Firsties needing buddies

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Okay, so I promise this will be brief, I have two recently sorted first years who need things like friends and such.
First of Noemie Vanity, now a ravenclaw. She's driven, she thinks that she's really intelligent and likes being a ravenclaw because this reaffirms that belief, she's likely to bring up facts in a conversation, correct people if they say something wrong, and wouldn't be great at comforting people because of the facts she'd bring up in the hopes that they would make them feel better, though she would try. She would very much like to be exactly like her mother, who is an academic and so is driven academically. Noemie is driven to do her best, but this in my mind might not work out as she grows older, and is asked to think more for herself rather than reciting from a textbook. As well as this, Noemie is a part-veela which will very much affect her relationships with others and how she interacts but this will likely be a factor as she grows older. Noemie tries her best, to be kind and to be generous but she doesn't keep many friends, since she can also seem judgmental of them when she corrects them or states facts to make herself seem better, but she doesn't do that because she's trying to prove she's better just more that she likes when things are correct and enjoys fact. She can be quite determined with and would only really be put off someone if they were expressly mean to her, or someone she really cared about, but gets a little self conscious when it's obvious people don't like her.
What I need for her, is friends primarily, maybe a few people who have an intense dislike for her, and while she's still very young, I would not be against discussing future love plots, but I'd like to keep her options open.

Lastly we have Rory Fergusson, newly sorted into Slytherin. The first thing to note about him is that he's very upset at not being a hufflepuff, he doesn't understand why he wasn't one, and though he knows about the different houses, he usually gets his way and thought that would sway the hat. He has this idea that his mother fostered within him that he deserves respect from others and that he should get what he wants and Rory wholeheartedly believes this, after all, up until now he's had no reason to not so therefore thought the hat would do what he wanted. Rory is loyal to his family, deeply loyal to them, he would do anything they asked of him, and firmly believes that upon leaving school they'll find him a partner to settle down with, and a job, so Rory doesn't care much for school, like at all. He will copy other people's homework, get people to do it for him, and generally just not do things for himself and not pay attention. He's a very dependent kid, he was very sheltered in his upbringing and his family did everything for him, so due to a lack of interactions with others he thinks this will be the same of Hogwarts people. Rory is a nice kid, he doesn't entirely understand sometimes that he's wrong, he's incredibly nervous and shy around new people, but also very quick to anger and argue if a certain topic comes up. Rory loves sports, and he loves both quidditch and football equally. Rory is scottish, and was sent to New Zealand for school for his own protection, and he has a little bit of an accent barrier, but in saying all this he tries his hardest to be understood, because he desperately wants friends.
For him, I see him getting a lot of enemies, people who don't like him because of the way he acts because he is very visibly entitled, he's already got someone that he's likely going to copy his work from and make do things for him, but I wouldn't mind a second person or a few who would be interested in kinda just being half like his minions, continuing to allow him to get his way. I'd really like for him to have a couple of friends, but I realise this might be hard as he will get along with very few people, although Rory will try his best to make friends, and given that he's a little homesick and feeling pretty down about not being in hufflepuff, he would definitely try harder to make a few more friends. I'd be up for discussing crushes and such, brief relationships but his final is already sorted.

That's it, if you have anything let me know! If you want to RP with any of my other characters, then also let me know, and thanks for taking the time to even read this.​
I have Scott Blade for Normie! He hasn't been sorted yet but ill let you know what house he get put in! He's a smart guy, pure blood & he loves any chance he can to get his hands on more knowledge. I think they'd go together pretty well. :)
I have Anabelle Williams who I think could get along with Rory. I think you know a bit about her, but anyways I can see her being a 'half' minion of sorts - like she'd just let him do whatever and copy her work (though it wouldnt be any help aha), but she'd help him with anything he needed, if he needed help with anything, whether it be homework, or pranks or talking to someone or just 'can you get that piece of toast for me', she'd do it ahaha. Ana isn't exactly a push-over, she's just loyal and wants to be liked and help her friends. Yass.
Okay bear with me as I try to convey this without sounding a bit insane.

So I have Bren, an adventurous outspoken Gryffindor, who by all accounts is beyond energetic and a bit loud. He is a bit mischievous when he wants to be and not above practical jokes and pranks. Rory as you said, is a bit nervous, shy, quick to anger and argumentative at times. That would work epically with my spaztastic pre-teen handful. He would not be afraid to argue back with Rory, and would find his anger comical at times though I am sure Rory would find this to a pain for sure. Bren would try and get the guy to relax a little and lighten up which could be fun as Rory could try and get Bren to calm down. While not quiet minion quality I think the interaction between the two could be interesting.
Zach, I would be very interested in threading Noemie and Scott, I think they would probably be able to study together and become study friends and I think it would be good for her to have a study partner because of the nature of how I see her developing over the years so having a friend like that would be great, especially since she's in Ravenclaw! Would you like to start something or shall I?

