First Dance

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Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate was nervous,tonight she would be going to the Yule Ball with Stefan it was something she had wanted to do since the end of first year.She was putting her best foot forward this year.The dress she had picked was her favorite so far.The shoes were her favorite though.She was dressed in her dressing gown and she was letting her hair dry naturally.Her outfit was on the bed and she was looking forward to putting it on.She sat down in front if the mirror and began the makeup process.she out on a small bit of foundation,then a bit of powder,she then put on pencil and liquid eyeliner and mascara.She then put on a pale lipstick.When this was done she went to the hair.It was now dry and had a sort of wavy look.She brought pack on side of her fringe and clipped it back.when this was done she gave her hair a quick brush.She got out the nail varnish and painted her finger nails red and her toes black.When they were dry she went over and put on her outfit.She then slipped on the shoes.She put on golden hoops,a small bracelet and a ring.She then picked up her small clutch bag and she was ready.She looked in the mirror and smiled.She didn't look too bad,Kate was satisfied.

When she left the common room she walked down to the hall.there was lots of couples walking down and there was also groups and people going by themselves.Kate felt nervous butterflies in her stomach.She had taken as much medicine aloud before her shower.She was under no circumstances to get sick tonight.she would not have a fever,panic attack or head ache.She was going to enjoy tonight.when she was at the entrance to the hall she took in all the decorations.They never failed to amaze her,they were always beautiful.She walked in to the hall and looked for Stefan he didn't seem to be there yet so she walked over to the drink table and took a glass of pumpkin juice and waited for her date to arrive.
<SIZE size="50">It was early when Stefan stood in front of his mirror. He was completely ready for his first, slightly more official date thing with Kate, and the fact he was nervous was clear. A part of him didn't want to go. A part of him, wanted to just hide underneath his bed and forget the monsters that lurked outside. This last meeting with Kate before the holidays was potentially the last he'd see her ever. There was no denying in his mind that these holidays would the end of him. He didn't know if he looked the right part. Ever since he'd asked her to be his date to the ball, his heart raced at the slightest thought of the day. It literally scared him, and Stefan didn't like feeling scared, not about something he'd really always wanted. The first time, he'd acted brave and done something for him. Where he hadn't been rejected or promptly punched in the face. He had taken the time to hand wash his t-shirt, jeans and jumper for the occasion, he knew full well that he could've done it by magic, but he'd not be able to fall asleep that night, so the logical step for him had been washing his clothes. He wanted this night to be perfect for Kate, after perfection was something she deserved and it wasn't something that the Slytherin teen thought he could really provide for her. Especially since he didn't think he'd make it through the holidays. Stefan couldn't mention it. He didn't want to put her in any form of position where she would worry about him. Of course, a part of him realized that she would always slightly worry about him, if she had any incline as to what happened at home to him, she had reason to. Stefan just knew that at the first glance of the night where he looked at her, in whatever beautiful outfit she'd put on, when she smiled at him, and made him feel completely happy, he just knew that he could never talk of his fears of the holiday. If he didn't make it, he didn't want to think about what would happen to her. Would any one tell her, would any one know. Stefan overall felt pretty nervous. And all he wanted was for this first night with just him and Kate, no friends or family to be perfect. He wanted it to be a night that would help him in the darkest times. A simple reminder that he had something waiting for him when he got back to school. Something well out of his league. He knew that he wasn't going to be the right guy for her, she deserved someone that had less of a past and a lot more stability. Someone who could in the end provide for her, something he knew he'd never be able to. His entire life was a mess, and he didn't think he really deserved such a happy end. He was an Archer after all, a colourblind Slytherin, his luck wasn't exactly the best. And nothing would really make it better at this point. However, pushing all of these thoughts to the very back of his mind he smiled to himself and headed to the Great Hall. A small bouquet of flowers in one hand, and in his pocket a small gift he'd managed to find.

