First Meeting in a Long Time

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa walked silently to the forest hoping to be away from all the happy Hufflepuffs. It wasn't the same with out Neita. Arisa frowned even more, why did it seem that when ever she got close to someone the left? First Derrik, then Sern, and now Neita. Its not fair Arisa thought climbing her favorite tree and sitting on a lower branch playing with her newly cut short hair. Arisa would kill to have someone here to talk to, but she had no idea where Derrik was, and knew there was a slim chance he would come into the forest. Sighing Arisa jumped down from the tree and began wondering farther into the dark forest.
Well here he was. Back, finally, at Hogwarts. It had been just a little while since he had left.. But it was for good reason. He felt much better now and finally felt like he was where he was supposed to be. Before he left you would have nearly no clue that he was actually an identical twin. Even more unbelievable.. it was to Aeon summers.. But it was true. And now you cold see it. His hair was its original blond and his eyes, back to its piercing blue. Even his skin seemed to glow with new found warmth.

And his first place to visit? Well of course it was the forest. There was always the chance for adventure and mystery there. Anything could happen and it was completely out of bounds. Hence, its perfection. though, even with his new changes, he could still run.. He literally streaked down the path to the forest before he let out a laugh. It was good to be back.

After playing around through the tree's for a while he came back to the ground. Upon doing so he noticed, just off in the distance, Arisa. He had left her without explanation. Maybe she will think I'm Aeon? That thought put a smile on his face as they, he and Aeon, were perfectly the same in appearance now. As he moved over he lifted a hand to wave and called out in a voice that almost mimicked his brothers, "Hey Arisa!".
Arisa was thinking of heading back to the castle to go do some reading, or maybe talk to her mom or something when she heard a voice that sounded very familiar, turning around she saw Aeon and smiled at him, "Hey Aeon!" she called back walking over to go see him, "How was your summer?" she asked trying to sound cheerful. Aeon seemed different somehow, not himself, like he was a different person completely....
Sern cocked his head to the side for a moment as he tried not to burst out laughing. It worked.. Of course it had, They were almost perfectly the same now. Well.. I don't want to be killed twice so.. "Aeon? What are you talking about" A smile that was only rarely shown in his former days came across his lips as his head stayed tilted to the side. "What... don't you remember me?" His eyebrow raised just slightly as he looked over her. Well... lets see how this goes.
Arisa was utterly confused, of course it was Aeon, who else would it be? Just then Arisa saw a smile that just last year could make her stomach turn into knots, and it still did a little, "S-Sern?" she asked wide eyed. Arisa took a step closer and put her hands on his cheeks. She couldn't believe it, was it really him? Just then Arisa took a few steps back, "Where the hell were you, and what happened to you!?" she asked in a very loud voice. If he thought he could just up and leave one day then come back completely changed with out an explanation, he was sadly mistaken.
Sern smiled once more as she said his name and her hands come around his cheeks But then he winced as she stepped back and yelled at him. Where had he been. What happened to him. Those he had been expecting, "I've been away.. and I was getting...better?" He gave an apologetic look to her.

"I had too.... I'm sorry.. But I'm better now" He put a cheery note to the last part. He was truly happy now. No more depression. He felt lie how he did when he was little and used to play pranks with aeon all the time.
Arisa nodded when he said he had been away getting better. Arisa had to admit, she was extremely happy he wouldn't be depressed anymore. More then anything though she was just happy he was back. Now that they had gotten her questions over with, she had something she had been wanting to do for a long time. Arisa ran up and hugged Sern with a force that could knock someone down, "I missed you so so much!" she said wrapping her arms around his neck tears threatening to spill out of her eyes at any second. Arisa had gone half crazy all last year not knowing where Sern was, she would have to remember to thank Derrik for putting up with her as she looked back at how insane she was acting.
If there was something he wasn't expecting it was this. Strait from the yelling she bolted at him and slammed into him with enough force to knock him off his feet and onto the ground. She had her arms tightly around his waist and was sobbing into his chest. She exclaimed how much she missed him and he chuckled "I missed you too.." He wrapped his own arms around her.

"Anyway.. it couldn't have been that bad without me could it?" He poked his tongue out at her slightly with another laugh before pulling them back up to their feet. "Anyway.. so what have you been up to" He asked rather casually for the long overdue reunion.
Arisa felt Sern pull them botch pack up to there feat before she wiped the tears away from her eyes and looked at him, "Couldn't have been that bad? Do you have any idea how worried I was!?" she asked, "I had to deal with Kida all by my self for a whole year!" she added jokingly. Arisa shrugged when he asked her what she had been up to, "Nothing really, life around here is pretty boring now..." Arisa answered truthfully. The biggest thing that had happened was her mother getting married, and she wasn't about to bring that up, she was actually thinking of taking up her fathers offer in coming to live with him just to get away from her mother and 'step father'. There was one question Arisa was dieing to ask though, where did this leave them? They had a great thing going on before he left, did he still feel the same way about her? Arisa wasn't even sure how she felt about him, after he had been gone for half the year she had given up on him coming back and had locked her feelings for him away, were they still there?
"Kida? Oh you poor thing" Mock horror came across his face for a moment before he burst out laughing. That would be torture. He could jut picture her having to listen to kida's annoying rants. She said how life around here had been pretty boring lately and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrow. "Life at Hogwarts.. boring? You can't be serious. Aeon wouldn't allow it" He rolled his eyes with another laugh.
(( this is my last post for the night ))

