Fix Me, Or Conflict Me

Ashlyn O'Neil

Active Member
OOC First Name
Holly, Veela Hair, 10 inches, Springy
When midnight hit, there was only one place Ashlyn O'Neil could be found.

The twenty year old witch often frequented The Leaky Cauldron. Perhaps it was sketchy territory for such a refined young lady. Actually, it was totally a sketchy place at this hour. But Ashlyn moved with a purpose - a determination, a confidence - that warded off any after hour riff raff from approaching her. The swagger with which she moved clearly indicated that if anyone wanted to mess with Ashlyn O'Neil, they better be willing to risk having an ear cursed off or suffer a worse fate at the hand of her wand.

Probably not the greatest way to promote her budding career. Oh well.

"Lovely night," She chirped to the barkeep, who seemed momentarily spell bound by the large blue eyes of the girl. She smoothed her hands over her skirt, then slid onto a barstool, crossing her legs. "A shot of firewhiskey will be fine for now, darling. Actually.... make it a double." Ashlyn was feeling a bit.... reckless this evening. A familiar sense of danger sung in her veins, reminiscent of her years spent at Hogwarts. But instead of shying away from it as she so often did, Ash greeted it with full force. She tossed her long, dark hair over a shoulder, took the shot glass, and pounded the drink back without a flinch. Who said a lady couldn't drink?

[Er.... a couple of things. My buddy Dylan told me I was free to post this RP given that I don't make any mention of Ashlyn being a healer, as her application is still pending. I'm not entirely sure if that's true, but rest assured that if it's not, then this was a completely unintentional mistake made by a newb who is still finding her way around. Oh, and this thread is also CLOSED to DEMYX DEMON BANE. I wasn't sure how to get that nifty "PM Ashlyn O'Neil for Permission" bit going in the topic description.]
Demyx sighed to himself as he sat at the in London's Leaky Cauldron. It was a usual friday night, and he wasnt on an assignment, so what better place to spend the night then at a bar? He sipped on a glass of firewhiskey, while conversing with one of the barmaids. The conversation wasnt anything interesting, he was just scoping out this weeks rumours and gossip. He nodded, and replied in short answers, until he heard a voice beside him. He raised an eyebrow as he turned to see who it was.

Dem's mouth fell open as he viewed who stood next to him. "Ashlyn O'Neil?" he asked, shocked and surprised, "Cedric's kid sister, right?" he asked, standing up off the stood. I had been years since he had seen her last, and she had grown into quite a beautiful woman. "Wow..." he said, wrapping his arms around her for a quick embrace.
Ashlyn shuddered just slightly as the warmth spread through her stomach and to the rest of her body. It was Friday night. Of course she wouldn't have any qualms about grabbing a drink in the Leaky Cauldron. A drink. Or two. Or fourteen. Hey, she was Irish, a high tolerance was in her blood, along with a natural love of the substance. She simply had enough self respect to not get plastered during the week. Er. Most days, anyhow.She slammed the glass back onto the counter and grinned in full force at the bartender. "Keep 'em coming, laddy. The night isn't getting any younger just yet." She chuckled, then peered over her shoulder to survey the other Leaky Cauldron patrons.

