First Time for Everything

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapph had successfully snuck into the Forbidden Forest. She didn't really know what to expect so she had her entire arsenal with her. Glitter bombs, a makeshift slingshot, and she supposed her wand. She wasn't really all that reliant on the little twig, but she had seen how powerful it could be.

Granted, she wasn't all that far in yet, but with a word like "Forbidden" in it, it had to be dangerous. Or have something really cool and top secret in it. She moved carefully, hyper-aware of everything around her.

Which is exactly why she ducked behind the nearest tree when she heard someone coming. The steps were to light to be adult and prefects wouldn't wonder our here. She loaded her slingshot and waited patiently for her unpleasant guest to get closer.

They were nearly on top of her when she whipped out from behind the tree and shot a smooth little pebble right between their eyes.

Before sneaking out towards the forbidden forest, Oliver had rid himself of his school uniform, opting for pair of loose fitting cargo pants and a sleeveless hoodie instead. It was a rather simple task as he'd done it successfully in his first year, and the Hufflepuff was proud to have snuck out there and returned without anyone's notice. It was all about the timing, really, and as he made a brisk walk past where the forest and the grounds met, an impish grin appeared on his face.

The reason for him coming here was to practice working on his parkour. It had been something Oliver had watched a few of the older muggle boys in his neighborhood do back home, and as soon as he'd seen it he was obsessed. The Forbidden Forest was the first place that came to his mind on where he could attempt some things and strengthen himself, and he was going to start by climbing the tallest tree in sight.

Oliver glanced upwards, and instantly was able to find what he needed. Not 20 feet away from him was the highest tree he could see, and he hastened his pace in excitement, steps light and full of unreleased energy. The second year then heard something snap, and he glanced up in time to see something small flying towards his face. Oliver had barely enough time to move as it was already right there, and he was only able to turn his body where it would hit his shoulder.

"FUuuuaaahh!" He half cursed half screamed as he felt it sting his arm, and he instantly clamped his hand over the hit flesh, feeling something sticky there. The boy rarely ever got truly angry, but that made him pissed. Had he not been able to react so quickly, he would've been struck right between the eyes. Before saying another word, Oliver rushed around the closest tree, hopefully able to find the jerk who'd tried to kill him.

Sapphire let out a bit of a strangled cry when she saw who it was that was rushing towards her. She dropped her slingshot instinctively, and it bounced with a dull thud off her combat boot. Oliver sounded furious, and Sapph didn't blame him. Way to go, you ****, shoot one of your two friends with a bloody stone!

He came rushing around the tree before Sapph could figure out what she was supposed to do, so she did the first thing that popped into her head. Granted it was probably what she would have done anyway since she never thought things through. As he came round the tree and into sight she pushed off the root she'd been standing on and wrapped her arms around the older boys neck, squeezing tightly.

Sapph buried her face in his neck, pouting terribly and sort of half yelling at him at the same time. "You stupid frigging **** what do you think you're doing out here are you trying to kill me I can't believe I hit you I am going to murder you next time you sneak up on me like that and leave you out here to rot" Her sentences all sort of ran together, but they were still intelligible.

Oliver was shocked to see Sapphire hiding behind the tree, and at the sight of her, he instantly froze in his tracks. A baffled look came over his face before fading into one of confused hurt, but all of his anger melted as the Slytherin wrapped her arms around his neck, promptly burying her face there.

None of what she was half yelling into his ear made any sense, but Oliver smiled softly, somehow knowing that this was her way of apologizing to him. The Hufflepuff hugged her briefly, letting her know he wasn't mad, before moving back onto the heels of his feet. His shoulder was killing him, but Oliver relaxed his face, not wanting her to feel any worse.

"Ah. So instead of pushing me off the roof, you thought you'd take me out David and Goliath style?" He teased, a playful grin on his face. She'd obviously not seen him, and the boy felt no grudges against her. It was purely accidental.
Sapph pushed Oliver softly, still irritated at herself for hitting him in the first place. She ignored his pun, even if it was a good one. She crossed her arms. Hitting the wrong targets always made her so irritated. "What are you doing out here, anyway, weirdo?" She asked, not really caring why she was out here anymore.