Walking through the dungeons, Stefan's mind was working apart from his body. He could feel the sweat on his hands, he could feel eyes on him for his dressed down style. He was just happy it wasn't because of the bruises he tended to have. it was the end of the term and it was the only time that Stefan really blended in at Hogwarts. He didn't have a black eye, or a bandage. He had scars, but they weren't visible since they were under his clothing. He sighed to himself and told himself to get a grip. He kept his head down until he'd arrived at the great Hall. He felt like turning and running. His heart was hammering so hard in his chest he thought his ribs were going to break. He could barely keep it together. he had no idea that he could ever feel such a way because of a girl. Sure it was literally the girl of his dreams, but it wasn't like they weren't already friends and she knew him so well, like he knew her. Of course he knew her slightly better than she knew him, but he had his reasons. It had always surprised him that Kate had just been so okay with not pestering him with questions that he would never answer. Well, maybe never was the wrong word now. Something he just wouldn't mention until he was ready. He glanced around the hall, and through the black and white stream of people he noticed her standing at the drinks table. His heart seemed to beat twice as fast, he hadn't thought it would even be possible. She had literally taken his breath away. Stefan walked forward and kept his eyes to the ground until he was standing in front of her. "Hey" Stefan said quietly, finally looking up and meeting her eyes. He had a smile on his face, and his eyes almost said, I'll love you forever. "I brought you flowers,they're not much." Stefan was stumbling over his words. It wasn't smooth at all. Kate had always been beautiful to him, but this was completely different. She was the most perfect girl he'd ever seen. "You look breath-taking. I am literally the luckiest guy here. And my luck tends to suck" Stefan said, not taking his eyes off her. He had been about to extend his hand to her so they could dance when he remember he had a second gift. He reached into his trouser pocket and from within pulled out a very simple gold chain, that had a tiny heart pendent. It looked pretty old. "It belonged to my mum, my dad gave it to me" Stefan said, extending the truth slightly, since his dad had given it to him, well he'd thrown it, while telling Stefan about how he'd broken his mother's heart and it was his fault she was he was and this was meant to be a constant reminder of how it was his fault she was dead. He however didn't see it that way. "I thought I lost it, but I was tidying and I found it at the bottom of my bag. I want you to have it, so you'll never forget me." Stefan looked down at his feet before looking back up at her. He could feel his cheeks warming, he had wanted her to have it as soon as he'd found it. It was for him to pass on, not a reminder of what was his fault. "It's not much, it's not worth much. But I would you like to have it"
Kate was waiting by the table a bit nervous about her solo coming up and the fact this would officially be her first date with Stefan.Just that thought sent butterflies through her stomach.It was something she had wanted for so long but now it was actually happening she had no idea what to do,she was slightly nervous and she was twiddling her thumbs which was something she only did when she was nervous.she had spent a long time picking her outfit this year,it had to special for some reason she felt this was important.she wanted it to be perfect,she didn't want to get sick and even if she did she was not going to leave she was going to stay and do whatever people did at the Yule Ball till the night was over.she would be going home tomorrow and hopefully everything was going to be okay.Kate wasn't sure though because the closer the day came the more worried she became about what was actually wrong with her.If she had had the internet she could of looked it up online but here where all she had was the library which had offered her no help she was completely in the dark.It wasn't a nice feeling and one she wanted to get rid of but the only problem was would a new worry just come because of what she actually had as an illness.Somewhere in her brain she knew it wasn't going to be good news but the rest of her was trying to ignore that,it was trying to focus on the fact she would actually know what was wrong with her,which she has been waiting for since a few weeks into the term.