Donna, Anabelle and Rory might end up being friends, he would probably use her to get what he wants and take advantage of her in that way but I can see that happening after they become friends because he currently is really looking to make friends, and since school wouldn't have started yet he wouldn't have a reason yet to make her do things, so maybe they can bound over what he perceives as his incorrect sorting, in the common room. And then the relationship can develop into him taking advantage of her loyalty. Would you like to start it, or shall I?

Brandon, I definitely like the idea of Rory having someone to argue with, especially if it didn't then scare the boy off, so I'd be definitely keen on seeing their interactions and how they could develop and shape because of their slight differences in personality and the fact he would fight back, which Rory wouldn't be entirely used to. So, yeah, totally game for that. Would you like to start something or shall I?
Okay, you've probably had enough of rping with all of my characters all of the time but you're awesome so you can't stop me :wub:

For Noemie I wanted to see how Lilyanna and her would get along. If she does something that will annoy her then Lilyanna will definitely snap at her, causing her to then be mean as she's very hot-headed. She could be a potential enemy if you're up for that.

For Rory I think Eleanor would suit him well. When Rory wants to get his way I'm sure Eleanor would just step back and let him do it, even if it wasn't to her benefit. She could also help him with his nervousness and would definitely want to play some type of game with him upon first meeting to try and get him out of his shell.

I'm interested to see how this works out :)
Yasssss you can feel free to start one :r
Can you start it pleaseeeee?
I can start one no problem. Would the express be okay?
Donna -
Zach -

Brandon, the express would be great!

Kaye, I'm definitely up for enemies between Lilyanna and Noemie, i just think it would be quite funny to do that. Noemie wouldn't enjoy when Lilyanna snaps at her, so she would definitely hate her for that.
I'd also really like to see how Rory and Eleanor would interact, so I'm game for this. Would you like to start one and I'll start the other?
Yep, sure thing! I'll start the one with Rory and Eleanor and you can start Lilyanna and Noemie ^_^
So Zara, I think, would either be friends with Noemie or bug the heck out of her. Being who she is, I would totally see Zara asking the girl for homework help and then subsequently telling her that she should stop being so bookish and go out to do something fun with her. She could either help Noemie out of her academic shell or make her want to crawl in a hole. Your pick :p
Alright.. so November and Noemie should stay connected at school...probably library buddies through out the next few years?

And I have Fleur Worth in Slytherin is she's any interest to you for either? And I'd be up to Nov and Rory meeting again, but I kind of see them (for now at least) as only knowing each other from larger group threads sort of thing. We can always plot something more out for them later.
Tee, I think it might just be a toss up situationally you know, but I'd be very keen to test it out! So would you like to start something or shall I?

Steph, I like library buddies! We could do something for them later in the school semester?
And with Fleur, she might get along with Rory, she might not, depends I think on how they meet and all that. And I agree about the Rory and November, plus he would be pretty bitter about her being in Hufflepuff and not him. xD so maybe know each from classes, the type of folk who know each other but don't hang out unless others are around.
Can you please? :wub: :wub:
Sounds good to me, we could set up November and Noemie around week three or four? That way they'll have plenty of reason to bump into each other again.

AND Fleur and Rory definitely would have to meet to see if they'd be friends or not. We could do something in common room? Or I could even see her infiltrating the boys dorm to see if they got better accommodations or something. Or even at the Slytherin table many places so many different optons for plotting.
We should do her infiltrating the boys dorm, because he would not be happy with that xD Would you like to start it or shall I?
Haha okay I figured you'd pick that one. Sooooooo you Can start it.... :)
Hey Emzies I can offer my first year Aaron Walden for either of your characters. He's already met Rory and it didn't go particularly well the first time xD but things may have changed now they're at Hogwarts? So i'm definitely up for them to RP again. Not sure if they'd be friends or if they'd dislike each other though. I feel like Rory's personality would rub Aaron up the wrong way.

As for Noemie, Aaron isn't that academic and doesn't really care for reading or learning for the sake of it so I doubt that they would have much in common. Saying that, he wouldn't dislike her just because they were complete opposites because opposites attract right? :p
I'd be very keen to RP Aaron and Rory again, I don't think Rory would remember Aaron much more than one of the annoying boys so he probably wouldn't be very nice upon meeting him. And I think it would interesting to have Noemie and Aaron RP, maybe we could do this just after Halloween? Maybe they know of each other from classes and run into each other outside of class and hang out? You can start one, I can start the other?
Hey Emzies!
I have Alaska here for both of your firsties! I'd love to rp Alaska/Rory again, and I think Alaska and Noemie would be fun :)
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