Closed Flicking Through The Action

Eliza Reynolds

'el' | happy smiles ✨ | geek 👓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
16 (04/2047)
While Eliza liked being at Hogwarts, the girl much preferred to be back home with her dad and grandmother. It didn't feel like home here at Hogwarts. Throughout her time at Hogwarts, she hadn't really made many friends at school, much preferring to keep to herself with all her comics and such, though there were times when she was a bit lonely, that was her own fault for not socialising with many people. Here Eliza was, in the courtyard, reading her usual comics. The girl had gotten some new editions and other series' of comics during the break and she couldn't wait to have a flick through them. Eliza sat on one of the benches in the courtyard, happy to take in the nice sunny weather. A pile of comics on one side of her and a comic book in hand as she began to flick through the pages.
Santiago was bored but that wasn't unusual. His bad mood lingering this long into the semester was another thing. Usually by this time he had accepted his fate and got in with it. But he still found himself getting angry and annoyed over every little thing. He hoped bringing his skateboard out to the courtyard might help him clear his mind. He skated around for a bit and landed a few tricks until he lost control of his board. Thankfully he didn't fall but it did go rolling off with out him towards one of the girls in his year. He walked towards her and it wasn't till he was leaning down to to pick up his board did he realize she was reading comics. "Oh woah." he said surprised to see her decent collection. One of his uncles was really into comics and while Santiago wasn't as interested they still reminded him of home. "Where did you get all of those?"

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