It seemed like a fairly typical crowd, a load of mysterious folk draped in veils, trading under table favors or indulging in black market goods. Lovely. The sounds of her name drew Ashlyn's attention to the rugged man sitting beside her,. Immediately, blue eyes went wide and defensive, and she reflexively reached for her wand. Until she pinned a name to the face. "I'm not a kid anymore, a'right Demyx?" She muttered, half pissed off and half happy that she had encountered her brother's old friend. She returned the embrace with a pat on the back, then ruffled his hair affectionately. "You can pick your eyes up off the floor now, lad." Ashlyn giggled and shook her head, turning her attention back to the refilled shot glass of firewhiskey placed in front of her.
Demyx downed the rest of his glass, and signalled to a barmaid for a refill. He thanked the girl, giving her a tip, and took another swig of his drink, feeling the warmth running through him. He turned to Ashlyn again, raising an eyebrow at her expression. "No, your deffinately not a kid." he said, chuckling as he observed her. She was no long the thirteen year old girl who had always followed him and Cedric round. "And my eyes are perfectly in my head..." he said, chuckling. He sighed, remembering his friend Cedric, and some of the adventures they got up to. "So what are you doing here? This doesnt seem like the kind of place you of all people would be hanging out... But then, alots changed, hasnt it?" he asked, curious as to how she was these days.
It had been years since her last encounter with Demyx. No wonder he was stunned. Ashlyn... not so much. He grew up to be as stupidly handsome as she assumed he would all along. When has she last seen this flashing blue eyes, that timid but warm smile? Ages ago. At least a good four years, if not more. And that meant Demyx had fallen off the O'Neil family radar before all the ickiness that accompanied her seventh and final year at Hogwarts could arise. However, she could remember some news tossed around before then. Had she been in the fifth year when Demyx's family was inexplicably murdered by a death eater?

She averted her gaze back to the drink pushed in her direction. A quick shot, and it was gone. Something told Ashlyn she'd need a lot more alcohol in her system if she was going to have to deal with Demyx Demon Bane tonight. "Oh, you know..." She shrugged her shoulders. "Sometimes I stop in for a drink on the weekends. Helps me unwind. Plus the majority of people who frequent this place wouldn't dare to approach me," So she felt safe enough.Ashlyn crossed her legs again, and turned on the stool so she was now facing Demyx. "Changed more than you could possible know, Dem." Another shrug. "But enough. Why are you here and how is this possibly our first encounter all these years?" There was a hint of mischief in her gaze as it met his.
Demyx wasnt sure what to this of this, meeting up with his childhood friend like this. He didnt let it show on his face, but he was somewhat glad that he had met up with her again. After all these years, and after everything that had happened, he had missed his friends. When he had cut himself off from the world, he had cut himself off to those that he had cared and loved for...

Demyx downed another drink before continuing their conversation. It always made him uncomfortable when he talked about his family. He had to smirk when she made the comment that no one would approach her. He did have to admit that she looked rather intimidating. He frowned when she mentioned changes. He couldnt imagine how much she could have changed... She had been such a sweet girl, but before he had the chance to ask about it, she had moved on. "I um, oh... Well i dont usually come here to drink..." he said, "Usually after i finish work for the night, i go home to drink...". He ordered another drink, and sipped at it. He was now on his fourth drink, and he didnt think getting blind drunk with Ashlyn O'Neil, of all people, was a good idea. "But, enough of me.... I want to know how you've been? How's Cedric... " he asked.
Ashlyn wasn't stupid enough to bring up the death of his family. On some level, she could relate. Following Jerard's death, she shied away from any mention of the boy who had once been her heart and soul. They were memories she didn't care to recall, and the reason why her parents had found her passed out on the floor of her bedroom, half dead from a lethal combination of alcohol and sleeping potion at the age of seventeen. Her intent hadn't been to die, but to simply forget. But some images couldn't be erased quite so quickly. They didn't have to talk about the heavy stuff. That poop was meant to be unspoken of for a reason.