Kate didn't see Stefan coming,she was too nervous to notice the footsteps coming from behind her,when she turned she took him in.She never thought she would feel like this towards any type of boy but here she was her breath literally punched right out of her when she saw him.She didn't care that he didn't have a suit,he looked perfect the way he was.Now he was here Kate had no idea what to do,this wasn't exactly her area of expertise.She was a bit embarrassed but when she met his eyes she smiled and she didn't feel as nervous anymore.She took the flowers and smelled them,they were lovely and Kate didn't know what to say,she hadn't been expecting these "Wow,Stefan they're lovely,thank you"She said a huge grin on her face.She couldn't think of anything else to say,she loved the flowers and she wondered how she was going to get these home.Kate's cheeks reddened and again she couldn't think of anything to say.What was wrong with her? Get a grip she said to herself mentally giving her brain a kick.She smiled "Well,can I say that I'm the luckiest girl here too"She said really meaning it.Life hadn't exactly been the best to her since entering the school,not to the extant of Stefan but worse then most students.Stefan was one of the fantastic ,good things that life had given her.She didn't know where she would be with out him.Kate looked at the thing he took out of his pocket.It was a lovely gold chain with a heart pendant on it.Kate really wasn't expecting this and she could feel her heart starting to swell.He was so sweet and she thanked who ever was up there for giving him to her.Kate couldn't believe he was giving it to her,as she took it she looked at t in her hand.She was going to keep this forever,she loved it and clasped it tightly in her hand.She met his gaze when he said so she would never forget had a sense there was something else there but she ignored it focusing on the fact he had given her something that had meant a lot to him. "How could I forget you"She said looking at him speaking truthfully.She would never forget him,after all she had seen through she never would. "What do you mean it's nothing much,it's wonderful,I love it"She said quickly giving him a gentle hug.Normally she would of literally hugged him for ages but she knew it would hurt him and he mightened be comfortable with it.So instead she settled for a small gentle hug which she hoped conveyed everything. "Will you put it one me?"She asked holding out the chain.
<SIZE size="50">To say that the slytheirn teen was surprised by his luck for the time he'd been at hogwarts was indeed saying something. He didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky with someone like Kate. She was his everything, without her, he knew he would not be much at all. He knew he needed her a lot more than she probably needed him, after all it was his home life that was a tangled mess of violence and hatred. Before hogwarts Stefan had had nothing, no one and no one who cared. He hadn't been the best reader, he'd not been very confident and he'd definitely not been the boy that three and a half years down the line would be comfortable enough around a girl, and at terms with the fact that he couldn't see color. He wasn't completely alone anymore, there were people who cared about him. People who didn't just ignore him because he was a slytherin teen with a whole mound of issues that would probably never actually be solved. Stefan Archer knew that his time at Hogwarts hadn't always been great, he'd tried pushing people away and ended up causing a hell of a lot more harm than anything else. He'd pushed and it had gone wrong, but at 12 with a father like his, it was hardly an unimaginable thing for him to do. It wasn't like he'd had the most perfect life and dealing with things like girls and how to say that he wasn't going to see his next birthday. But, they'd somewhat figured out what happened to him, of course he'd never actually said, but it didn't take a genius to figure it out. Signs were there and he was pretty secretive. So, it wasn't like he wasn't sure they didn't already know, or think they knew. The entire thought made him feel pretty bad. But, Stefan felt honestly like this was as good as his life could possibly get, a beautiful girl standing in front of him, who actually liked and cared about him. He was dressed slightly better than normal, it was the same clothes, but he'd made an attempt to look smart in them, and as per usual Kate looked her usual beautiful self. He liked and appreciated the fact that like himself she wasn't as dressed up as she normally would be. The slightly smart causal made him a lot more comfortable, and meant that they could at least be claiming to a style. Dressed for themselves rather than for others. The reaction to the flowers was a positive one, though he thought the attempt to treat her like a normal better off guy would be appreciated. He couldn't actually afford flowers, they were surprisingly expensive and he just didn't have that kind of money. Not money he could waste of flowers. So the flowers he'd given her, were ones he'd taken.

