Closed First Real Date

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Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
Lumio had been looking forward to this night for a long while. He knew that he would have fun and it would be good to spend the time with Ronald but it was also a little nerve wracking because he wanted it to go well. Lumio had put on a suit and was waiting, it was exactly eight and he knew that Ronald would be there any second and they would be able to immediately get to dancing. It was going to be so much fun and he was so looking forward to it. Lumio knew that they would have a great time.
Ronald knew that this day is the Yule Ball, so he panicking about what he will wear on this occasion like he remembers last time the tuxedo is not the whole point of this event, and the focus of this year yule ball is when Lumio (his crush) is her date sound so thrilled but this event one of Ronald so enthusiastic to attend.

Ronald is ready and wears his nice and elegance tuxedo, Ronald takedown to Great Hall to meet Lumio as usual Ronald behind time, so Ronald sees Lumio waiting for me and as I see Lumio he so "handsomely and his suit with a killer smile" that he gave to me, Ronald wave his hand to said that I'm here at our meeting place.
Lumio smiled as he spotted Ronald as he approached him. He gave a little smile and shrugged. "Thank you, you look pretty handsome too," he compliment. He held out his hand, "Shall we go dance?" Lumio offered holding his hand out to the other boy, this would be so much fun.
Ronald sees the Lumio hand and asks for their official dance for the Yule Ball, he grabs his hand and feels the rhythm of the song, Ronald wish that the time is stopped so both of them dance forever, Ronald felt safety if Lumio is always in their side, so Ronald takes this moment as one of his best at the Hogwarts.
Lumio danced with Ronald and gave a little smile. It was nice. They been courting a bit and it was good to spend time with him. He waited till the song came to an end and there was a little quiet as the new song started up. ”So, I wanted to ask, if maybe you’d be interested in being boyfriends now?” Lumio had asked before and Ronald hadn’t been ready but he felt like he was bound to be ready now. Or was hopefully ready now.
Ronald hear this question whisper to his hear "So, I wanted to ask if maybe you’d be interested in being boyfriends now?” Lumio said, Ronald, look at his crushed eyes he so serious, Ronald answer Lumio question "Yap I'm ready for this it's a Y-E-S, Ronald said it one by one per letter and hug Lumio so tightly" Ronald so content at this moment, Ronald said to himself it's really happening, his ultimate crush will become his Boyfriend now.
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Lumio was a little nervous, waiting to see what he would say about it but this time around he said yes. Lumio couldn't help but return the hug and smiled at him. He pulled away after a moment and decided he would ask, "Can I kiss you?" he thought it would be good to kiss, just a quick kiss nothing too much.
Ronald see from the gestures of Lumio that he is so happy, and then Lumio pulled me away and he ask me again "Can I kiss you?" Ronald was shocked again but we know that his feeling that we need to express both of us needed to express it and "Ronald smiled and move his head horizontally that means okay to me, Ronald tries to remember this kissing moment because this is the first time that I having a kissed, so Ronald preparing what Lumio next move because I'm waiting for what will be happening right now.
Lumio grinned happily watched and Ronald nodded his head and leaned in. He pressed a kiss to his lips. It was light but it was nice, it felt good. He liked it, it was a nice kiss, he pulled away after a moment just grinned. "Wow!" he had always imagined kissing would be good but he hadn't thought it would be that good. It had been great!
Ronald felt that his whole body stop and have a spell-like "wingardium leviosa" my whole body levitates because of the voltage that first in his lips and flowing in my whole body that kiss is so remarkable because it's Ronald first kissed when both of us calm down Ronald ask again to clarify things right know, Lumio we're together known as a real couple right, "My I request something", Ronald wait for Lumio approval for his cutie hearth pampering question to his boyfriend.
Lumio smiled at Ronald and nodded. "Sure?" he said, he wasn't sure what he would ask but he would try to honor it if he could. He felt like he was riding a high that would never end, so he felt like there wasn't any way he wouldn't manage to do what he might request.
Ronald ask Lumio if it's okay we have used a Call sign like baby, love or sweet if it's okay to Lumio, Ronald said if you like it I will call you "Mahal" in my country mean Love, Ronald difinetly will be okay if he refuse to use call sign for both of us.
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