Closed First Date

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Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (19)
Soren wasn't sure what he thought of tonight. He was used to spending his time with Rosie and Aurora and Xinyi. But that was his problem, wasn't it? He was sick of being one of a set. One of the triplets. Always with the same group at home. Always just one of the group at events. He was sick of blending in- lost in the crowds of the castle, lost in the team, only one of the three chasers. He'd debated quitting, but he'd joined for Aurora's sake. he did still care about them, really. It was part of why he'd asked Kiara to come to the dance with him tonight- it was his first time on a date, but it was either ask a friend for a solo date or be trapped in a group again. He waited for Kiara now, dressed in a smart pair of black jeans and a form fitting white shirt. It was nice, not too formal. He had his hands in his pockets, teal hair falling into his eyes as he watched the crowd filing in.
Kiara had been plenty nervous to actually attend the dance with someone. She didn't even know Soren that well, but she knew he was friends with Aurora and Rosie so that by definition made him nice in her eyes. Plus, he had been kind enough to give her one of his roses and invite her as well. Having decided to meet up in the hall had been a great idea so far as Kiara desperately tried to calm her nerves while making her way down the stairs. She smoothed out her dress when she reached the bottom, a little unsure whether it had been the right choice or not. She didn't particularly like the shoulders but the rest of the dress had been too pretty to pas up on. Taking a couple of steps further away from the stairs it didn't take her long to spot Soren, his hair making it easy, and she quickly walked up to him. "Hi." She tapped his shoulder, putting on a smile for when he turned around.
Soren smiled as Kiara showed up, straightening and offering out his hand. "Hey, you," He greeted with an easy smile. "You look fabulous. The dress is gorgeous and those shoes look amazing on you," He complimented, his mothers influence rubbing off on him. "Do you want to dance, or would you like to hit the snack table first?"
Kiara was a little surprised when Soren offered out his hand and it took her a second to respond, unsure of what to do but taking it anyways. "Thanks." She beamed when he complimented her, wondering how this all seemed to come so easily to him. It wasn't just a compliment either, it was more like three compliments woven into one and it left her forgetting to say anything about him in return. "I think dancing could be fun.. Right?" She replied with a little nod, glancing over towards the dancefloor.
Soren chuckled, starting to lead her to the dance floor. "Oh, of course, that can be lots of fun," He offered easily, a smile on his face. "Thanks for coming with me," He told her, looking for a good spot to go to. "I was getting tired of all the group activities, it's nice to have some one-on-one time," He offered, giving her another smile.
"Sure." Kiara smiled when Soren thanked her. "Thanks for asking me." She added, not quite sure if that was a weird thing to say or not but it wasn't like she could take it back either. And she did mean it. It was nice to actually have someone to go to one of these dances with for once. "You usually hang out with Aurora and Rosie a lot at these things, right?" Kiara asked, although she was quite certain of it. "I mostly just go alone, so I guess this is a nice change of pace for both of us." She added with a smile, a little more comfortable with talking to Soren.
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