Closed First Dates

Dorothy Nash

Dot ~ Shy ~ Squib ~ Kids Book Author~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking) (Demisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Dot was nervous. She'd put so much thought into this look- she'd used some of her savings to buy an A-line, off-the-shoulder tea length dress in a blush pink, matched with matching round toe pumps with kitten heels and white bowknot ankle straps. She'd even put on white leggins with a lace cuff that came up just under her knees. She wasn't sure if that was too girlish, but she thought it was cute. She'd curled her hair but left it down, thinking it was a cute aesthetic, and decided to make it fancier by pulling back a bit of hair by her ears and tying it back with a lacy white bow. She left some curls to frame her face, and had even taken the time to do her makeup. Just a light pink lip gloss that sparkled, with blush pink eyeshadow and white eyeliner. She took a deep breath, knowing there wasn't anything else she could do to make herself look nice.

She didn't want to clean, worried it would make her dress dirty. So instead she'd taken to pacing in front of the door, twisting her hands over the delicate beading of the strap on her small pink purse, a delicate fabric she often ran her hands over to soothe herself when she was out and about and nervous, holding her phone, her lip gloss, a small bottle of rose perfume and a small bottle of hand sanitizer, with a white handkerchief.

She groaned, and stopped, taking a few deep breaths. Obsessing over what she wore and what she had on her wasn't going to help her with these nerves. Why had she even agreed to go on a date? Especially one most likely expensive- she'd allowed Daintree to get tickets to a ballet and a reservation to a restaurant she'd always wanted to try but had been too nervous to even walk into. But he'd been so sweet... just walking with her around the park nearby, talking with her, listening to her go on about her silly little stories. She reached up to run a hand over her hair, hoping he wouldn't be too much later to pick her up.
Daintree could admit that trying to get Dot to go on a date with him had been a bit of a task, but hse'd finally said yes and he was very very eager for it. He had arranged what he hoped would be the perfect first date. She was just so pretty and kind and she made him feel like if he didn't date her, someone else would. She was too lovely to treat poorly, or just let her not be made to feel so special, he had the money, so why not.

