First Years, Lesson One

“Good morning, everyone,” Gabrielle greeted as the first years finally settled into their seats after a couple of minutes of rabble at the start of the lesson. She looked around the room, taking in the faces of the students. “Welcome to History of Magic. I'm Professor Moncrieffe, I was born in Bermuda, and I’ll be your teacher until fifth year. So, I’m going to go through the roll. When I call your name, if you could please just raise your hand, tell me if you have something you’d prefer me to call you, like a nickname or if you go by your middle name or something like that, and tell me where you’re from." She paused for a second. "Yes, I know you all hate these exercises, I do too, but it’ll help me put faces to names.”

She went through the list, making a couple of notes as she went before finally reaching the end. “Thank heavens that won’t take nearly as long next time. Alright, so this year we’ll go over some beginner topics - Merlin, witch trials, and so on. For some of you, this will all be completely new, for others, don’t discount it, you may actually still learn something if you bother to listen.” She gave a wry smirk, knowing some students from wizarding families would probably think they knew everything already. “Sure, we may not be doing any spells, but you won’t be doing yourself any favours if you tune out just because of that. If you come into any of your classes expecting to be bored from the outset, you're setting yourself up for failure. Besides, there’s more to magic than just wand waving and incantations, or huddling over cauldrons. You may find that understanding where we come from and knowing more about the world around you is far more useful than being able to turn a beetle into a button, just quietly.”

"But for now, since we've got a bit of time left...why don't you take the opportunity to chat amongst yourselves for a bit? Talk to people not in your house, if you haven't gotten to know them yet. You know, socialize and what not."
With that, she left the students to it, wandering around the classroom to keep an eye on things and talk to any students who had any questions or asking them a little more about themselves, before they were eventually dismissed.

RP the lesson. Feel free to tag me if you want me to interact being nosy about your character! You are also welcome to godmod Gabrielle asking more about where you’re from. Don't forget to read over the Classroom Policy!

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