Flitting to Flirting.

Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
It was a new day for Enzo, a great to find a girl and flirt with. It's been full of drama lately with the other girls he's been flirting with. He just wish to find a normal girl that day, no drama just plain simple. The sun was shining just the way liked it, wearing a plain white shirt with simple black vest and just normal jeans with he's converse. It was obviously the start of spring, flowers started to appear around the street for no reason. As Enzo was walking his hand up on he's head stretching his arms. It's been a rough night for Enzo, can't barely sleep with he's noisy dorm mate.

He even gave a small yawn, tears lying on his eyelids. He didn't need some shopping or anything, though he need to have walk for a while. Enzo though of having a jog tomorrow to exercise. He could see some girl passing by him murmuring some words and stuff, then after that they would giggle as loud as they can to get Enzo's attention. He was used to girl like that would eventually be very dramatic and all.
"Excuse me!" Fiore exclaimed in a breathless voice as she was running along the road. She needed to buy something for her dorm mate who seemed ill. They didn't ask for Fiore's help, of course. They don't talk to Fiore. But she knew what was the right medicine for her dorm mate's illness. Lama had that too when he was little, and Fiore was the one who found out what the right cure was. Memories. Fiore had to think of the present now. But then, as she looked up, it was too late to dodge the boy in front of her. Fiore hit him and they both fell on the ground. Fiore sat up and quickly went to the boy she bumped. "I'm sorry..." she said curtly, not really wanting to say anything else. Fiore was a shy girl.
Enzo was sudden when he was bumped by a girl, the first thing he would do was to check if the girl was fine never mind him. But before he could help the girl ,she was already on her balance. The first thing that Enzo noticed was her blue sparling eyes like the sea.her face was gentle and kind. "It's fine, Are you all right? he said to her looking all worried, it was obviously readable through his face. Enzo then stood up, checking if his clothes was dirty or not. Good thing it was summer, the street was dry.
Fiore quickly averted her eyes from the boy. She doesn't have a lot of eye contacts with anyone, and she felt completely vulnerable when she saw the boy's eyes. He is handsome. "I'm alright... It's my fault, anyway, so.." Fiore felt a stinging pain on her right leg. She was unfortunately wearing her mini skirt and her leg was probably injured during the fall. She looked at her leg and there was a deep cut on it. Blood was flowing. Lama's blood. Fiore gasped at the sudden rush of memories in her head. But then she tried very quickly to veil her expression from the boy. But was it a good act? Fiore could swear the boy would notice her bleeding leg. "How about you? I'm really sorry. I was thinking about something... I... That's probably not a good reason. So I'm sorry..." she said softly and slowly raised her gaze to meet his. She wondered what the effect of her eyes was on the boy.
As the girl spoke, it made a hit to Enzo that today he's lucky to have dodge by a girl. He gazed at her eyes as she was gazing to him. The girl was apologizing so many times that placed his two fingers in front of her lips. "Ssshhh. . I'ts fine" he said to her as he begun to smile at the girl. Enzo was th type of guy who could easily sense something was wrong, as he glanced at the girl's leg he saw it was bleeding. Immediately, Enzo started to grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket. He gently placed it to her leg, seeing the girl's reaction if it was that painful. He then carried her off from the ground. Nearby the street was a bench, he slowly placed her there. He checked if the wound was too deep or not. Gently wiping of the blood from her leg, he even carefully pressed the wound to stop the blood from coming out of her leg. As before Enzo's shirt was white now it had some small stains on he's side, it was due because he carried the girl before. "I'm Enzo by the way" he introduced himself to her giving him a smile saying that everything will be okay.
Fiore felt the blood rise to her cheeks as the boy shushed her with his fingers. His skin felt cold, like that of a leaf in a foggy land. Quite suddenly, the boy carried Fiore to a bench and started wiping the blood from her leg with a hankie. She gazed at him and, with a faint smile, she realized that the boy must be a really kind person. "I'm Fiore..." she muttered and then reached for Enzo's hand. Fiore stopped him from wiping the blood. "It's alright. I can manage with a small cut." she said with a smile, forgetting to pull off her hand from his.