Arisa smiled when Sern laughed, it was such an amazing sound, she couldn't believe she had never heard it before now. Arisa's smile disappeared for a second when he talked about Aeon but she replaced it quickly, "Well I really haven't seen much of Aeon, or Viv, or Ari" she admitted with a shrug. The group they had formed in there 1st year was slowly drifting apart, it wasn't the happiest thing in the world, but it was a part of growing up. They were forming the friendships that would be set for the rest of there lives. Suddenly another question crossed Arisa's mind, "Sern, did you meet any friends while you were away?" she asked, "Any girls?" she added quietly hoping it didn't sound to weird and make things awkward.
"Worried about me having female friends are we?" Sern said with abit of a chuckle. So she obviously still carried feeling for him. And here he was expected to be nailed up to a cross or something. He almost rolled his eyes. Self drama queen much?

"I met a few girls" He shrugged slightly before adding abit too quickly for his casual attitude "But not one I that" He put abit of emphasis on the last part. He paused for a moment looking for her reaction before asking himself, "What about you?". He was sure that Arisa.., being Arisa, would have found somebody else by now.
Arisa blushed lightly at Sern's laugh, Your such an idiot she told herself. Arisa didn't really trust him when he said there was no one that he liked, like that. Arisa shook her head when he asked her if she had met anyone, "Nope, no one" she answered truthfully. Of course he would wonder about that, I mean look at your history with guys, look at how you two ended up together.
"You've got the whole of Hogwarts before you and you can't find a guy?" Sern asked with a raised eyebrow and the slightest humorous smile on his lips. He didn't think anything bad about Arisa.. But most people their age would have lost interest and quickly moved on to the next willing person.. He hadn't expected Arisa to be single at all.. The thought never even really crossed his mind.

As for him.. Well he wasn't really paying girls that much attention. True, he did think a couple were pretty or funny but nothing more. Just a few maybe friends here and there.
"I just wasn't interested in dating I guess" Arisa replied crossing her arms and going to lean on a tree, unfortunately she missed and fell to the ground. Blushing Arisa stood up brushed the dust off herself. Arisa successfully leaned against a tree this time. "Too much going on to think about guys" she added after a few minutes.
"And there you were saying that nothing was going on.. Contradicting much" Sern nodded his head in agreement with himself once more. He paused for a moment, as if in thought. Well... this was going to go well... or fail horribly and he was going to die. He mentally shrugged his shoulders.

In an instant he had closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around Arisa's waist before Letting his lips fall against hers in a gentle kiss. After a few moments he released her and smiled very slightly but warmly, "That was supposed to be my goodbye.."
"Well, not that much, really" she said rolling her eyes playfully. Arisa hadn't been paying much attention to where Sern was standing, until his arms were around her waist and his lips against hers. At first Arisa was to shocked to do anything but stand there. There were a million things buzzing through Arisa's mind, WHOA! What does this mean? Does he still like me? Why am I just standing here letting him kiss me? He left for a whole year! Plus hes gunna think I'm an idiot if I just keep standing here not doing anything? Wait, do I still like him? I know I wouldn't object to another kiss... He really is an amazing kisser. Oh, time to snap out of it, he said something!. Arisa hadn't realized during her moment of thinking that her arms had wrapped around Sern's neck but she really wasn't in any hurry to move them, "Well, that was..." Arisa trailed off not sure how to finish it? Nice? Fun? Perfect? The happiest thing thats happened to me since the end of last year? What?
Sern watched her for a few moments , half waiting to be hit. But for the most part she seemed to be stunned. After a while she started to say 'That was...' but didn't quite make the end of the sentence. He let abit of a laugh. "Well.. you haven't hit me yet.. " He moved forward to sling his arms around her waist once again, enjoying the feeling of being close to her again. He missed it.

"And if you haven't hit me yet... you're either in shock.. or you liked it" His face gave of a playfully thoughtful look before continueing, "I'd like to think it was the last option.. Because then I could do this". He couldn't help it, once more his lips came against hers in a more deepened kiss that lasted longer then the least. When he at last pulled his lips from hers, his eyes searched for a reaction.
Arisa laughed a little when Sern observed that she hadn't hit him yet so she must have liked it. She had liked it, allot actually. Smiling as Sern wrapped his hands around her waist Arisa put her hands on his shoulders. Arisa was jut about to give him a witty remark when his lips were on hers again. Still smiling Arisa kissed him back this time, "I defiantly liked that" she said after he pulled away.
(( sorry about late post :erm: ))

She had kissed him back and finally said she liked it. Still... Sern couldn't be sure that her was still in love with her could he? It could just be because he was back and seeing her again.. He would just have to wait and see.

Still, he laughed as she said she liked it. "Of course you did... how could anyone not" After a heroic/proud/show off pose he burst out laugh again before spinning arise back into his arms and against his body in a hug. "So everything has really been that boring?" He asked in curiosity.
Arisa rolled her eyes at Sern with a smile on her face as he burst out laughing. She really didn't know how she felt for Sern anymore, the whole time they had been kissing, Arisa had enjoyed it, but did that really mean anything? Arisa lent her head on Sern's chest as he hugged her again, "Well, everything was boring until this summer..." she said before sighing.

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