Daintree had dressed sharply for this, a crisp and perfectly tailored suit. He had coiffed his hair and made sure that he looked presentable. He had bought her a box of pastries from a local place she'd talked about liking when he'd walked her round the park, and a bouquet of her favourite flowers. He wanted to wow and impress her, wanted to give her a real good first date. Daintree arrived at her door, exactly on time, and knocked. He refused to be late for this.
Dot nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the knock on the door. She'd been expecting it, but somehow it had still gotten her. She put a hand over her racing heart, taking a deep breath before walking to the door and opening it for him. "Hello," She greeted shyly, blushing furiously, surprised to see he wasn't empty handed. "Oh, are those-?" She stepped back so he had room to come inside. "You didn't need to do that," She offered, twisting her braid in her hands again, trying to battle the nerves twisting her stomach in knots.
Daintree's heart felt like it stuttered in her chest in seeing her, she was beautiful, stunning, so stunning. He couldn't help but feel so in awe that no one else had asked her out. He felt almost ready to marry her with how beautiful she was. "Of course I did," he stepped inside. "I'm trying to impress you," he told her with a light tone, but he was being serious. He was trying to impress her. Wanting to make a good impression. "How would you feel about going to the ballet?" he asked, reaching into his suit and pulling out the tickets he'd gotten.
Dot had taken the bouqet of pink and white daisies, along with the pastries, before she moved towards the kitchen to get a vase for them. "Wasn't that already the plan? Ballet and dinner?" She questioned, setting the treats on the counter and bending to take a clear crystal vase from below the sink. She spent a few moments getting the flowers set up in the water before moving the lot of it all to the kitchen table, admiring her new centerpiece. On impulse, she took a white daisy and threaded it into her hair, letting it rest behind her ear. She turned back to Daintree with a shy smile.
Daintree smiled widely at her. "it was, but it was in case you had second thoughts about it," he said easily. he held out an arm to her as she turned back to him. "Beautiful," he praised of the flower in her hair and generally with how pretty she looked. "Now, if you take my arm, I can apparate us to just outside of it, and then we can just walk in," he said easily. He had the tickets in his pocket ready for when they got there, but he knew he wouldn't really need them, the people would know who he was.
Dot took a deep breath, and nodded shyly. She could do this, right? She walked over to him, lacing her hands gently through his elbow, letting herself lean into his side and shutting her eyes. She'd only been apparated a few times, and she never liked it. She scrunched her nose. Giving in to her discomfort, she buried her face in his shoulder as she clung to him, trying to still her trembling.
Apparition was the best part of magic, it made things so much easier for magical people. He let her take his elbow and then put a hand on hers and then apparated them to the location. He took a moment to keep a good hold of her. "All good, Dot?" he asked, wanting to give her a moment to adjust before they got moving.
Dot was trembling by the time they'd settled back on their feet. She was clinging to him, face buried in his shoulder. "One moment please," She managed breathlessly, hoping he wouldn't notice how green she was. It took her several moments to regain control, her trembling slowly subsiding as she took deep, grounding breaths. Slowly, she stepped back, smoothing out her dress and checking her hair. "I'm sorry," She apologized gently, staring at her shoes and knowing she was blushing furiously. She bit her lip, unthinkingly twisting her hair in her hands.
Daintree didn't move, just let her get adjusted following the apparition. he knew it could be a lot to people if they didn't get to do it often. Which he was sure she didn't. He shook his head. "All good, Dot," he said lightly, reaching to touch her chin and tilt her head up to look at him. "I know how rough that can be if you're not used to it," he assured her. "We've got box seats, so even if we were late, we wouldn't disturb anyone, so take your time,"
Dot's breath caught when he turned her face towards his, and she was quiet a moment, nearly overwhelmed by the urge to have him kiss her. She swallowed hard, and took a tiny step back, blushing furiously while her heart thundered in her chest. She took a few deep breaths, trying to dispel the yearnings rushing through her. Wanting to kiss him, wanting him to cup his hand against her cheek, brush his knuckles under her jaw, wanting him to hug her. She took another breath. "I'm alright now, thank you," She offered, dropping her gaze again and twisting her braid a little more in her hands.
Daintree was watching her carefully as she seemed to get herslef a little under control, the after effects of the apparition, seemingly still hitting pretty hard. Daintree smiled as she said she was alright, and he nodded. He held out his arm to her. "Good, just let me know if you need another moment," he said, not wanting to rush anything, even if she seemed to be okay.
Dot hesitated a little moment before stepping in, slipping her hand into the crook of his offered arm. "I'm really alright, Daintree, thank you," She offered softly, sliding her other hand a little lower on his arm and stepping into his side- not quite brushing against him. "Let's hurry, we don't want to miss too much of the ballet,"
Daintree nodded, and then moved, making sure he walked carefully and at the pace she could match. He guided her inside, greeting a few people he knew before guiding her to the box his family had when they got tickets. "We're just in here," he told her as they were shown in, and Daintree ordered a bottle of champagne to be brought to them. "Best view in the house," he told her.
Dot let Daintree lead her into the theater, the ballet, and she kept close to his side. She was looking around with wide eyes and her breath caught in her chest. Perhaps it was her trapped breath that was causing her heart to flutter, but whatever it was it made her feel lightheaded and caused the blush in her cheeks to deepen. She let Daintree help her into perhaps the most luxurious chair she'd ever seen- and perhaps the most comfortable she'd ever been in. She tucked her ankles together, smoothing her skirt and looking around. The ballet didn't seem to have started just yet. She took a deep breath, trying to center herself. "Daintree, this is- this is-" She struggled to find the words to describe it.

Dot turned to look up at him from under her lashes, and in that moment it felt like time slowed. There he was, dressed so exsquisitely, the lights shadowing him like a prince from a fairytale. Her heart fluttered more furiously in her chest as she looked up at him, at the boyish curl of his dark hair against his soft skin and the somehow always mischevious smile on his lips. She swallowed a little nervously, brushing a bit of her pastel pink bangs back behind her ear... or trying to, as they just fell right back into her eyes. "Out of a fairytale," She managed lamely, lowering her eyes and feeling a little overwhelmed.
It had never really been necessary or needed for Daintree to flaunt his wealth to his dates, largely because he hadn't really ever wanted to impress anyone like he really wanted to impress Dot. She was cute, and he wanted nothing more than to make her feel like a princess. He took a moment standing by her seat for the champagne, and then smiled at her as she said it was like a fairytale. "I guess that makes you the princess, princess," he said easily. He got the champagne and poured her a glass before sitting down next to her. "There you are," he offered the glass to her.
Dot took a few moments to try and breathe. She looked over as he offered out some champagne. She accepted it carefully, giving it a small sip. She didn't know champagne could taste so good. She'd spent so long on box wine. She kept peeking at him. She didn't want to say she liked the money... but it was all so grandoise, and she'd so often in her life been the type to be carried away by daydreams. She didn't know how she'd found herself here, with a prince who could literally sweep her away to a fairytale.

