First Boyfriend

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair


Well, this here's Sara-as you may have guessed. She's a third year 'Claw and she has had a crush on one guy so far, but I want her to have that "first boyfriend" hype.

So, I need a guy, and Sara isn't the kind of girl who is just going to fall for the first nice guy she meets. I'm hoping for someone who is funny, smart and maybe a bit arrogant? As Sara tends to like guys who are a bit big-headed, but only in a joke-ish way.

So, if you have any characters that sound like they'd be good with Sara-Please post here. 8)

Also, if you have any ideas about a guy, who doesn't fit the description, feel free to tell me about them, as I'm not really sure what I want to happen.

Now, just for some info on Sara.

Sara is thirteen years old. She grew up in Ireland, with her twin sister, and her two younger siblings-Ryan and Star (Who are also twins)

Both her parents are muggles, while her and all her siblings are magical. Sara firmly believes that they must have some relation who is a witch or wizard somewhere in their family, as it is improbable that they would all be magical if there was no magic blodd in their family.

Sara is a very intelligent girl, she is very creative, but she tends to be easily distracted and doesn't like studying.

Usually she does well i ntests because she studies a night or two before.

She is very passionate, and has a fiery temper. She can get very angry and she is very good at arguing, but will admit if she is wrong.

Sara is very opinionated and she stands up for what she believes in.

Unfortunately, Sara is very easily hurt. She hides it well, because she is a good actress, but she feels it very acutely.

Over the past year Sara has grown apart from her twin-they are not as close and don't talk much anymore.

If you have any questions, or suggestions, for an rp with Sara-please post here.

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