Open First met.

Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

🐺Dragonologists , Sweden dragon reservation🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Austin )
Sexual Orientation
Austin ❤️
Pear Wand 11 5/8" Mermaid Scale
21(10June, 2038.)
Hours were over, not enough homework, but enough free space in Hufflepuff coomon room to tell Jenna that it was now wiser to wander around the school with a book in her hands to find the most comfortable corner to drop by and take in the magic. It was December, the girl was expecting more spring when the first sprouts would come out of the ground and wondered if there should be a time to put on a dress for the Yule ball. Right here at the tip of your nose. The dark hair was in a braided bra on the back and as she walked swinging from side to side like a dark chocolate clock pendulum with a rubber band tied in it. Jenna accidentally walked into the trophy room and entered it. The girl had a good book in her hands and this place was still unknown and unexplored, so she closed the door quietly behind her.
Daintree was wandering around the school, bored. He was always bored, the books he’d found were interesting enough but he didn’t like them all that much. He didn’t have that much to do during quidditch because of the fact it was heading towards the end of the semester and the first game had already happened. His walking had led him into the trophy room, where he was reading over the names of all the previous students who had attended the school, all of the magical people whose lives had just no interacted with him in the slightest but that had existed. He spotted the head girl for the year he’d been born, which felt a little weird. This whole world right there, so close and yet so far until he entered it. He was broken from his thoughts when the door opened and someone walked in. He watched her close the door behind her, ”yeah sure, closing the door will keep more people out,”
When the voices were heard, the girl was nowhere scared and the book fell out and she knocked on the booty door a bit. She had never noticed, but she still found a place to read. "You scared me!" The girl responded when she returned for a moment and picked up her book. "If I disturb you, I can leave!" Jenna let out a heavy sigh as she realized she'd have to look for another place to read.
Daintree wasn’t too surprised when he ended up scaring the girl a little. He walked over to her, but didn’t help her pick up any of the things which she had dropped. Instead just watching, ”It’s fine, I wasn’t really doing anything anyway,” the boy told her. He wasn’t really doing anything, he had been bored and was just looking at names on the wall. Perhaps in this way he would be able to spend a little time annoying someone else, so that would be a good use of his time. He could definitely think it a good use of his time. ”What are you reading?” he asked, motioning to the book. ”I’m Daintree by the way,” he introduced though he didn’t think it was all that necessary to do so.
It was sad to watch him fail to help a scared girl hold a book. Maybe he had a bad day today and had forgotten his manners? But, Jenna was not the kind of person who would wish the other bad. The girl sincerely gave him a smile and decided to respond lovingly and not feel the anger in her voice. '' Why, are you here alone?'' She asked him with a warm smile and looked her book and she wanted pick up the book. The dark-haired man leaned over the book and took it back in his hands and looked at his name to answer the boy. He looked a little older then she was look. I'm reading about Jane Austin, Mansfield Park. It's is lovely book and i was hoping find place to read. '' She asked him with a smile and looked him to beautiful eyes. '' Nice to meet you and my name is Jenna, are you from Slytherin?'' She asked to him and she wanna know.
Daintree looked at her curiously when she asked when he was doing there alone. ”I was looking at the previous head people,” he told her while pointing vaguely towards where they coould be found within this room. He listened as she told him what she was reading, Jane Austin, wasn’t that old. Like so old. He knew there were films about it, his mother liked period dramas, but he didn’t see the appeal, a lot of rich people standing around not marrying certain people, it was not something he though geared towards him. He did also think it a bit odd that she wanted to read here of all places, ”Do you like old and boring books then?” he asked her before motioning to the room, ”And rooms with hardly any places to sit?” maybe there was a reason why she liked this room over others in the school. The girl gave her name, Jenna, ”Yeah, Second year, what are you?” he asked her, not taking any guesses, just knowing it couldn’t possible be slytherin or he would’ve seen her before and definitely not second year or he would’ve absolutely seen her before.
It was difficult to understand what he was about, but probably the least to everyone who could not be the same. They watched him carefully and hoped that they would be able to leave it ahead.'' I see'' Jenna answered with a smile to him and looked to him. '' Yes, somtimes when you miss something to read, you do that a thing. And you like to read?'' Jenna asked the boy, but wasn't sure his attitude would be positive for reading books. '' I was bored in my coomon room and then i was thinking a little walk.'' Jenna asnwered with nervos smile and he was right, that place not to be a good reading but she was always get a grate ideas and she can sit like a lotos flower and then she can start to read. '' Hufflepuff, first year!'' Jenna loved so much Hufflepuff and she always was so much proud with her house.
Dain looked at the girl and gave a little shrug, ”I’m not a huge reader,” the slytherin told her honestly, since he didn’t read all that much really. He was maybe trying to get into it but he didn’t know which was books would actually interest him enough that he’d read them so religiously in the spare non school hours he had. ”I walk a lot, and I play quidditch,” he told her, adding after she had mentioned walking because that was something that he did, and he didn’t want this youngest girl to think he was boring, he needed to be friends and friendly with everyone, he just needed to be. He nodded when she said she was in hufflepuff, and the year below him, ”That’s cool, do you like it?” he asked her, perhaps she had a lot of opinions about her house and that would be an easier conversation to have.
Jenna wasn't surprise when Daintree says, he is not fan od reading, but Jenna didn't say enything. She smiled to him, when Jenna hear about walking. She like to do something like that. Always mornings walks was so nice and fealt freash ear. "Yes, i like quidditch, but i'm a realy bad at the broom and the air." That was true words of Jenna, becouse she was all the time so afraid and don't wanna again rember mom dead. She hoped, he don't be laft of hears fier.
Daintree wasn’t surprised she liked quidditch, everyone who was magical liked quidditch. He thought that it was a bit of a given when that was largely the only sport that people at Hogwarts had. It was the only one they had to occupy their time, that was professionally played. He shrugged, ”It’s something you can pick up. I only really started learning this year, and it’s been pretty easy.” the boy told her, if there were wider issues for why she might not like it, it would make sense, but it wasn’t too hard, ”If ever you want to learn, I can help out a bit, I’m pretty good at it,” he boasted. He wouldn’t need to do much, really, it couldn’t be that hard to teach if it was quite simple to learn. He also thought that helping younger students would certainly be helpful in improving his reputation as he progressed in this school, given that he likely wasn’t going anywhere.

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