Oliver smirked at Sapphire as she pushed him softly, and he backed up a couple steps to lean against another tree. He'd never met anyone like her at all, and the Hufflepuff admired the way she was -- even if he couldn't find the right words to describe her. She was just very special, he thought.

An amused grin flashed on his face as she asked him what he'd been doing there. "I think a better question would be what are you doing out here with a slingshot?" Oliver replied, his smile interrupted by a wince as the cut on his shoulder scrubbed up against the rough tree bark.

Sapph completely ignored Oliver's question and her eyes narrowed as she saw his cut. Stupid frigging ****... She started cussing herself out mentally, jumping off her root and going over to the Hufflepuff. She grabbed his arm and examined it. Well, she broke it, so she might as well fix it. She reached into her bag, muttering "Hold still". She pulled out a little bottle of rubbing alcohol. "This'll hurt," She said simply, her grip on his arm like a vice.

She poured the alcohol over the wound, then put it back in her bag and switching it for a roll of purple medical wrap and a folded up napkin. She held the napkin in place with one hand, wrapping his arm with the other. She worked in silence, her hair falling in front of her face and hiding her from Oliver's view. She was pouting terribly, her bottom lip hanging out.

Oliver watched as the Slytherin procured a small bottle of rubbing alcohol from her bag, and tensed slightly, knowing fully well it was about to sting like the ****ens. He was familiar with the stuff at home due to the results of numerous bike wrecks and stupid tricks he'd attempted.

"You'd make a good doctor, since you're honest about that." The Hufflepuff teased as a distraction from when she poured the solution onto where he'd been nicked by the stone. Oliver bit his lip as it did its job, and then watched again as she went right back to her bag, this time pulling out a roll of medical wrap and a napkin.

He found it rather rather warming that she'd used up some of her recourses to help him, and the youth smiled softly as she continued to work in silence. "As I've said once before, you've got everything in that bag." Oliver said playfully once it looked like she'd finished. "Thank you, Sapphire." He added gratefully, looking at her with a warm smile on his face.

Sapph snorted when he thanked her. "Yeah, sure, since I'm the one that hit you," She muttered. She stepped back a bit, pulling out a sucker and popping it in her mouth. She grabbed another one, holding it out to Oliver as an offering. She still felt guilty, and she probably would for a bit.

Oliver grinned and lifted the arm she'd fixed up for him, inspecting the careful purple wrappings, the white of the napkin underneath peeking out slightly at some parts. "Just look before you pounce. You're probably the most dangerous thing out here, so I'm lucky to have you as my protector." He replied with a grin, trying to reassure that her there was no reason to be worried anymore.

He happily took the sucker she'd offered to him and tore the cellophane off before shoving it into his mouth. Looking around the forest quickly, he realized the sun was starting to move further west, and prt of sneaking out here was returning without being caught.

"You wanna head off somewhere else, or did you have something you needed to do?" He asked, willing to stay with her if she wanted to finish a task she may have started before he'd showed up. Oliver was feeling much better that his injury was bound up tightly, and he was back in the mood for scaling that huge tree if Sapphire decided on staying.

Sapph considered Oliver a moment before giving in. She was easily distracted, she knew that. But, there was no changing it, so why worry about it? She looked to Oliver when he said she was the most dangerous thing out there, so she gave him a dramatic bow. He continued by asking her if she had any plans out here and she just shrugged. "Not really, I just wanted to know why this place is off-limits."

Oliver grinned at Sapphire's dramatic bow, and returned it with a curtesy, wanting to make the Slytherin laugh. "I honestly think they just don't want students out here, because it would be hard to know where they were. Especially if everyone came out here at once." The Hufflepuff replied, not believing in any sort of danger -- unless it was the sort you brought upon yourself. He didn't have any reason to think otherwise. Oliver had never heard of any missing students or ones that had died out here.

Sapphire couldn't help but snicker when Oliver bowed. She crossed her arms and shook her head at the Hufflepuff. "You might have a point," She conceded, "But I read somewhere that there are Centaurs real deep in that don't like trespassers. Probably best not to wander too far in," She said it dismissively. Seeing an actual centaur would be amazing, but not if they were trying to kill her. Thinking of death actually reminded her of something she had thought of the other day, so she looked to Oliver with a question.

"Hey, Olivander, what do you do for birthdays?"

