First Years Lesson Two

Mallory was pleased to see she remembered each students’ name as they came into class, smiling fondly at the lot of them. “Good morning, my dears,” She greeted when everyone was seated, staying seated at her desk. Her mahogany hair was wrapped in a braided bun, small pink flowers dotting her hair to match her powder pink robes. Thank goodness for magic or she'd never had managed it.

Now, I do hope you did your reading. Can anyone tell me what spell we’ll be using today, and what it does?” She asked, smiling warmly and motioning for a student to answer. “Very good, dorogoy, five points for you,” She continued on again. “Lumos, my dears, is a very simple spell, and very useful. It is a spell that illuminates the tip of your wand and allows you to see in the dark, working much like a candle or a flashlight.

Mallory smiled, taking a sip of her water. She needed to make sure to stay hydrated. “Today, I would like you to find a partner, perhaps someone you don’t know. I would like the two of you to work together not just today, but for the remainder of this semester. Your grades are separate, of course, but I would like each of you to remember that your education is not something you must pursue alone. You have support, both from your Professors and from your friends.

Mallory smiled, folding her hands together. “Does anyone have any questions about todays spell?” She asked, taking a few moments to answer all of her students before resuming the lesson. “Alright, my darlings, let us go ahead and begin.” With a wave of her hand, she dimmed the lights. “I am right here if you have any other questions. When you have successfully cast Lumos, try to counter it with the spell Nox,” She instructed calmly.

Mallory stood, though it was slowly, and moved through the room, offering help to all who asked, moving back to the front as their time drew to a close. “I have seen remarkable work out of all of you today, my dears.” She turned the lights back on again. “Remember to do your reading, next week we will begin work on Wingardium Leviosa. Have a wonderful day, my darlings,” Mallory moved to sit back at her desk, smiling fondly at all of her students as they were dismissed.​
Alana liked Professor Grayveson so far even if they’d only had one class together. She made her way into the woman’s classroom for her next Charms lesson prepared to start learning their first spell. Having done the reading for the upcoming lesson she was prepared for the question the professor posed to the class, Alana raised her hand so she could respond. “We’re learning Lumos,” She smiled at the professor. It wasn’t the most exciting spell to learn but Alana had no doubt it would be something she found useful particularly when she started exploring the castle more late at night. She was determined to do more of that this semester.

After learning a little more about the spell and how to cast it they broke off into pairs and got to work casting Lumos and its counter spell Nox. Alana grabbed a random partner, one of the other Slytherin’s she recognised from hanging around the common room and spent the rest of the lesson going back and forth casting both spells. When the lesson was over Alana put her wand back in her robe, grabbed her bag and made her way out of the classroom.

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