The necklace was a completely different matter, Stefan was more nervous as to if she would even like it. After all the gift itself was a little strange, it wasn't like he'd bought it, or that it looked at all expensive, it was more a gift that he wanted to give her because if he didn't make it, he wanted to her to have something that belonged to him, and that was the only thing he owned that wasn't clothes or school stuff. And Stefan could hardly give her anything like that. A simple necklace seemed to make a lot more sense than anything else that he could offer her. Now, she'd always owned something that belonged to him. Stefan however noticed the way she smiled as she saw the necklace, and for the very first time in his life he felt like someone actually well and truly like him for who he was. Not faking it, or pretending just to keep him happy. Here was Kate Moon, who liked an old necklace that had belonged to Stefan's mother when she'd been alive. Who claimed she'd never forget him, in that instant Stefan truly thought that maybe his mother was watching over him, and pushed him towards a path where his life could get better. His mind was silently thanking all the possible people for the gift that was Kate in his life. She was and probably would always be the girl that got him through his darkest nights, and darkest thoughts. He would never want anyone else, ever. He was however still unprepared for the hug, and felt himself tense slightly at the sudden contact, but he forced himself to relax, reminding himself that this was Kate. He would've returned the hug, but she'd already pulled away before he could. He nodded, undid the clasp, and with his sweaty hands, clasped the necklace. It was a slightly tricky process since he had to squint to be able to see, but he smiled at her as he was done. He held out a hand to her, "I've been practicing." Stefan said smiling at his beautiful date. Ever since she'd shown him, Stefan had spent every night he couldn't sleep dancing in the bathroom of the dorm room dancing alone, getting the three steps without looking down at his feet, it had taken a little while, but in the end it had worked out nicely, and he was fairly confident he wouldn't stand on Kate's feet. "Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"
The hall was starting to fill up and soon she couldn't hear the conversations beside her.Lots of girls had long dresses on with trails.Kate was one of the few girls showing her legs.For once though Kate felt completely comfortable in her dress,well shorts and a t-shirt.No one was wearing anything like her and that made her feel all the more confident.Thankfully she had heels on so she wasn't a complete midget like she usually was.It also helped when she was beside Stefan because she was now only a small bit shorter then him which made her feel a small bit better,she doesn't like being small.Ryan was taller then her but luckily Star and Sara were still smaller which helped a bit.Most people in her year here were taller which hadn't been the case when she had first entered but sadly she had stopped growing while everyone else had.She looked much better now though.Even though she has been sick over the past few weeks she looks a lot healthier compared to the pat two years.She is closer to her normal weight and her face gets rosy much faster these days.Her old clothes are still a bit loose but they more or less fit her now.Most days she doesn't feel like eating but she forces the food in her mouth knowing if she doesn't she will just go down hill which she knows her parents wouldn't be able o handle.they still hadn't recovered from two years ago and she knew her sickness was going to make them worse they probably wouldn't let her leave the house but that was one thing Kate would not allow.She had too much to do to be stuck at home.

Kate loved the necklace,it wasn't the shinnest one but she loved the heart pendant and the meaning behind it.It was so much better then a bought one that could possibly be twice the price but it wasn't from the heart and Kate valued those sort of things.She would always keep this ,it would be one of her few treasured possessions.When she would be facing some tough times she would remember moments like these and she would always wear this necklace so when she needed some comfort she would only have to hold it and everything would feel just that small bit better.Kate could feel him tense but smiled when she felt him relax however she had already let go of the hug before he could return it.When he put the necklace on she turned back around and tried to get a look at it.she couldn't see it but she was already comforted by it's presence.Kate smiled and took his hand,she had practiced too just to make sure she didn't fall over and embarrass herself and Stefan in front of everyone .Luckily the counting came easily to her so it hadn't been that hard. Kate smiled "Of course"She said following him out to the dance floor where there were plenty of other couples dancing
Being at the Yuleball was not something that the teen had done very often. He didn't own a suit which did make things a little awkward if he was completely honest. He also had never thought that a place where everyone was so tightly packed and dancing all the time was a place he would enjoy being. But, th decorations never failed to amaze him, and the way, almost everyone was happy did actually bring a smile to his face easily. He didn't need to be told more than once that he was going to enjoy himself. He tended to if he went, but this year was different and he would enjoy himself even more, though at times he wondered how it could be possible for him to have more fun than he'd had. Kate was just perfect, and saying she was his everything he always considered a bit of an understatement, because Kate was so much more than that, she was literally what kept him going during the difficult months at home when he had no one who even remotely cared about him. Unlike Kate who seemed to have everyone that cared all the time. He was worried about what his father was going to do. They had no ended the last holiday on good terms, even less so than normal. He wasn't quite sure how it was entirely positive but he knew that no matter what happened this night with Kate would make him okay with it. He would be happy with what he had managed to achieve so far. Even if to most it would not appear to be much, he was perfectly happy with everything, which was a good thing. And having Kate right in front of him, smiling and reminding him of how truly amazing she was, he could not help but feel like things could actually for once maybe just work out for him. It wasn't that much a long shot, and it wasn't like he didn't actually deserve it considering what he'd been through in his life so far, but life wasn't like that, it really wasn't that fair. Not for the colourblind boy. The fact that Kate had even stuck around so long surprised Stefan, while most others came to a certain point and then had had enough of the teen, Kate had stuck by him. Not even his own mother had. Sure her death had been years before, but she wasn't there, and his closest friend Kate was.

