Closed Floating on a Cloud

Fleur van Houten

🐉Aotearoa Dragonologist | 2051 Grad 🐱
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Whippy Reed Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11/2032 (30)
Fleur had enjoyed her fourth year quite a bit so far, and she was happy with her choice to join the Quidditch team. The girl was only an alternate, but on the busy Gryffindor team that was still something to be proud of. The sport wasn't her passion, but it was fun to be part of a team and join practices. Today, as she was avoiding having to do some homework, she decided to go flying for a bit. The pitch seemed like a logical place for it, but as she was on her way there, Fleur realized that it would be fun to just fly across the lawn too. She wasn't entirely sure if that was something she was supposed to do, but she had also never heard there be a rule against it. She had been walking with her broom over her shoulder, and placed it down so she could get on. Fleur kicked off, grinning as she took to the sky. It was a great feeling. She flew a quick circle around a tree, then looked around for another place to go. Should she fly to the pitch after all? Or go exploring the Hogwarts grounds from above?
It was a little strange for Ethan to be in his fifth year already. Because they didn't have exams at the end of last semester as he was used to, he felt he was in perpetual study mode for exams that were still so far away. He hadn't been doing too well in classes, and with his family worried about some 'late-term' squib tendencies kicking in due to their family history, he had been forced to quit the Quidditch team and focus on his classes this year. Although he hadn't been too happy about it he supposed it was for the best. But that didn't mean he didn't miss it nearly every day. He was currently on the great lawn, finishing up some homework while enjoying the nice spring day, when he saw someone flying on their broom nearby, which was odd. Ethan watched the person fly around, a wistful smile on his face. Even if he was sad about not playing anymore, he still enjoyed flying and watching them fly around the lawn seemed so fun - why hadn't he ever thought to do that?

He was curious who it was, wondering if it was a quidditch player or just another student who enjoyed flying. It seemed that the person was flying lower than one would normally fly on a pitch since there were no hoops to be level with. Since they weren't too far up, Ethan was able to recognize who was after a moment, and instantly regretted watching so intensely since he probably looked insane. Still, he hadn't talked to her since he met her the first time and his eagerness in doing it again trumped his will to be cool. So he pushed his books and notes off his lap as he scrambled to stand up and called out, "Hey! Fleur!" jumping up and down and waving his arms around for her to see him on the ground, as if she was so far up she wouldn't be able to see him without the commotion. Maybe it wasn't entirely necessary, but he didn't want her to fly away to the pitch so he had to get her attention somehow.
Fleur had just decided to circle around the tree again as she decided what to do, when she heard someone call her name. Fleur stopped in midair, hovering and looking down at the ground. She grinned as she noticed a figure jumping up and down and waving his arms, and could easily make out it was Ethan. She had enjoyed talking to him last year, and was happy to see him again. She laughed softly and flew closer and a bit lower to the ground until she was hovering only slightly above him. She grinned at him from the air, then shook her head. "You know, I could probably have seen you without all the jumping." She teased him slightly, toying with the end of her braid with one hand while the other held her broom. Ethan had been fun to talk to, and he was a really nice guy. If she was honest, he was part of the reason why Fleur had tried out for the Quidditch team in the first place, and it made her happy that he so clearly wanted to talk to her again. She had been surprised to see he wasn't on the Hufflepuff team anymore. "Hi Ethan." She added, realizing she hadn't greeted him yet. "What were you doing?" She looked at the notes and books on the ground, then smiled. "Are you looking for a distraction from studying again?"

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