Bertie leaned backwards, narrowly avoiding a face full of raven feathers. He sighed. The trouble with Lucille was that she was the avian equivalent of a toddler with a kitchen knife; she only listened when it suited her, and she had no scruples about stabbing him in the neck. The next time James asked him to pet-sit one of his 'docile birds', the answer would be a definitive no.

Lucille flared her wings again, then took off.

"Bugger off, then," said Bertie, without rancour. Though each passing day had furthered his belief he was a reptile person, being in such close proximity with the bird had been a fascinating experience. He'd even managed to teach her a few words, when she wasn't busy throwing rocks at his head.

The bone-chime above the door rattled for the first time that afternoon. Lucille, perched atop a book cabinet, cocked her head at the visitor.

"Bugger off."

"No! Sorry, ignore the bird. Come in," Bertie said, letting himself through the counter hatch in a hurry. "Can I help? Or would you like to browse?"
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Aion would probably would have been more astounded by a large raven telling him to bugger off if it wasn't for the fact he'd just been presented with the most phenomenal display since at least 2054 when he'd attended the world's largest Antipodean Opaleye convention. There were so many things around him that Aion wasn't entirely sure what to investigate first, or look at, or respond to. "The.. bird?" he asked, turning his head towards the man but not his eyes as they continued to gaze into the room. After a moment he disconnected and looked up to the large raven in the room, startling him somewhat as he hadn't expecting it to be staring at him. "Mother.." Why was that creating looking at him as though he was some kind of snack? "Not a problem," he began, moving further into the room but without taking his eyes off the creature, "although that's a rather tall Raven for New Zealand. You sure it's not someone animagus?" he half joked with some sincerity as it would explain why it seemed so uncomfortable.

The Magizoologist walked further into the room towards the man that had greeted him, finally giving him proper attention. "I'm looking for a gift, actually." Part of him wanted to just browse but if he did, he risked being in here all day with the number of things that were on offer to look at. "Something unique. Something that a witch may never have seen before," Aion had always prided himself in finding sentimental trinkets that would mean a lot to the person he was giving them too. In his seventh year for instance, he'd successfully turned his Mythological hammer charm into a personal portkey as a parting gift for an old friend. Either way, there were certainly a few things in this shop that Aion had never seen before in his life, and he had doubt he would be able to find a few options to work with for his anniversary.
Bertie looked up at the raven, considering its size. "An animagus? Could be," he said. "Although I confess I don't know many women who enjoy stealing my underpants. Raven expert, are you?" He could have used one of those about six days ago. James had kindly left him a list of care tips, but alas, Lucille had torn it up.

"A gift - I see." Many people came into the antique shop looking for a gift. Many of them left with rather a lot more. Bertie wasn't in the business of pressuring his customers, but with so much trash about the place, anybody who came in was bound to find a few pieces of treasure. "Sir, if unique is what you seek, you've come to the right place. Everything in this shop is one-of-a-kind. Perhaps the lady would be interested in a collection of research journals? An ancient Peruvian ceremonial knife? Or a nice jewellery box?" He had many more appropriate things to offer, but it never hurt to mention something the customer might like first.
Truth be told, this man was a little eccentric to say the least. Aion raised his eyebrows at the shopkeeper, "Raven expert? I can't say I am, no." Aion wouldn't have considered himself to be an expert by any means, although he did know a little about fowl. "However, I'm a Magizoologist. It looks like a Corvus tasmanicus, or a Tasmanian raven. although they're usually a little smaller than that," he nodded his head in the direction of the beady creature. During time in Australia he'd come across a number of animals, but he'd never seen a raven that large.

Aion knew he was primarily here for a gift for Cyan, but hearing the man had a collection of research journals, how was he supposed to resist? Cyan was more of a doo-er than a reader, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. He'd probably look for something down the jewelry route momentarily though. "The journals, what do they contain?" he asked, unable to stop his eyes from darting over the variety of items in the store.
"Fascinating," said Bertie, wondering if he might be able to foist a few magizoology books on the man while he was at it. "She's not mine. I'm bird-sitting for friend in England. Well, I say 'friend'. I'm beginning to think I might have accidentally offended him." Friends didn't usually saddle each other with sentient murder weapons, after all.

"Come," said Bertie, beckoning the man towards the books and scrolls. "See for yourself. Do you like dragons? I've a genuine collection by the late Scarlett Quigley herself in excellent condition. Or this one here - a nineteenth-century study of the Egyptian phoenix - incomplete, unfortunately, but I think you'll find it highly compelling."

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