She didn't even have to ask the barkeep for a refill, for a drink was already placed in front of her. She sent the young man a nod of approval. Apparently, the lad learned fast. Ashlyn sipped at it, not being quite so quick to down the liquid this time around. "Careful, Dem. With behavior like that, one might assume you're an alcoholic." Dry humor. He most certainly was. But to an extent, wasn't she as well? "I've been well enough. Can't complain. A bit lonely, really." Ashlyn loved her new flat, but it wasn't buzzing with energy the way her parents' house was. And it wasn't as though she maintained any stable friendships. "Ced's wonderful. Got a job with the Department of Magical Games not too long ago. He'll be announcing at this year's world cup." Her blue eyes became distant for a moment. "He misses you. I do too." Hard though it was to admit, it was the truth. As a teenager, Demyx had been at least one interesting person out in suburbia.
Demyx shrugged, placing his fourth empty glass on the bar now. "I am an alcoholic, havent you realised that by now?" he chuckled softly, watching her out of the corner of his eye. Those bright blue eyes were so inviting... He closed his eyes and chuckled. Yes, she had definately grown up alot. He opened his eyes and looked back at her. Lonely... It was a word he knew well. "Join the club sister, lonely is a long street." he said, flicking his fingers and smiled again at the barmaid as she refilled his drink, and after thinking about it, shrugged and left the bottle. "Good girl." he muttered under his breath to her.