She sighed softly and shifted a bit, turning to face him more. The ballet would be starting soon, but she needed to try and clear things up first. "Daintree..." She took a breath, trying to force herself to stay grounded. "Next time, um... can we just sit and talk somewhere?" She asked, not wanting to seem like the money was a part of... whatever this was. She didn't want to feel like she couldn't compare, like she owed him for these wonderful things. She took a breath. "Maybe we can just go and sit on a bench and watch the pond at the park, feed the birds?"
Daintree sipped his own champagne, taking in Dot as she took in everything around them and he smiled at her as she turned to face him. He frowned a little at what she said. "Sure thing, princess," he agreed easily. "I'm glad I've wowed you enough to get a second date," he teased lightly, hoping that she wouldn't mind the light joking. But really he would accept anything that meant they would get to spend more time together.
Dot had lowered her eyes, nervous. She giggled shyly at his words, playing with her hair. "Daintree," She took a small breath. "This is all... wonderful, absolutely amazing, it's just- I don't want to feel like I can't compare, like I owe you for these wonderful things..." She looked up at him. "I don't want you to think the money has anything to do with this..." She waved idly at their surroundings. "That's not who I am, I'm not- I don't..." She looked down at her lap. "I don't want you to think any less of me."
Daintree considered what she said and gave a little frown, he was surprised that she so forthcoming with the money not being why she wanted this, and it was reassuring him to know that, though he might not have minded if she had just been in it for the money. "You don't owe me for the fancy things, never will," he agreed. "I'm glad you aren't interested in me just for the money. it is however, a part of me, you know, so, while I don't expect anything for it, I'm not going to not buy the best, or take you to the best places or spoil you with it," he told her, knowing that he wouldn't shy away from using the money on her.
Dot was both warmed and a little nervous by the way Daintree responded to her. She offered her hand out to him, looking shy. "It's just- I don't want the money," She told him, taking a breath. "I don't know how to handle it, how I'm supposed to react to it, to the things you want to do," She felt nervous talking to him about these sorts of things, worried that with everything that wasn't just, blind acceptance, he'd be upset with her. She shifted in her chair a bit uncomfortably. "I don't want- I don't know," She sighed, stuggling to make sense of it all.

"I worry that if I get used to being with you, if you don't get bored quickly and send me away, I... I just..." She shook her head. "I want to stay content with the things I have, and I worry that if I let you spoil me it will quite literally spoil me, and then you may not like me anymore. That I won't like me anymore." She gave a nervous giggle. "In the books I've read, money changes people and it's rarely for the better."
Daintree felt somehow even more reassured as she seemed to double down on not wanting the money, that the money made her uncomfortable. He suddenly with her explaining understood why she was feeling like she was about the money. How it might change things for her, if things didn't work out. "Princess," he said with fondness, though he was unsure how best to respond. "How about, you let me treat you, but we'll also do things that you want, that you have, try to balance me out?" he offered her. He gave a little smile. "But, I should tell you, I don't think I'll ever not like you, if anything, if you let me, I'd ask to marry you here and now,"
Dot was a bit embarrased, pulling her hand back. Maybe he wasn't a hand holder? She twisted them together in her lap, resisting the urge to chew on her lip. She was startled by Daintree's words. She looked to him, but was saved from replying as the ballet started. She turned her attention to the front as the lights dimmed. She tried to calm her whirling thoughts as the music began to play, sweeping over her. She let out a little gasp, everything stilling as she got lost in the performance. She leant forward, transfixed, reaching over blindly to try and hold onto Daintree's arm, wanting to lean against him as she watched what had to be the most beautiful performance she'd ever seen in all her life.

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