First Years Lesson One (Ravenclaw and Slytherin)

Mallory was both relieved and nervous to be back. She'd spoken to Sam, and between the few days Peter spent with his father and the babysitting her fellow Professor offered, Mallory'd gotten several of her lessons covered. She had set up the classroom again the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. Amara was curled up with Maxim underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep as well (as if she'd gone and spelled all her little minions to rest, when really it had just been a long night) and all of Mallory’s notes and lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, turned to face out to the rows of seats so she could sit.

She had decorated the desk with a line of flowers, most of them shorter, creating a small barrier along the edge of the desk that she could still see over. She had taken care getting dressed that morning, her light powder blue robes swishing gently around her feet and her dark mahogany hair pulled back in a braided chignon. Peter was thankfully a calmer baby, dramatic when he wanted to be, but fascinated with watching her to the point where she could get ready for the day. She couldn't imagine how it would be with two babies, and the thought excited her a bit.

She rose from her desk as the students filed in, hand on her growing baby bump, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. She looked over the fresh young faces of the first years. “Dobroye utro, good morning my dears,” She greeted gently, her Russian accent a more subtle but still there. “My name is Professor Mallory Grayveson, and I’ll be your Professor until fifth year,” She raised a hand, the chalk raising to write out her name in an elegant script behind her.

Speaking to the children was very simple, and Mallory found herself relaxing. “I was born and raised in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I have two siblings, and I moved to Arrowtown here in New Zealand when I was eighteen, where I met and eventually married my husband, and we had our son Peter.” She told them, walking slowly back and forth across the front of the room as she spoke. “My dear, would you please start us off by telling us your name, house, and something about yourself, and something about your wand?” She asked, stopping in front of a student and smiling kindly. She listened carefully to all of the given answers, smiling warmly at each student in turn. Her memory was excellent, and she took a mental note of every name and face in her class, and noting their wands. “Thank you,” She smiled warmly at her class.

She moved back to the front of the room, and clapped her hands lightly. “Very good! Your wand is a part of you, an extension of your power and yourself. It’s important that you know about it, that you understand it’s properties and the power it can wield.”

Mallory continued to move, her robes swishing gently along the floor. “A Charm is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or creature. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is.” She explained. “I would like each of you to read the assigned chapter over the week between lessons. I will of course do a brief overview of the relevant chapter at the beginning of each lesson, but it will be much easier for you to take the time to study and understand on your own rather than trying to cram it into a single lesson.” Of course, if they were anything like her brother, and she assumed many of them were, they would wait until the last minute to do their reading.

"We will be learning spells, beginning next week with Lumos; the charm to cast a light from your wand, all the way up to your seventh year where you will progress onto casting your very own Patronus." She continued, pulling out her wand and casting a Patronus as she finished speaking, letting the Sphynx cat wander idly through the air for a few moments before letting it dissipate. “Of course, the more advanced magic will be taught by Professor Haden, to all of you that wish to continue your classes with him.”

Mallory stopped in the middle of the room, smiling fondly at all the children. “That’s all the time we have for today. Remember to do your reading, I’ve made you all a list of what chapters we’ll be covering this semester. Stop by my desk on your way out to collect your copy. My office is open after breakfast until dinner, if you have any questions about what you’ve read or would like a bit of extra tutoring, feel free to stop by.” She brought her hands together. “Next week we’ll be going over the spell Lumos, and be sure not to forget your wands. Dasvidaniya,” She spoke fondly, and with a flick of her wrist the door opened again and she moved to sit at her desk, passing out the assigned reading and homework list with a smile as the children came to collect their papers before leaving.


Roleplay lesson for full marks

Introduce yourself for extra credit

Additional credit for answering the question

Reading List:

Wingardium Leviosa
Aaron quickly found a seat towards the front of the class, mostly because he wanted to know what was going on and he thought that being at the front of the class during the lesson would help. He listened as the teacher introduced herself as Grayveson, he was sure one day he would get used to calling them professor, but he wasn’t sure, to be honest, because he still hadn’t gotten used to calling the ones from the first semester professor. As she asked them to introduce themselves, Aaron stood up when he was the next person already knowing exactly what he would say. “My name is Aaron Dela Cruz, Ravenclaw,” he said looking down at his wand, “My wand is 17 and a half inches, rigid walnut, with a fairy wing core. I’ve been told that walnut wands are for those with a strong sense of purpose—and I plan on proving that right. I like puzzles, strategy, and figuring things out, so I’m looking forward to mastering Charms.” Though to be honest, he did wonder about that since he didn’t realy know anything about charms anyway. He sat back down until the class was finished, listening to everyone else speak and waited until they were able to leave before doing so. Maybe he could find Angelo and ask him how this class had gone for him. He’d had it in the first semester right?​
Chiro was excited to learn charms, he knew very basic spells like lumos already, he’d been taught that by his parents before they’d even left for school, but that didn’t stop him from slouching a little in his seat, arms crossed, more for the aesthetic than anything else honestly. Professor Grayveson seemed okay, though he thought he knew more about her than he’d ever known about any other teacher he’d ever had in his life. Which was fine, he supposed, but wasn’t his favourite thing to know. He also just wasn’t a massive fan of lectures in general, or having to introduce himself in every lesson, because it felt like a bit of a waste of time. Surely they would have been better learning magic rather than introducing themselves to the rest of the class. To that point, when it came to his turn, he cleared his throat, and stayed seated. “No thank you, Professor, I’m not interested in getting to know anyone in the class, nor am I interested in them getting to know me.” In all honesty most probably knew him anyway, since they’d introduced themselves in several classes last semester, honestly he was tired of it.

@Professor Mallory Grayveson

Mallory was a little surprised when the boy chose not to answer. She nodded, summoning over her list of students and taking note of his name. "Oh, that's perfectly alright. If you don't want to I won't make you." She gave him a gentle smile. "Between us, half of it is just so I can put names to faces," She confided like it was a big secret. She wasn't completely surprised it was a Slytherin- most of her surly students tended to be Slytherin or Ravenclaw, with the odd Gryffindor that struggled to pay attention. She sent her list back, clapping her hands together. "Alright, my dears, moving on,"
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