First Years, Lesson Three

Noel had taken some preparations in the classroom for today's lesson. It was neccesary that there was enough room to practice and no one would get hurt. So the desks were removed. And he was sure most of the first years were glad with that. His desk was there still and he sat behind it when the first students arrived in the class. He decided to stay seated but welcomed them with an big smile. He saw some looking where they needed to go. And he smiled shortly. Some sat down on the ground, some stayed waiting while standing up. When the last student arrived he closed the door with an flick of his hand. And than turned his attention to the group. '' Hello everyone.'' He greeted them friendly. '' I've told you to bring along your wands today. You can take them out, but do not cast a spell untill I say so.'' He than said strictly. It was gonna be a fun lesson for sure, but they needed to follow the rules. And looked over to some who he figured he needed to keep an closer eye on. '' The two spells that you'll learn today are critical to self-defence. Duellists often use these two charms given how useful they are. So if you ever think of participating in duelling, it is advised you master both these spells.''

As he walked through the classroom, walking by students he than turned around again. Holding his wand in one of his hands. '' The first we are gonna learn is the shield charm. It casts an invisible protective barrier, or shield, around the caster. It is, therefore, extremely useful for deflecting other spells or even warding off physical attacks.'' Some who did the reading could know this, but it was an very important one to learn. He hoped they didn't have to use it other than in dueling. But the world was unfortunately not always safe. '' The incantation for the Shield Charm is Protego. Repeat after me, please.'' He than waved his wand around in anencouraging motion. He looked satisfied as the class went along. ''Now, this is the most basic form of the Shield Charm. There are more advanced versions, which you will learn as you advance through the course.''

Noel checked if everyone was still there. If they thought they could move their wand now directly that was not how it worked. He needed to explain stuff first, before actually trying it out. ''The second spell that you'll learn today is the Stunning Spell. This is a practical way to disable your opponent briefly. The Stunning Spell is often used to escape a bad situation quickly, though it can also give you a slight advantage in a duel. For this next part, I need a volunteer. I'll be casting the Stunning Spell on you for a demonstration to the rest of the class. '' He smiled reassuringly as some began to worry slightly. Some might find it cool, but some were more comfertable with just looking at their classmate.'' I promise that you won't be stunned long. Everything is perfectly fine. And it comes with extra house points.'' He than looked over to the students and picked one of the few brave students and beckoned them to stand in front of him. ''To the rest of you, watch and listen carefully.'' With one last reassuring smile to the student in front of him, Noel raised his wand and said the incantation out loud. ''Stupefy!''

The volunteer student collapsed to the floor and Noel immediately knelt beside them. He let the other students look at them for a couple of seconds before he quietly performed the Reviving Spell on them to get them back on their feet. He thanked the student and then turned back to the rest of the class. ''I would like all of you to partner up with someone and practice these spells on each other. Remember, the incantation for the Shield Charm is Protego and the incantation for the Stunning Spell is Stupefy. If your partner casts the Stunning Spell, you cast the Shield Charm to block it. Be sure to switch every once in a while so that the other can practice, too.'' Noel was excited to see how many of them would get it right the first time and how many would not. These weren't very difficult spells to master but could take some time to be cast perfectly. ''There will be other opportunities throughout the semester to practise these spells, so don't worry if you cannot get them right away. If your our partner gets struck by the Stunning Spell, please let me know I'll revive them. I shall walk around to help you out in case needed. You may begin!'

Roleplay the lesson.
- The first student to participate as a volunteer in the demonstration will receive extra house points!
Mania arrived to her DADA lesson on time again meaning to take a seat but frowning as she saw the desks were removed and all she had to sit on was really the floor. She wouldn't complain but she wasn't exactly happy about sitting on the cold floor so early in the morning. Mania's attention shot to the professor as he began speaking, her excitement growing and sour mood long since forgotten. They'd be using their wands today, that's right.

Before anyone else could Mania shot her hand up volunteering to help with the demonstration. She wasn't sure that it was the safest thing but hey, she'd give it a shot. Besides it wasn't like the Professor would hurt her anyways so safe enough. She marched up to the man and waited for him to send the spell her way. When it hit her body she collapsed and a sudden wave of anxiety hit her, it didn't feel nice and all the eyes were on her. Mania pushed through the noise in her brain and as the professor cast another spell on her and helped her back up she gave a quick but stiff smile before getting back to the safety of other people. The rest of the lesson was spent trying and Mania was hell-bent on mastering the art of DADA and duelling one day so that it was never because of her incapability to protect herself that she'd be on the receiving end of any spells like that again. As the lesson ended Nia made her way out of the room giving a quick thanks and bye to the professor.
Finley burst into the defence against the dark arts classroom, red faced and slightly out of breath. "Sorry, Professor! Got caught up wrestling Vex for my wand! Don't ask," he explained, barely giving Professor Waldgrave the time to respond as he found himself a spot near the front. One of these days he would be on time, but that day was clearly not today. His eyes lit up at the mention of duelling spells, and as soon as the professor asked for a volunteer, Finley’s hand shot up before the professor could even finish the sentence. However his best friend Mania apparently got there first. "Aw, come on, Mania! You know I was born for this kind of thing!" he whined, but was clearly just as eager to see his friend in action. He leaned forward on his knees, loudly cheering her on. "You’ve got this! Don’t flinch! Be legendary!"

When Mania hit the ground after the Stunning Spell, Finley gasped dramatically. "Mania, nooo!" he yelled, clutching his chest as though he’d been struck too. The moment she was revived, he shot to his feet, clapping and giving her a big thumbs-up. "Knew you’d crush it! That was epic! Let’s duel later so I can beat you at your own game." For the rest of the lesson, Finley was his usual loud self, hyping Mania up as they practiced the spells together, often over-explaining his "technique" or dramatically pretending to collapse even when her Stunning Spells barely grazed him.

@Mania Athanasiou
It was weird to walk into the classroom and see a complete lack of desks and chairs, but it also meant they would finally be doing something interesting. Miles was excited, the grin on his face as he yanked his wand out of his pocket in preparation. Finally, he was getting to learn some proper magic just as he had been dreaming about for years. He couldn't stop himself from bouncing from foot to foot as he watched the demonstration, feeling just a little bad for Mania as she was stunned. But, he didn't think about that for very long once they were given the permission to find someone to practice with.

Miles wasted absolutely no time in jumping in with his practice. It sucked to actually be hit with a stunning spell, and he found himself having to dodge around a lot when his shield charm failed to work properly, but it was still fun. By the end of the lesson, he was confident that his spells had gotten better. But there was always room for improvement, and improve he would before next year when he could finally take part in the duelling tournament. For now, he tucked his wand away and left the classroom once they had all been dismissed.
Christa, her normally free-flowing hair tied back neatly, sat cross-legged on the floor with her wand clutched in her hand, her nerves getting the better of her a little whenever she was in a class that required her to actually do magic. Despite having been successful a number of times by now, she couldn't shake the feeling that one of these days she wasn't going to succeed because she shouldn't be here because she wasn't a real witch. She raised her hand when he called for a volunteer, but then thought better of it because she wasn't sure that casting spells on people was a good idea, and her parents had never signed anything to her knowledge so she had to imagine she wasn't actually allowed to volunteer, because at schools back home this would not be allowed. When Mania went up instead she had to assume that she was given a permission slip, that made the most sense to her. Maybe it was signed before school even. She watched uncomfortably as Mania collapsed on the floor, not at all liking how Mania looked now. She quickly made notes in her scrapbook for Sabrina, letting her know that volunteering probably wasn't the best idea before she paired up with someone as class came to an end.​

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