First time receiving a rose?

Artemis Pourroulis

💥 impulsive 💥 energetic 💥 the tough sister 💥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
6/2035 (17)
Yellow rose for Tyler Lee

Artemis had no idea who Tyler Lee was. She hadn't been as lucky as most others from her list, but this boy, she had to take a bit longer to find. He could be anywhere in the school, after all, and Artemis was not about to run around shouting his name - although perhaps that could be her last choice. If she really could not find the boy. From the description she had been given, this Tyler was a first year Slytherin so she hoped she wouldn't have too much trouble locating him. She stopped by a tree and squinted, trying to look for any student wearing Slytherin robes. Her eyes widened when she finally saw someone who somewhat matched the description she was aware of, and she almost ran to him so that she could give him this rose, in case he was the person she had in mind. "Sorry - Hi. Are you Tyler Lee?" she asked, really hoping he was. He was a bit shorter than she had expected.
As much as Tyler liked the castle, it was boring to stay cooped up inside for very long. Tyler often went on runs outside, but sometimes preferred to take a walk instead. He was wandering around, hoping a little to run into Sierra or Blake outside. But he didn't see either of them. Just as he started heading back in the direction of the castle, a girl ran up to him. She wasn't in his year, he was pretty sure, and not in his house either. He frowned, the frown only deepening as she asked him if he was Tyler Lee. "Yes, I am." He said after a pause. "What do you want?"
Artemis was so glad when the boy she had decided to ask was the person she had been looking for, at last. She didn't think his tone was very nice, but decided to ignore it as she pulled out a rose to show him what 'she wanted'. "This is for you, there is also a note with it. Please take it and don't ask me to keep it because...well...I won't, and because I was specifically asked to deliver it to you." Artemis was known to be rather direct when she spoke, or maybe it was simply the fact that she was reaching the end of her deliveries and she was getting tired. She hoped the boy would not make a big fuss over it.

Tyler had forgotten a bit about the rose delivery thing, and definitely hadn't expected to receive any. He hesitated as the girl handed it to him, but her words made him frown in annoyance. He took the rose from her. "Why would I give it to you?" He asked her, his annoyance clear. "That's a bit arrogant, don't you think?" He rolled his eyes, then turned away from her. He wasn't going to keep the rose, as that was a sure way to be mocked by his roommates, but he was curious who had sent it. He looked at the note, his eyes widening a bit as he saw it was from Sierra. He felt a strange flutter in his chest and quickly pocketed the note. He made a point of dropping the flower on the ground where the girl could see, then walking away.
Artemis refrained from rolling her eyes at the younger boy, her patience with this whole rose delivery thing was running thin. She ignored his tone filled with annoyance, and instead replied, "Well, I have had people try to give it back to me. It is not that unusual, you know. And don't call me arrogant." What the boy did next should not have surprised her, but for some reason, it did. She was about to call him back for telling him off about that rose - had he simply just kept the note but purposefully dropped the rose on the floor? How rude could people really be? She huffed, finally deciding to roll her eyes, and left without another word, she didn't want to waste her time with this anymore.

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