- Messages
- 12
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Age
- 4
" Better be spoiled than neglected."

" Better be spoiled than neglected."
Fleur Airelle Beaumont
NAME MEANING- Fleur (Fluur) The name Fleur is an French name which means flower.
- Airelle (Eye-Ray-Elle) French name for the plant Genus Vaccinium. Which is derived from the Portugeuse Airella.
- Beaumont (Bo-Mont): Means from an beautiful mountain
NICKNAMESFleur doesn't have that many nicknames, since her name is already short. Her father often calls her princess and her stepbrother Julien also, but more as in insult of how she behaves.
BLOOD STATUSShe's an half blood witch, both of her parents are magical.
PLACE OF BIRTHFleur was born in Marseille, France.
CURRENT RESIDENCEHer parents, stepbrother and Fleur still live in Marseille in the same house as she was born. She loves France and it really feels like home to her.
NATIONALITYBoth of her parents are born in France and so is she. She speaks the language fluently.
BIRTHDAYJune 15th, 2042

Fleur was born in Marseille, France. As the youngest child of Genevieve and Bernard. She was very welcomed into the family by her parents and their sunshine in the world. As an beautiful and perfect baby. She got a lot of love from both of her parents. Her stepbrother Julien was not that pleased with her and her father. Fleur tried to connect with her brother, but they didn't matched that well. She looks a lot like her mother in appeareance, but her personality is more like her father. She is raised with the thought that you can be confident about yourself and social skills. With her mother she likes to talk about clothes and girly stuff, and looks up to her in that way. Fleur grew up with a lot of luxuary and with what her heart desires. She knows how to please her parents and how to get her way. That is something what her step brother Julien really is annoyed by. Fleur wants to be the better and succesfull child in the family and likes to win stuff, hates losing.

Young Fleur

🌪 Air: Your paired element is air and as a Gemini, you have the most fluid connection with air out of all the zodiac signs. The stagnant qualities of air temp you with feelings of aloofness, but when you embrace air's flowing qualities, you are most happy and fulfilled. It is these qualities that causes the stirrings of curiosity in your mind and push you towards discovering new things.

Hannah van der Westhuysen
HAIRFleur has got light blonde long hair. She has some curls from herself and often wears her hair down. But Fleur wears her hair in very different ways, she likes to experiment and likes hairbands as well. Her mother always made the most beautiful creations in her hair and Fleur does it herself now also as she grows up. One of the most beautiful stuff about herself she thinks is her hair. She takes a lot of time into it.
EYESHer eyes are of a blue of colour.
HEIGHTShe is tall for her age. She is very pleased with the height.
PIERCINGSFleur does have both her ears pierced when she was six years old. She has a lot of jewelry.
DOMINANT HANDHer dominant hand is left.
CLOTHING STYLEFleur likes to wear dresses and girly clothes, but she likes many clothes. She does like pink and gold and sparkly stuff. She likes to look good in clothes and is someone who follows some fashion trends.

- Girly: A girly person is one that is firmly in the girl zone on things like how we move, what we say, how we say it and how we look.
- Winner: A person or thing that wins something.
- Vain: Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth.
- Confident: Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.
LIKESFleur likes attention, boys, winning, flowers, being an rolemodel, clothes, make-up, fashion magazines, getting what she wants, being succesfull and travelling.
DISLIKESShe doesn't like bullies, not getting what she wants, getting dirty or dirty places, darkness, judgemental people, fights and negative people.
SECRETSFleur doesn't have secrets at the moment, she is very open.
GOALSFleur wants to be succesfull and popular, make her parents proud, become famous in something she is good at, make good friends and find love.
FEARSFleur fears dark places and she can't see a thing, losing her parents and being left alone and to not be accepted in an group.

She would smell caramel, roses and fer favorite parfume.
MIRROR OF ERISEDIf Fleur would look into the mirror she would see herself as an famous witch and the love of her life (without an face) next to her.
- Wood: -
- Core: -
- Flexible: -
- Inches: -

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
FAVORITE PROFESSORHer favorite professor is..
LEAST FAVORITE PROFESSORHer least favorite professor is
FAVORITE CLASSHer favorite class is
LEAST FAVORITE CLASSHer least favorite class is
OCCUPATIONFleur is currently ..


FATHER Bernard Frans Dubois BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Beauxbatons alumnus HOUSE Ombrelune OCCUPATION Photographer | ![]() MOTHER Genevieve Florence Beaumont BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Beauxbatons alumnus HOUSE Ombrelune OCCUPATION Writer | ![]() STEPBROTHER Julien Matthieu Beaumont BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand HOUSE Ravenclaw OCCUPATION Student |
Fleur has good an very good relationship with both of her parents. She has been raised with an lot of love and always felt safe with her parents. She doesn't have one parent who she prefers over the other. Fleur has the looks from her mother, but her father can be vain as well. With her mother she talks girly stuff and has the same interests in that. Fleur has more the personality from her father, who is extrovert as well and likes to be in the centre of attention, to be social. Fleur loves both very much and wants to make them proud. She knows how to get what she wants with both of her parents, and usually also wins in discussions.
RELATIONSHIP WITH STEPBROTHERWith her stepbrother she doesn't have an good relationship. They both share the same mother, but Fleur's father is not Julien's. And although it is unknown who Julien's father is, and Fleur her father has tried to be an father for him it doesn't really get along that well. Julien and Fleur are very different, they only share that they both like to look nice. Fleur doesn't like the way Julien doesn't accept her and her father. She feels for him sometimes and has been trying to connect with him, but it is an closed door for her. They often have discussions and sometimes fights. Fleur is more extrovert than Julien is and that doesn't match usually. Fleur tries to talk to Julien, but accepted the fact that they seem like strangers to eachother. She doesn't see any point in trying too much to connect, when it comes from one side.
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