He turned sipped at his drink and sighed. "Nothing beats the warm feeling of firewhiskey running down your through... Well, except sex maybe." he said, chuckling. He beamed at her when she told him about Cedric. "Really! Wow, well hopefully he'll be announcing my name then." he said, imagining the Falcons making it to the World Cup. "But, i'll have to visit him before hand." he said, and fell quiet at her last comment. "I... Ive miss you too Ash..." he said, placing his hand on hers on the bar, and giving her a warm smile.
"Trust me love, I have." Ashlyn confessed, a sad smile tugging at her lips. She understood all too well the appeal of drowning one's sorrows in a bottle of firewhiskey. "And don't call me sister!" She protested, ruffling his hair again before tossing back the rest of her drink. The warmth was sinking in, and Ashlyn welcomed it. The recklessness was starting to sink in, and for a moment Ashlyn felt just like she did in her school years. No care in the world. Demyx's presence wasn't helping either, even if he was a far cry from the sixteen year old boy she had been infatuated with. She watched as his hand fell on top of hers. Hadn't she wished for this exact moment countless times before, a scrawny thirteen year old insisting she really DIDN'T harbor any feelings for Demyx? It was funny, in retrospect. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but butterflies ignited within her stomach. She turned her hand over, and laced her fingers with his, delivering a squeeze to it, memorizing every callus, every contour. "You know I did have a stupid crush on you way back when, right? Even if I said I didn't." Ashlyn laughed and shook her head. Maybe some things never got old.
Demyx chuckled and poked his tounge out teasingly. "I'll call you whatever i want, and there aint a single thing you can do about it." he teased, grinning at her and running a hand through his hair. He was rather intoxicated at that moment, and wasnt sure if his teasing and flirting was such a good idea. He wasnt sure if Cedric would have approved of his flirting with his kid sister either, even if Dem and him had been best friends. When she laced her hands through his, he couldnt help but raise an eyebrow, and let a smirk spread across his face. "Of course i know... I had actually liked you back then too. But the fact that you were Ced's kid sister stopped me from saying anything." he sighed softly, and as a huge grin spread across his face, said "Though it didnt stop me tearing the page out of your diary that had 'I Love Demyx Demon bane' written all over it and keeping it in my wallet," as he pulled his wallet out and produced the torn and worn piece of paper.
As with many things in her life, Ashlyn simply wasn't thinking of any potential consequences. She had never been exceedingly close to her brother, the golden child of the family. In fact, there had been enough animosity between the two to keep them apart for years. So in her mind, she was more than welcomed to flirt with Demyx all she wanted. They were, after all, adults perfectly capable of making their own decisions. "And I'm sure you didn't want to seem like a creeper with a crush on a thirteen year old," Ashlyn teased right back. HEr expression turned to one of being stunned as he pulled a slightly aded, crinkled paper out of his wallet. Ashlyn looks between the scraggly writing and Demyx, the shock turning into a playful glare. "I can't believe you read my diary! And I can't believe you held onto it all of these years." Ashlyn grabbed the next shot placed in front of her and tossed it back effortlessly. "Why DID you hold onto it?" She dared to question, cheeks flushing as she met Demyx's steely eyes once more.
Demyx chuckled. He wasnt sure how to answer to that, seeming as it was kind of true. He had been a rather foolish teenager, always caring about appearances, and his popularity ranking and what not. He, Cedric and Dem's cousin Chase had been the popular guys in school, and he had been stupid enough to think that if he had started dating someone three years younger he would have been slandered, but it hadnt been the whole reason he hadnt said anything about it. "Yes, i kept it all these years..." he said, and pulled an offended face at her questioning. "Because, unlike some i imagine, i cared about you, and Cedric. Losing contact with you two was the hardest thing ive ever done... And i didnt want to forget you." he said softly, not knowing how he was sounding. "Like i said... I cared alot about you, even as a stupid teenager."
In retrospect, she couldn't blame Demyx. It wasn't like Ashlyn had been popular at school. In fact, she was just the opposite. To hang out with her would have been social suicide. At least until she came into her own, and was suddenly the focus of many boys' fantasies. But that didn't occur until her fifth year. Demyx had been gone from Hogwarts by then. For once, words failed her. She couldn't form a coherent reply to Demyx's words. Her expression was tinged with sadness as she stared at him with doe eyes. All the pain at his disappearance flooded back to her, hitting her full force. How had she even made it through? Ashlyn's gaze shifted to the bottle of liquor in front of Demyx. Oh. "I... I'm sorry, I should have tried harder, I... I should have cared more!" She was fumbling for words, getting a little bit upset as she tried to regain her cool, witty facade. She pulled her hand away from his, only to use it to hold his chin and direct his gaze to hers. "I don't want to lose you like that again." Ashlyn stated simply.
Demyx was shocked by her reaction. The last thing he had expected was for her to blame herself, and he had never, ever seen her this upset. It hurt Demyx to know he was the cause of her pain. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head, and held her close. "Hey... Ashlyn, it wasnt your fault. No one could have predicted Vayne would do what he did. Not me, not you... Not even Cedric." he said, trying to calm her down. He was worried about her. She was showing emtion she hadnt shown in years, and the fact that she was fumbling over herself for words, he was starting to realise that her feeling for him had never gone away. "You wont... You will never lose me again. I swear on my life, that only death with pry me from you." he said, placing his forehead on hers. He smiled at her, as they were literally centermeters from each other. He moved forward accidentally, and felt his lips brush against hers. He lost his train of thought for a moment, and kissed her, short and sweet. He realised what he had done and pulled away. "I..." he trailed, not sure what to say.
It was very out of character for Ashlyn to get so upset. She usually had a firm grip on her emotions. Wasn't that what Healers were trained to do? Unfortunately, Demyx had always been her greatest weakness. Along with that, Ashlyn had always felt a fierce protectiveness over those close to her. Unfortunately, that had faltered with Jerard. But she wasn't willing to let the same incidence repeat itself. Her eyes were misty, on the verge of tears, and though she tried to protest when Demyx pulled her close, she couldn't find the words. Instead she accepted the comfort, the promise. "Only death." She repeated, knowing perfectly well how fickle death could be. But then they were kissing, his lips pressed to hers briefly, and she felt a warmness slide to the pit of her stomach that she hadn't felt in years. It ended all too soon. Demyx had barely stammered out the first of a sentence when Ashlyn's hand was on his collar, pulling him in for another wondrous kiss as their lips met. There was hardly anything innocent about it as she drank him in, relentless. Finally, she got what she wanted.
A million thoughts ran through Demyx's head as he pulled back, main of all those, was Ashlyn. His feelings and love had burst through his guards in that moment, and he had kissed her, showing that she was who he wanted, who he loved. She was his Kryptonite. The amount of kids he had beat up at a teen for saying something about Ashlyn... He had always been protective of her, and now he had finally given into his urges.

