Five Single Ladies!

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Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Hey Guys!! :D
I'm bored and well I'm like in a somewhat called vacation at the moment so I need some plots for my character. My plots have been hmmm.. missing so I've decided to make new ones for now. I'll be posting some of my characters here and well hopefully someone would be interested in them. :r :)


First off is my main character Mizelea Brooks also known as Mizzy to her friends. Currently she's Quidditch Captain in Beauxbatons, is in her fifth year in Beauxbatons as well. Mizzy is really friendly, bubbly, smart and outgoing. She loves to lighten up other peoples moods and make them smile. She's really sweet and outspoken, Optimistic and Shopaholic. What I need for her some friends, crushes, and .. a love interest. I need her to be more mature now and start to feel inspired I'm also open for a final for her. Here C.D can be found below my siggy.
PB is Chloe Bridges


Next is Solenn Erina Goldameir, Solenn is very elegant and classy. She loves to be graceful at all times. Clever and Cunning, does not trust strangers quickly. Is outgoing yet at times private about her personal thoughts. Optimistic and Determined. She's nineteen years old and decided to open up her own shop, but at the moment her idea was postpones as she's lacks money. She's a heiress and was rich until she decided to run-off way from home. Here is C.D for more info. What I need for her is a love interest, like a boyfriend to keep her company at the moment.
PB is Lily Collins


Third is Cosette Mayfair, she a fifth year now in Hogwarts NZ and is a Hufflepuff. Lately, she found out she's a Metamorphmagus. Cosette is a nature freak and is really kind. She loves to sketch, play the flute and socialize with other people. She's somehow the motherly type of person. Cosette is 1/3 of the "Mayfair Triplets", others are Armand and Marianne Mayfair. She is the youngest among the three by just a minute, which is why her family treats her like a child most of the time. Now, Cosette wasn't close with her sibling during their childhood day up to now. She didn't liked how her sibling treated her and the fact that they share different attitude and values. Their family's origin is France which makes them French, all of them are fluent in speaking French. Here is her Bio for more info. What I need for her is some friends, young or old. Love interest as well and I'm open for a final for her.
PB is Bella Thorne


Fourth, is Clea Everett-Price she's my newest character and I hope I could have some plots for her. I made her because of my likeness with 'The Sceret Circle' and Britt Robertson as well. Clea is a quiet and shy girl, due to losing her parents at a young age she remained private and unspoken to others. Can be quite sarcastic and a bit of a tad tough cookie when angered. She's used to being labeled as a loner, though she's quite a friend to be. Currently she's staying with her fraternal uncle, as her grandfather died. Clea graduated from Salem and is now currently unemployed, she's looking for a job or something that will suit her well but she dreams of becoming a journalist or a writer. Here is her Bio for more info as well.
PB is Britt Robertson


Lastly, Milena La Fleur. She's a Sixth Year in Hogwarts NZ and is a Slytherin.She's not one of my meanest characters but yeah she's mean. Milena is much of a loner, she likes to be alone most of the times. She loves Quidditch and is a Seeker for Slytherin for years now. Milena was kind and sweet but since she joined the Dark Elites, she decided to be quite a meany and evilish. So over all, she's mean, a loner, private and well athletic. Milena is also musically inclined as she loves to play the guitar and sing. Obviously she's French and she speaks French fluently. Here is her old and will upgrade soonish C.D..What I need for her are just really really few friends, the one that she could lean on. Maybe an arch enemy then it will soon turn into a friendship type of thing. A love interest, she's gonna graduate soon and I don't want her be a loner forever. Again I'm open for a final for her, I would really appreciate it if her friends or love interest would be coming from Slytherin too. Then one of my plot for her is that she discovers her father is still alive and her father is a death eater, which explains her being a Slytherin and all. So if anyone would like to volunteer making a DE or if you already have one. Could you be his long lost and alive father? Please?
PB is Bridgit Mendler

Obviously I have five ladies listed above and all of them are single. (Forever Alone :cry: ) I really need some new plots for them to be developed, this are just some of my characters. As I believe I need to concentrate on them first before the others. I'm open for any special plots in mind and don't hesitate to PM me or anything in this account or to
Yerik Rhys Price my other main account. Hopefully someone would post for someone here and all of them would have a partner or something. Thank You so much for reading this and hope you'll post too! :wub:
- - Mintzy <3​
I have three options for you.
Firstly I have Tara Sitara a fourth year puff who could be friends with Cosette, she loves drawing so they will probably get along
Next I have Briar Rowan a sixth year lion who could be an annoyance or something for Milina, Briar is going through a fair bit at the moment, so maybe if she says a few wrong words it could really spark her off.
Finally I have Professor Elvera Le Fey, she could have a RP with one of the Hogwarts girls if you want to.
I think Tara and Cosette could be really great friends, and their both in Hufflepuff too. Since Briar is a Prefect that would be really interesting to bully around, though I don't want a huge fight. Oh and it's Milena not Milina, though she's the type who would just have a misunderstanding then ignore her. Enemies come and go for Milena, she isn't interested in socializing with people .. so she isn't interested wasting her time on Briar. As for Professor Elvera I think Cosette could befriend the Professor too. I'll be posting some thread tomorrow and will be starting the post tomorrow. So which one do you want to roleplay first or all at the same time? It's fine with be, oh and do you want to start some topic then I'll start the other topics?
Thanks Mia! :)
I dont want a huge fight either but an argument or something could be interesting. she wont be bullied easily, she will fight back.
I think Cosette and Tara will be really good.
I dont mind starting them I actually have an open thread for each of them if you want to post there or i can start somewhere else.
here are the links if you want to have a look at them.
Tara-Dragonflys it is at the lakefront
Briar- to the limits on the lawn
I have a plan though, you said that Briar will fight back at Milena. What if it turned out to be a way or start of a unusual friendship. Because Milena would like Briar's attitude and think that she'll be a great friend to have. Like Enemies turns into friends of type, would you also like that? The two topics are good, mind closing them so it would be the two of them only? I'll try to reply on some of the two topic tonight if I can. As for Professor Elvera I'll try to start something tomorrow-ish.
Okay I will close them now.
Briar and Milina getting on after a bad start sounds good.
Elvera will probably get on well with cosette too. she was a student at the school a couple of years ago so maybe she will vaguely recognise her (and possibly think she is a student too)
I have Kate Moon here for Cosette Mayfair. Kate is in to music so maybe they could get along that way?
Shes a forth year puff and she's going through a difficult time at the moment so it might be nice way
to forget about it for a while? I don't mind really.
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