First Years Lesson Three

Mallory couldn’t believe the year was already halfway over. She really couldn’t. She thought she really had been doing well, none of the students seemed to outwardly hate her, though she could sense several that seemed annoyed in classes. That was to be expected, however, she didn’t expect every student to adore classes. She hummed lightly, setting up the classroom for that days lesson, eager for class to begin. Peter was babbling a bit in a playpen tucked a bit more behind her desk, a little closer for while he was up and active, staying where she could keep an add on him.

Mallory smiled as she let the first years into the room, waiting until they had all settled in her seats. “Good morning, my dears, I trust all of you did your reading.” She was quite sure there were several students that hadn’t, however, so she flicked her wand, the chalk raising behind her to write out in an elegant script. “Wingardium Leviosa,” she began, starting to pace a bit around the room. “This is the charm that does what?” She asked, motioning for a student to answer. “Very good, dorogoy, two points for you.” She smiled, walking slowly across the front of the room, her hands crossed. “Wingardium Leviosa is the charm that will allow objects to fly. It is a controlled flight, it requires your concentration and the object you are enchanting will follow the trajectory of your wand. Can someone tell me the motion for this?” She asked, calling on a different student.

That’s correct, excellent answer. Two points for you.” She smiled warmly, continuing her pace in front of the room. “The wand motion for this is swish and flick. Let’s try that now, shall we?” Mallory raised her wand, having the students copy her in the motion. “Of course, breaking your concentration breaks the spell, but there is another counter to your spells. Can someone tell me the counterspell?”

Mallory called on a different student, smiling warmly at them as they answered. “That’s correct, Finite is the appropriate counterspell. Two points,” She took a moment to smooth out her lilac robes, adjusting one of the lilac buds that dotted her braid. “Now, for the next little bit, please do concentrate and practice this spell. When you have successfully lifted your feathers,” she waved her wand and feathers appeared in front of each student, “I would like you to practice using finite to end your spell.”

Mallory let them practice for a little bit, before calling for their attention again. “I notice some of you have already made great strides with this spell already. For those of you who feel comfortable- or confident enough- feel free to practice this spell on heavier objects. Please be careful, however, and try not to hurt yourself or your classmates. While I have your attention, please take note that your homework for today is, of course, reading the chapter on the Accio spell as we will be doing that one next week. I would also like you to go over both Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa and give me two examples for each spell around how you can use this in everyday life,” She smiled warmly at the students, letting them get back to practicing when she was finished speaking.

The class eventually began to draw to a close, and Mallory soon dismissed her students, complimenting them on their work and taking a note to herself of who could stand to use improvement and who was excelling. She moved to take Peter from the playpen, bouncing the tiring baby and moving to get him back to her room and his crib.
Two Points for each question answered
For the homework and 5 points please list two examples for each spell and how this can be used in everyday life.
The Valentine's ball... well Lumos doesn't know how it went actually because in the end he had decided not to bother going. He hadn't been in the mood to deal with other people all night and it just made more sense to stay in actually. Instead he had used the time to practice more of his spell work in anticipation of the class today and just to get everything off of his plate. Catching up with Jonah a little during the tug of war game they had the other day with the girls of Heta Omega had been a bit of a surprise and seeing his friend Eury get messed around like that had annoyed him. She's more William's friend than his, but William's his cousin and so he doesn' like people messing with people that are friendly with this family. Even if Eury is a little weird sometimes, like when she befriended Dak.

Lumos is already irritated as he walks into class, the only thing that really even makes him remotely tolerant of the lessons is his fascination with charms, but the pleasantries and partner work are definitely not his style and he would prefer to forget about all of that if he can. he slouches in his seat, not bothering to hide his disinterest as the professor smiles and greets them with her usual annoying warmth. Peter is kind of cute, but he's not a fan of babies. Except for Eden, he loves awe more than life itself, but she's three. She's not a baby anymore. "Wingardium Leviosa is the levitation spell. Makes things fly." When the feather appears in front of him, he sighs, gripping his wand and rolls his shoulders. As much as he despises the social aspect of this class, he isn't about to let anyone think he's slacking - there's only one class he intends to fail and so far he's actually managed to do wellish in it. He will be changing tactic for next year though. "Wingardium Leviosa" he mutters, using the swish and flick method as instructed. The feather rises smoothly and Lumos feels his face break out into a thin grin. Bet Nox can't do that. Bet his dad wasn't that good. He moves his wand around a little before murmuring, "Finite." The feather drops back to where it was before and without bothering to acknowledge anyone around him, he leaves the room when they are dismissed.
Winnie walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She nodded at the ask around the reading, since of course she had done it. She looked at the board as the professor had the name of the spell appear and she was quick to raise her hand to the question, but not quick enough as someone else was picked to answer it. She had to listen to someone else give the exact answer that she would’ve given. She then watched the professor demonstrated it and then let them get started. She took her wand when she was able to and began doing the spell. She took a few attempts but managed to get it. She practiced the spell and the finite over and over again until the lesson was wrapped up and he was abel to leave the room.
Lilith was sort of amazed how fast things went by, she had just been home for the holidays and now they were already halfway through the semester. She sat down in her seat at the front of the class and waited for the lesson to begin. Following the professor with her eyes she raised her hand on each of the questions but really only was fast enough for the second one. "Swish and flick, is what you are supposed to do with your wand." Lilith showed a small swish and flick in demonstration on her own wand, careful and taking note to her surroundings just in case.

As they were given the go to practice Lilith did so with relative ease, she was rather fond of spell work thus far. She repeated the process multiple times just to make sure the first time she made the feather fly wasn't an illusion. On her third time as she said "Wingardium Leviosa" and watched her feather gently raise from the table yet again, she was confident her eyes had not indeed deceived her. The Ravenclaw used the second spell to end the first one and was quite amazed how things could be countered with relative ease. As the lesson concluded Lilith packed her things and headed out the room.

Lumos: Lumos can be used to read in the dark or to find your way around in a dark room.

Wingardium Leviosa: This one can be used while cleaning, to lift objects while dusting under them. Also you can use it to get something from a table across the room I suppose, if you are lazy or unable to get it yourself. Would recommend just taking the walk though, but each for their own.
Apparently Elio and Cousin Mikael are dating now? He's not entirely sure what that means for the family, since sometimes when Elio comes over he sleeps in either his or Jonah's room and he really wants to keep his room now. If he has to keep rooming with Jonah if they come over for family dinner there's probably going to be a family dispute and it'll split down the middle again like when Ru said stupid things to Uncle Liam. Sometimes he worries about his family but there isn't much that he can do about it, the weekends helping Jonah he hopes are paying off though and now that Hina has been studying with Elio... that probably means he will see more of him right? It's not that he doesn't like Elio, he's just... a lot. Eli wants less people around, not more.

Eli listens quietly to what professor Grayveson says as she starts the lesson. He's still not over the whole needing to introduce himself thing and honestly he just wants the year to hurry up and be over at this point. "Finite is the counter spell," he says, after he watches the rest of his classmates answering questions. He reaches over to give @Lilith Ilves a high five for her correct answer, but who didn't know that one? After a couple of attempts, he manages to make the feather hover gracefully in the air, a small smile tugging across his lips. He cautiously practices the counter spell, feeling a small rush of pride as the feather floats gently back to the table. As the lesson continues, Eli notes the homework assignment, already thinking about practical ways to use the spells in daily life - like finding his way in the dark, that would be helpful since light switches aren't really a thing. Honestly if touchan ever convinces kaasan to get light switches, he thinks the family might fall apart. How they manage to live like they do astounds him honestly.

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