First, Second & Third Year Exams

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1. Who was it we learned about who is considered to be was the most famous western wizard of all time?
2. What was the name of King Arthur's half-sister?
3. When and where did the Salem Witch trials take place?
4. What were Tituba and John Indian ordered to bake to help the girls in the Salem Witch Trials reveal the names of their tormentors?
5. Who did Betty and Abigail Williams name as witches?
6. What is the name of 'The Boy who lived?'
7. Was King Arthur originally put up for adoption?
8. Was Sarah Good an elderly or a homeless woman?
9. True or False: Puritans believed in witches.
10. True or False: To the puritans, was witchcraft considered a sin?

Bonus Question: How many times did Wendelin the Weird allegedly let herself be caught and burned at the stake?

1. Who was one of the first wizards to show signs of being an Animagus?
2. Who was Merlin's greatest foe?
3. What did Merlin turn into to defeat said foe?
4. Who was King Arthur's half-sister?
5. What was the name of King Arthur's fabled sword?
6. In which country is Arthur's half-sister said to have lived?
7. What is alchemy the study of?
8. What was the nickname for the City of Prague?
9. What stone did many alchemists spend their lives searching for?
10. Although it is now considered to be started on all continents, where or by whom do some say that alchemy was formed?

Bonus Question: During the semester, you were asked to do some research on Paracelsus, a major figure in medicine. Of which specific area of medicine was he considered the 'father'?

1. From which Ancient people did the word Celt originate?
2. What culture of people were the ancestors of the Celts?
3. During which period of Greece and Rome was the Celtic culture predominant North of the Alps?
4. Briefly describe one of the three creation theories of Stonehenge that you were lectured about. (Worth two points)
5. When did the Mayans begin building their empire?
6. Name any branch of magic that the Mayans are notably associated with.
7. Name three countries in which the Mayan Ruins are located.
8. In what year did the Mayans mysteriously cease building?
9. Name one of the two places that you took a field trip to this year.

Bonus Question: During the semester, you were asked to do some research on druids. Druidcraft was prohibited under Roman rule. Name any Roman emperor who was involved in this decline.

OOCOut of Character:
Hi all, please PM me your exams by 9pm Thursday AEST (GMT +10). Sorry I'm a bit slow, Dawntrailing. :r Keeping lessons open until then as well. Any problems, or if you have any specific requests for your character's grades, please reach out. (Unless it's 'can I have an O without doing the lessons, can't help you there unfortunately.) Reminder that bonus questions are just that, bonuses: you only need to answer the numbered questions correctly for full marks. Thanks for participating in History of Magic this semester!
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