"Fiore.."he whispered to himself as he looked at her. As the girl spoke again saying for him to stop, Enzo stopped. He then looked down at his hands, it was still touched to hears. Slowly pulling away his hands out of hers. "You sure? he asked her. Enzo was out of words at that moment, he was somehow speechless left staring at her.
"Are you... from Beauxbaton? I never really saw you." Fiore told Enzo. She felt a little embarrassed and more shaken when he pulled his hand away. Was that a rejection? Fiore's smile fell as she dropped her gaze to the ground. Always rejected. Almost automatically, Fiore returned her composure and smiled at Enzo. Surely it wouldn't hurt to befriend him a little. "You're a handsome boy. No one in our school has that much charisma." she said, and knew it was true. But then again, Fiore never really talked to anyone in the school. She was scared of them.
"I'm from Dumstrang actually" he said. He's hand were getting cold that's the reason he decided to pull it away from her, he wanted to reached back again and held her hands though that would be very awkward for her. She didn't wanted to spoil her or something, she was obviously unlike the other girls he had met before. "Thanks" he replied to her compliment. Enzo can't help himself from looking at Fiore. "You are beautiful" he said to het placing her right hand on his chin letting her face look to his face.
It was dreary. Fiore never liked spring and the atmosphere it brings. Her mind got cloudy when Enzo tilted Fiore's chin. She looked straight at his handsome face, wondering how someone could be so handsome. And then slowly, Fiore held Enzo's hand and pulled it down so that she could lean closer to him. She was going to kiss him. Her lips touched his gently, patiently. She wondered if he was going to pull back. But then, as though reality snapped open in her eyes, Fiore pulled away. She felt flustered at what she had done. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. "It was so boorish of me..." she muttered and looked away from him.
Enzo was a bit sudden when Fiore started to touch he's lips with her lips. It was in fact tempting to kiss her back again. But before he could kiss her back, Fiore pulled away her face from him. "You seems to apologize a lot, I think it's just cute" he said to her as he leaned closer to Fiore. Enzo wasn't going to kiss to kiss her on the lips, he getnly place his lips to his forehead then once again gazed at her perfectly blue eyes.
For some reason, Fiore felt really embarrased when Enzo kissed her forehead. They were in a public place, and she was aware that some of the kids were looking at them. There were Beauxbaton students. Shocked, Fiore pushed Enzo away and covered her face with her hand. She wasn't sure if they've seen her, but Fiore will no allow her schoolmates to have a topic in chit chats about her. She completely forgot about the medicine she was supposed to buy. She forgot the main reason why she was outside the dorm. All because of this handsome boy. "I'm sorry again for the rudeness I've shown to you, Enzo." Fiore said as she made sure that her schoolmates were now out of sight. "It is not cute at all. Only those whores in the dark parts of the city kiss a stranger." She was going to set this straight. She did have a arelationship with someone before. And it wasn't something so trivial like this.
"She is weird"Enzo thought. It was just so weird that Fiore was embarrass of him kissing her. Yes, children were there but the fact that Fiore kissed him on his lips was much more than kissing her forehead. Enzo felt uninterested with her for pushing her away, never once did a girl did that to him. He then just smiled followed by a playful smirk. He knew Fiore was thinking Enzo did something wrong, but to look back her actions she also did something which is much more inappropriate. He was left deciding on either he will stay or better of leave the girl. Enzo was a player he didn't care if the girl liked him or not, the most important thing is if he liked her. That was he's rules at the moment, he then though. "After all there was no spark."
Fiore stood up, ignoring the still painful leg, and looked at Enzo. There was something odd about his last smirk that made Fiore want to just leave. Why was she in this place? She was not supposed to talk to anyone. No. This is a stranger in front of her, more a stranger than her dorm mates. And this stranger was kinder than her dorm mates. Fiore felt a prickling heat inside her. She did something more boorish than the kiss. "What will make you more comfortable now is for me to leave." It was a statement. Fiore knew she acted unlady-like. With that kiss, and with that push.
Before Fiore could leave Enzo decided to leave before her. "Need to clean this blood stain" he whispered then started to leave her alone. He very knew well that she would be fine, and the fact helping her would make the girl act more mad at him. As he turned around she once gazed at Fiore innocent face then smiled. Enzo knew he needed to change his shirt so he decided to go back to his dorm room.

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