Taking Kate's hand and walking on to the dance floor, Stefan felt his nerves get to him again. What if he messed up, what if he got it wrong, he didn't want to be the one that made Kate fall over, that was not how he envisioned this night at all. He was taking deep breaths and keeping his eyes straight. He reached and empty space on the dance floor and put his arm on her waist and attempted to lead in dancing. It was perfect Stefan knew that while his moves weren't the best, he was looking up at Kate, and not at his feet which had been his point. His eyes glanced down every so often, but not so often that it was interrupting their dancing. Smiling as he did so, happy in that moment with Kate with him. "You are perfect at dancing" Stefan muttered to kate. He thought she was perfect in everything, but this more than ever showed him, that the girl he was pretty much in love with was an absolute gift of perfection. He smiled as he noticed the necklace he'd just given her around her neck. He just wanted to tell her that he loved her, that he would never forget her and that no matter what happened to him, that she was literally the best thing that had ever happened to him during his short existence. Sighing to himself, he knew he couldn't actually say those words to her, what would her response be, he was basically saying that he wasn't going to make it, and he couldn't have her worry about him like that. "We should meet up during the holidays, go on a real proper date, with flowers and dinner. We can celebrate christmas" stefan said, he'd never celebrated Christmas before, he didn't know how to celebrate it but it couldn't be hard. "We can meet up with the others after. But it'll just be you and me." Stefan smiled at her. "The very first Monday" Stefan hoped he could make it to then. He knew that whatever his father gave to him, it would be swift and it would mean he could meet up with Kate. He'd never not, and he just wanted something to look forward to.​
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Since Kate's Dad was now a rich business man,when they came home they often had to go to parties like this.Usually they were very boring because most of the children had grown up getting all the wanted so they looked down on her family because they were just recently became rich.So they were often looked down upon,only by the children though and it always made the parties a terrible bore and Kate really didn't like them.Kate now loved her new house,it was so big and there was so much to do,everyone there was a family and that's what Kate liked the most because even though she and Sara didn't totally get on everyone else did and that sort of made up for it.It still didn't really register in her head that they had money and lots of it.The only difference was that Kate could usually get whatever she wanted when she wanted it.It was nice to finally be able to buy the clothes she always wanted and get a load of books.Other then that Kate's life was pretty much the same.Except for the fact that she was sick but that wasn't permanent well at least Kate hoped so.She would have too much on her plate next year with exams she didn't need another burden.

Kate's stomach was doing flips when she walked out on the dance floor with Stefan,she had wanted this for ages.She knew she had to calm down or she would be in serious trouble.everything was going to be okay,she would enjoy this not be worrying about it.Kate put her hand in his and the other on his shoulder.Kate smiled "You have been practicing"She said letting him lead the dance.Things couldn't get much better then this.Kate smiled "Thanks"She said her cheeks red.She was still useless at taking compliments and she doubted she would ever not be able to blush.She looked at Stefan and knew she was in love with this boy.She couldn't lose him,he was the nicest and sweetest person Kate knew and he always made her smile.She wanted to give him something so that he wouldn't forget her but she would be going home tomorrow so she would have to give it to him after the holidays.Kate would love to do that,her family would surely let her come over to New Zealand after the hospital even if it was bad news.She would find a way because there was no way she was missing this "I would love to"She said smiling.Her parents probably wouldn't be too happy with the fact she would just be home and then be going back again but if she had to she would explain how important to her and if what she had was serious she would use the guilt trick which would hopefully work. "It's a date then"She said grinning.It would be nice to have something to look forward for once in a while.
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