He was pulled back down before long, and as he wrapped his arms around her, kissed her deeper than he had ever kissed a girl before. He got somewhat carried away, and gently bit her bottom lip as he caressed it. He pulled back again after a while, still playing with her lip with his teeth. "I love you Ashlyn... After all these years, it feels good to say that." he said softly, still wrapped around her.
This most certainly wasn't just a casual bar hookup. Ashlyn should have been more guarded in assuming such a thing, but her history with Demyx was too deep. He wouldn't dare to toy with her emotionally. Even if they were both a bit tipsy. She just had to trust that he wasn't playing mind games with her. Ashlyn didn't hesitate to toss her all into the kiss. Her other hand gripped the back of Demyx's head, tugging at his hair, urging him closer. They couldn't get close enough. A sigh of pleasure mixed with contentment escaped her mouth as he bit on her lower lip. "I hope you're not just saying that to get me in bed." Only Ashlyn could make a joke at a moment so serious. Before he could reply or pull away again, she claimed his lips fervently once more. After a few breathless moments, she pulled away enough to lift her lips to his ear. "Your place or mine?"
Demyx kissed her, over and over, never tiring of those lips, that tounge... He was entranced in her beauty. He held her close, never wanting to let her go again. He shook his head when she made the comment about just saying that. "Dont be stupid. I mean it, i love..." he was cut off by yet another wave of kisses. He grinned at her next question, and with only time enough to grab the new bottle of firewhiskey the barmaid have place on the bench for him, grabbed Ashlyn round the waist and apparated.

They popped up in his bedroom, and Demyx wasted no time. He placed the bottle of whiskey on the tabel, and turned back to Ashlyn. The room was dark, but Dem could still see her. He kissed her again, undoing her top as he did. He pulled it off of her after a couple of seconds, and ripped his jacket off. Sliding his hands over his hips and back, he kissed down the length of her body, and when he reached it, slid her skirt off. He kissed his way back up, and pulled his singlet off. He now stood in belted denim jeans and socks, having kicked his shoes off on arrival.
Ashlyn hardly had time to laugh at the fact that he grabbed the bottle before they apparated. It was a clumsy job... magical means of traveling hardly agreed with being tipsy and in heels. She swayed slightly as the ground jolted beneath her, but lucky, Demyx's grip ensured she didn't fall over in a move that certainly would have killed the mood.

Demyx apparently didn't waste time. Which suited Ashlyn perfectly fine. Soon she was left in just her undergarments, and she stepped out of those treacherous heels, her eyes glued to Demyx. How long had she dreamed of this very moment? He wasn't going to disappoint her. It wasn't possibly. Her eyes roved the body that seemed so familiar, yet so new at the same time. Slowly, her eyes met his, and her lips broke into a smile. Stepping close, she made quick work of ridding him of his belt, then pushed him into a sitting position. Ashlyn clambered onto his lap, her hand twisting into his hair again as their lips crashed together. This had been well worth the wait.