Oliver nodded when Sapphire mentioned the Centaurs that were said to dislike trespassers. He'd heard about it in his first year, but hadn't taken it as anything to be wary of. Centaurs were super cool sounding, and he couldn't imagine one of them trying to hurt a student -- unless they were being a prat. "Better safe than sorry." He replied, agreeing with her that venturing too deeply would probably have consequences.

His face brightened as Sapphire asked him what he did for birthdays. They were a big thing in the Foy family, and Oliver always enjoyed them, even if it wasn't his birthday being celebrated. "Well, for mine, my mom cook me all my favorite food. She's the best at it in the world, and she makes pies and cookies too." He began, but talking about food was making him hungry, so he switched onto the next thing.

"I usually open my presents afterwards, and then it differs. Sometimes we stay at home and watch a movie, and other times we'll go out somewhere, like a park." He added, stopping as he realized he was talking far too much. "Speaking of birthdays, when is your's, Sapphire?" Oliver asked curiously.
Sapph listened intently to Oliver explaining her question, a little miffed when he didn't go into more detail. She started to get lost in thought when he asked about her birthday, and she shrugged it off with a flippant "Oh, next week. Made me curious what people do. You said presents? What do they get you? Food sounds good..." Sapph didn't bother looking to Oliver for a reaction, looking purposefully off into space. If she had friends now she should probably be prepared. She was certain that friends did things for their other friends. She wasn't really concerned about the boys' end of things, but she would need to be prepared. She bit her lip subconsciously, a million things going through her mind.

Oliver's clear, blue eyes brightened when Sapphire answered that her birthday happened to be next week. He didn't hear the remainder of what she started to say before he jumped in, fresh excitement on his face. "Woah! Next week? You should've mentioned it before!" The Hufflepuff began, wondering if she'd have told him if he hadn't happened to ask just then. This didn't give him much time to get anything together, but Oliver added it to the very top of his list of priorities.

He smiled at the Slytherin, eyeing her curiously for a moment. She'd never told him how old she was, and Oliver wondered if she would be turning twelve or thirteen. "If you had a cake, how many candles would you have to blow out? Just a totally hypothetical question." He asked, running through a few different ideas in his head, one involving glitter and feathers.
Sapph was pulled out of her thoughts when Oliver asked her how many candles would be on a cake, and she looked at him weirdly. "Uh... Candles? What?" She tried thinking about it, but she honestly couldn't recall attending any birthdays at the home. Kids were in and out too fast for that, and no one had ever even really seemed to know hers.

She crossed her left arm across her belly and propped her right elbow on it, looking a bit more sassy than she intended. "I suppose that should be another thing that should bug me for not knowing, but I'm not really caring. What are candles for? One a year? Uh, twelve if it is. Blowing em out has to be a wish thing... Do you get a wish for every candle?"

Oliver's smile faltered when she seemed to struggle comprehending his question. Had she never had her birthday celebrated? The Hufflepuff could never imagine something like that, and he hoped she just had a different tradition than he did back home. Now more than ever he was determined to make her birthday next one a special one. Sapphire deserved the best, and he couldn't help but feel a somehow entitled with how his life had been verses her's.

"Eh, it's not really that all it's cracked up to be. Since I turned 10, my Mom doesn't usually do cakes anymore. I prefer pie anyway." The second year responded, not wanting her to feel like she was missing out on anything important. Oliver then smiled at what she said next. "Yup. You've got it, but it's simply one big wish. You have to blow them all out at once for your wish to come true." He explained.

Looking around at the forest around him again, he noticed the sky had darkened slightly. They weren't far in, only passed the point of visibility, but the Hufflepuff felt they should make their way back before anyone noticed. "Let's head back and I can tell you more if you like." Oliver offered, a warm smile on his lips.
Sapph thought over Oliver's statement of having pie instead of cake. "So, you just have a treat that can be shared with other people?" She cocked her head to the side a bit. "Wouldn't cookies be good, then? Cookies are always good." He answered her previous question and she thought over that one. One big wish did make more sense, otherwise you would have one hell of a list every year.

When he suggested they head back she looked up at the sky, and figured he was probably right. "Yeah, it's probably about dinner time in the Great Hall anyway." She started back down the way Oliver had come in the first place. "So presents... what do your parents usually get you anyway?"

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