[Fade to black?]
2 Hours Later...​

Demyx lay in bed, the covers pulled up, the windows open, and was panting softly. Ashlyn layed cuddled against his chest, and even though he couldnt see her face, he was she her smile was as big as his. They had finally done it... They had breached all barriers, and had fallen into each others arms, forgetting their cares and worries. And it had been amaing. "I dont know about you, but that was... There isnt a word for it." hesaid, grinning and chuckling softly. He considered his next words carefully. "Ashlyn..." he said, pulling her up so her head rested on his shoulder. "I... I know its soon, but... I want you to move in with me." he said, stroking her face, and relaxing slightly as he felt her bare body curl around his. "Like you said in the bar, we dont want to lose each other... And i know tonight isnt just some one night stand." he said and then went quiet, waiting for her answer.
Two hours later, Ashlyn couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Her body was still trmblign from the onslaught of pleasure, and she was feeling so lazy. She was mroe than happy to stay curled against Demyx, under the safety of the covers. Her heart felt so full it could burst. Ashlyn's eyes were shut as her breathing leveled out, and she didn't quite pay too much attention to Demyx until the offer fell from his lips. Ashlyn's body stiffened. They had just SLEPT together, for Merlin's sake! "Demyx, what are the chances of you even remembering this in the morning?" She asked, clearly avoiding the subject for now. She raised herself to look him straight in the eye. But then she relented with a sigh, fingers curling around the hair at the back of his head. "I don't want to lose you, true. But what's the rush?" Ashlyn had issues with commitment. It'd take a lot for her to believe she wasn't just simply Demyx's momentary object of obsession. She sighed, conflicted, then leaned in and brushed her lips against his. "I have my own place, and I'm perfectly fine with staying there. You don't have to worry about me."
Demyx sighed, playfully slapping her on the bum. "There is a one hundred percent chance i will remember this. Im not drunk Ashlyn, and i wasnt intoxicated when i fell into bed with you. I was at the Leaky Cauldron tonight, trying to drink my life away, because i have nothing to life for. Except for my job, what do i have? No wife, no kids..." he sighed, refraining from her. "Im sick of having nothing to live for. Im sick of being alone. I just want what every man wants." he said, growing quiet. He had now ruined the mood, and his buzz, all in one go. "And... And when you walked into that bar tonight, i knew it was you. I knew you were the one i wanted to marry. That one ive known for years, and who has always cared for me." he said, cupping his hands to her face.

He lowered his hands and reached over into the side draw, pulling out a small black box. He placed it on his chest, infront of Ashlyn. "This... Is was my mothers engagment ring. It ment a great deal too her. Its three carat diamond ring, and was also my grandmothers, before my father gave it to my mother." he explained, his voice sounding distant. He got up out of bed, and knelt beside Ash. "Ashlyn Melissa O'Neil, will you make me the happiest man in the work and marry me?" he asked, smiling at her. It wasnt exactly a movie moment, but it was his own way of doing it.
So much was so very wrong with this picture. A sick feeling of apprehension vanquished the satisfied, complete feeling that had previously enveloped her. When she saw the black box, Ashlyn's blue eyes popped open wide and she immediately sat up, pulling away from Demyx. Every part of her screamed no. This wasn't right. This couldn't possibly be happening! It simply.... wasn't logical. Or rational.

But then again, when had Ashlyn ever been rational? Her gaze drifted from the ring in all it's blinged out glory to Demyx. He needed her. She could see it in his expression. Who would she be to inflict more pain on him by refusing? She bit on her lower lip, expression softening just a small bit. She needed him too. She had always needed him. And that's exactly what terrified her -- needing, wanting someone so badly just to have them disappear. Like he did so long ago. Her expression was terrified as she stammered out a reply. "Y-yes. Demyx, I'll marry you."
The sight of Demyx's face when she said yes, was unexplainable. He beamed with joy as he slid the ring on her ring finger, and smiled, too stunned for words. After all this time, he had finally gotten what he wanted. A soon-to-be-wife that he loved. He stood up, pulling her with him, and pulled her into his tight embrace. He kissed her deeply, and didnt every want to let her go. "I love you Ashlyn!" he exclaimed. He was extremely happy right now, but it troubled him that she wasnt acting the same way. A sudden realisation hit him. "Oh god... ced's gonna kill me when he finds out." he said, falling back onto the bed.
Ashlyn still looked stunned as the ring slid into place on her finger. It was a perfect fit, almost as though it was made for her. She stared at it in surprise for a moment longer before looking back at Demyx. The joy on his face broke her, and she almost broke into tears on the spot. "You better never leave me again, you git." She stated, ruffling his hair affectionately. All she had wanted all along was him to love her back. Yet there was such a dark period where she never thought he was capable of such a thing. When he joined her on the bed again, she curled up right to him, pressing a kiss to the curve of his neck. "You're right. He probably will. But screw it... Ced will get over it. You know how he is. He'll want the best for us both,, and this is it, Demyx."

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